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#jpositiv The Story behind the hashtag !

#jpositiv The Story behind the hashtag !

If you are involved with Joomla in anyway and are on Twitter its very likely that you have at some point seen the #jpositivhash tag. If you have not, Its a cool hash tag to share positive news in the Joomla world & help spread the Joomla love on twitter.

There's a nice story to how it was born..

Back in 2011 the joomla community was plagued with a lot of negativity & uncertainty due to various factors. Yes Joomla 1.6 was delayed .. that was one of the reasons behind it . There was negative talk on Social media, blogs & what not.

Something needed to change..

While at a family event we got discussing about how thoughts and moods affect what happens in real life. My father in Law was taking about the impacts it can have on any person and his or her surroundings & how a little positive thought can make all the difference. It made sense.. Its all about the attitude..

My thoughts naturally related some of the things we discussed to what was happening in the Joomla community .So I decided that a little 'Social Experiment' was in order :). It would involve talking about Positive things in Joomla & the community & setting its own mood. The #jpositiv hashtag was used to make it easy to find them. Here's a few of the initial tweets that i was able to retrieve.

It actually started with a general tweet that was about #positiv in general...

And then it got applied to the Joomla world with #jpositiv & started the flood of tweets it is today !

 And man when I started to tweet about Positive things in Joomla,  I quickly discovered that there were quite a few things to tweet about ! 

Hillary Cheyne (Hils) , Isidro, Peter  & and other Joomla folk that make up the fabric of what is a supremely awesome Joomla community were quick to take it up and soon it spread like a wildfire and was soon the talk of Joomla events , tweets and blog posts. Thank you all for making it work ! Just click on #jpositiv to see what a wealth of positive the Joomla community has come up with !

It also led to the birth of another hash tag #jnegativ but the great thing is that the #jpositivs beat any (if any) #jnegativs by a huuuuuge margin. However we do need negatives spellt out clearly too. Helps us smell the coffee.. 

For the last few years, The Joomla community has been 'positively rocking' and the current two Joomla releases - 2.5x and 3x are some of the most awesome things that have happened to the web. The latest baby of the Joomla Community - The Joomla Framework has started to carve its own space ! 

And Yes the Right way to say it is #jpositiv without the 'e' more efficient that way !

So Joomla Let's stay positive and keep rocking this world. What say ?  

Do I hear Joomla Rocks ! Joomla Rocks ! ! Chants somewhere in the background there ? 

As for #jpositiv - you rock too !! Keep making an impact in your own tiny way !!

Stay Updated on the latest #jpositiv around you !

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