The Techjoomla Blog

Stay updated with all the latest happenings at Techjoomla. From news about the developments in your favourite extensions to Tips & Tricks about the Joomla CMS, Framework & Development.

Shika - an awesome new LMS extension for Joomla enters Labs

Shika - an awesome new LMS extension for Joomla enters Labs

Update  This first stable version of Shika LMS for Joomla was released in April 2016. You can find out more about the product and its features here .  Shika in Marathi means 'to learn'. Like with many ideas, this idea started out of frustration of the lack of good LMS systems for Joomla. Sure there are a few but we saw a dire ne...

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  37044 Hits

JBolo v3.3 Development Update!

JBolo v3.3 Development Update!

Hey all, A lot of JBolo users asked for a Skype like one page view form where users can access all chat conversations. So here we are with an update regarding JBolo development. Here is a snapshot of how one page chat-conversations view will look like in JBolo v3.3.   With this view users will be able to access all their chats, group chat...

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  4601 Hits

How to create widgets for your Shika user dashboard?

How to create widgets for your Shika user dashboard?

In the process of making Shika's user dashboard more user friendly we have made some major changes by adding new widgets to the dashboard. With this you can now build your own widgets and give your users the freedom to choose which widgets he/ she wants to be shown on the dashboard. We have created a new table #__tjlms_dashboard which contains...

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  4516 Hits

Update - Canva. Coming soon to a Joomla near you !

Update - Canva. Coming soon to a Joomla near you !

When I saw & used Canva the first time, it was love at first sight !  With its drop dead good looks, super intuitive drag & drop & ability to use free as well as super cheap paid graphic elements including stock photos to create classy graphics, it was extremely powerful.  To put it simply, Canva had me hooked Believe me....

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  20793 Hits

Monetize your JomSocial Site with Social Ads !

Its finally in the Labs ! With Social Ads for JomSocial, you can create Facebook like demographically targeted ads to show on Your JomSocial Site. This extension allows advertisers to create their advertisement , Target the users they want to show the advertisement to, Decide if they want to pay by impressions or per click, Pay online & get the advertisement started up right away !

This extension promises to revolutionize Social Networking in Joomla. Demographic advertising which has been in place on Facebook for some time now can be easily added to your own JomSocial based website. Though the first release will be for JomSocial, we shall be rolling out versions with CB & the soon to come Anahita Support as well !

The possibilities of this engine are amazing & future releases will come packed with even more features.

We hope the community appreciates this idea & comes forward with feedback to make the system even better. We shall be blogging about the development regularly & also open it up to select beta testers before the public release.

Read on for more information & some early previews of the system.


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  11900 Hits

J!Growl Call for Beta Testers

The latest entry in the Techjoomla Labs, J!Growl, is a extensible live alerts framework for Joomla sites that allows admins to set alerts for any number of events which are extensible via plugins. With J!Growl, it is possible to send real time notifications of events on the website when they are online.

See details here : J!Growl - Realtime Notifications for Everything! .


We are into the Beta Version now & want some beta testers to come in & help us test the system on Production or near Production websites. We shall be selecting a total of 10 beta testers from the applications. Currently J!Growl Ships with Plugins to show alerts for "User Login & Logout" & "JomSocial Private Message Received "
Please click on read more to see the Beta testing schedule & to apply as a Beta tester.

We are giving out a 6 Month Subscription of the extension when it is released to all Beta testers.

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  7398 Hits

Calling Beta Testers for Mail Alerts !

Recently we have been working on a brand new extension called as Mail Alerts. This is a extremely flexible Email alerts system for Jooomla & Can work with CB & JomSocial as well. The system is extremely flexible via use of plugins of the type "emailalerts" which allow you to build your own plugins to extend our extension to Push your content into the Mail alerts sent.. You can read more about this extension in the Labs. Click here to go there.

We are into the Beta Version now & want some beta testers to come in & help us test the system on Production or near Production websites. We shall be selecting a total of 10 beta testers from the applications. Currently Mail Alerts Ships with Plugins for Joomla Content, JomSocial , CB, VIrtuemart, SOBI & MyBlog. We shall need the Beta testers to atleast have 2 of these extensions installed on their site.

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  6568 Hits

Leveraging SocialAds Matching Logic to build better Search for Joomla

While working with SocialAds, we have been working with some really innovative & scalable matching algorithms in order to deliver the best matching advertisements to users based on lots and lots of different variables. Our Current matching logic includes algorithms for Contextual Matching, Geolocation based matching, Profile field matching as w...

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  3944 Hits

Joomla Mind Control Alpha Released...

Checkout Our Joomla April Fools Joke for 2011....

  • Have you even felt the need to Blog when you are travelling ?
  • Have had this constant urge to publish that article right then & there ?
  • Just realised you had forgotten to unpublish that Holiday Notice ?

{jb_lightbulb}Worry not.. Joomla Mind Control is here !{/jb_lightbulb}

While people have been busy building Admin apps for Joomla that work on the Iphone & what not, we have been busy taking it all a step further. The release has been delayed due to constant architectural changes with Joomla 1.0 then 1.5 & now 1.6 coming. Due to our long development cycle we have had to always adapt our code to the latest release  :(

{jb_pin}We know Google is trying to get people to Move with Google Motion, but we realise that people are really lazy & want to give a solution that people will actually use.. Please read on for details on downloads & how to use.. {/jb_pin}

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  9204 Hits

SOBI2 Leads in the Labs !

The latest addition to labs is for one extension we have been working with since we started working on Joomla.. or rather Mambo as it was called then ! This extension promises to add a much needed enhancement for one of our favorite & much used extension SOBI2 . We have always felt SOBI needed a good contact form plugin. But when we started bui...

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  6586 Hits

Suggested Events, Similar Profiles, Suggest Friends to Friends Enter Labs

We have some great news for all you Joomla Social Network administrators & owners.. We have a great line up of some cool Social Extensions coming very very soon ! Here's a quick sneak at them :) A. Suggested Events Based on our Network Suggest system, we bring you another suggestions module which will suggest events based on your profile inform...

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  8336 Hits

J!Growl - Realtime Notifications for Everything!

TechJoomla Labs is proud to present you with J!Growl.

So, What is J!Growl?

J!Growl is a real time notification system for any kind of notification in Joomla. Simple things examples might be a Growl alert when a a user logs in, or when you get a new message,etc..

We have created J!Growl in such a way that it can be completely customized. It can well be integrated with other components to display their own custom notifications via plugins.

J!Growl gives developers the opportunity to create their own plugins. These plugins can add their own custom notificastions to the site. We will be providing a developer documentation to help you in this.

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  21726 Hits

Mail Alerts for Joomla, CB & JomSocial

Have you seen mail alerts that networks like Facebook & Linked in send to their users periodically ?

How would you like to send your users periodic email alerts of whats happening on your site or social network ? If you would, then our new component in the Labs , JMail Alerts might be just the thing for you.

Excited ? Click on read read more !


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  11647 Hits

'People You May Know' for CB & JomSocial

This is one extension that has been in our development queue for quite a while, but other products have taken priority & so this one though being conceptually ready for some time, was not ready for testing yet.. So what will 'People You May Know' do? This module (Is also likely to be available as a CB or JomSocial Plugin to show on profiles) will s...

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  4493 Hits

Techjoomla : Calling for Beta testers !

Do You Want to be Techjoomla Beta Tester? Techjoomla is launching a new Beta Tester program. In order in increase community participation in our product development, we have decided to take in 10 beta testers for our upcoming releases. Beta testers will be awarded a full 12 Month Subscription of the Product that they beta test for along with a 50% ...

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  4620 Hits