The Techjoomla Blog

Stay updated with all the latest happenings at Techjoomla. From news about the developments in your favourite extensions to Tips & Tricks about the Joomla CMS, Framework & Development.

Joomla Pizza Bugs and Fun 2020 - One more step towards the release of Joomla 4.0


When we embarked on our Techjoomla journey 11 years ago, one thing we were acutely aware of, was our commitment to contribute to the open source Joomla community. Having a sense of community unites us. It brings out the greater good besides serving as an opportunity to connect us with people who have the same goals as ours. This fosters communities of practice and it is these communities that connect us with opportunities, as well as knowledge distribution and growth. 

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  2372 Hits

Some of Our Favorite Joomla Community Projects


With 109+ million downloads, 1500+ volunteers and powering 2+ million websites Joomla is a compelling platform to build websites and applications alike. While most of the contributors are working on making Joomla better, there are people who are working on some exciting side projects which would make their way into Joomla at some point.  

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10 Simple Tips to Build a Highly Engaged Online Community


Communities are extremely valuable tools for marketers. 

So much so that 77% of companies believe that an online community significantly improves brand exposure, awareness, and credibility!

The catch though is that the community sites should be fun and engaging for the target audience. Sample this - increasing engagement through communities can result in up to a 25% increase in revenue. Easier said than done; there are several steps that you need to take into consideration for building a highly engaged online community. 

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JoomlaDay Florida is going to take place from 22nd-24th February 2019 in Tampa, Florida


The fourth annual JoomlaDay Florida will take place from 22nd-24th February 2019 in Tampa, Florida at the Hillsborough Community College, YBor City Campus. JoomlaDay Florida is currently the largest attended Joomla Day in the United States. The who’s who of the Joomla community is going to be an integral part of the event. Even the Wordpress commun...

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  2466 Hits

13 years ago a CMS was Born. Today it powers an entire industry. Happy Birthday Joomla !


13 years ago on this day, the core Mambo development team in a letter to the community announced its intention to fork away from the Mambo project. This letter was the seed that led to Joomla becoming a reality. However the name Joomla was not announced till the 1st of September 2005. It was a time of change. Head to these early posts on the Joomla...

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The Joomla Speak! In Conversation with Peter Bui

The Joomla Speak! In Conversation with Peter Bui

We are going to talk to Peter Bui, Managing Director of PB Web Development in this The Joomla Speak interview. I met him at the Joomla World Conference 2015, Bangalore, India. A fun loving person who is also a Joomla Enthusiast and Contributor. Let’s get to know his thoughts on Joomla! What's your Joomla story? How did you get introduced?...

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  4306 Hits

The Joomla Speak! In Conversation with Sander Potjer

The Joomla Speak! In Conversation with Sander Potjer

With another interview in The Joomla Speak! series, we will be talking to Sander Potjer. I met him at the Joomla World conference 2015 in Bangalore. He is very easy to talk to and is keen to know about different cultures. we had a great chat about Open Source in general and the Community part of Joomla. Let’s see what he has to say about Joomla! Wh...

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  4964 Hits

The Joomla Speak! In Conversation with Apirat Jangjit

The Joomla Speak! In Conversation with Apirat Jangjit

We’re back with yet another exciting interview form The Joomla Speak series of a Joomla enthusiast Apirat Jangjit aka Sai. She is The General Manager of CMSPlugin and today will be sharing her thoughts on Joomla and how her exciting journey with it has been so far! Let’s talk! What's your Joomla story? How did you get introduced? I was working as E...

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  5174 Hits

The Joomla Speak! In Conversation with Claudia Apostoaei

The Joomla Speak! In Conversation with Claudia Apostoaei

In this week's interview of The Joomla Speak! series we will be talking to Claudia Apostoaei who works as a Marketing Representative thePHPfactory and started her journey with Joomla since then. Let’s get to know her a bit. She reads a lot about the Gothic literature, loves to hear music Hip-Hop and Rock so to say, is also into creepy horror m...

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  4552 Hits

The Joomla Speak! In Conversation with Joe Sonne

The Joomla Speak! In Conversation with Joe Sonne

Here is our first Interview in the The Joomla Speak series with Joe Sonne. Let’s get to know him a bit before we start. Joe had a successful career in the graphic arts and multimedia industry before moving into management with a national charitable organization. He got involved with Joomla! in 2005, and in 2009 started his own marketing company. Th...

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  5991 Hits

#hashtags in #Joomla

#hashtags in #Joomla

Like all communities #joomla has its favourite hashtags that you around the twitterverse (Yes thats an actual word !). There are many that keep coming and going but there are some that have become part of the cultural fabric of the community. #joomla I obviously have to start with this hashtag that's used to tweet anything and everything ...

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  10220 Hits

JBolo v 3.1.1 comes with New Easy-Profile Community Extension Integration

Hey Chatters, We are glad to announce the new JBolo version 3.1.1 which now has a new integration option for "Easy-Profile" Community Extension.Easy-Profile component lets you create - Profiled users by creating custom fields. You can choose to create the following types of fields: text, textarea/editor, image, select (dropdown), radio, checkb...

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  15186 Hits

Integrating JBolo with other Social-Community extensions or Joomla User Management systems

Integrating JBolo with other Social-Community extensions or Joomla User Management systems

JBolo is one of the most popular Chat systems for Joomla & many popular Social networking platforms like JomSocial, EasySocial, Community builder to name a few. However besides these systems there are many extensions available that extend the Joomla User management to add features like extra fields, profiles, avatars etc.  This blog is tar...

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  9713 Hits

Joomla Day Malaysia a big success!


Hey there, Malaysia! We want to take this opportunity to congratulate you on organizing such an amazing Joomla Day! We really enjoyed it there. A special thanks to the Joomla Day Organising team & the folks at JomSocial for their superb hospitality. Meriza, Azrul, Irwan, Fuqaha & the gang - Keep it up, guys! Joomla Day Malaysia 2011 was an ...

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  8827 Hits

Syndicated: 5 Fantastic years with Joomla. A nostalgic look back...


Today, on the 1st of September 5 years ago Joomla was unveiled to the world for the first time. It's time for celebrations for the Joomla community worldwide which is one of the most diverse communities in the Open Source world. With the least entry barriers, where anyone can come in & take leadership & make change happen. It is this marvelous community of users, developers, designers, documentation creators, bug reporters & fixers, evangelists & every single person that has touched & been touched by this piece of software.

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