Powerpacked Learning management system for your dream E-Learning website
Powerpacked Learning management system for your dream E-Learning website
Shika now works with Joomla 5 and Joomla 4!
Flexible Course & Content Management
Content & Authoring
Create rich & engaging learning experiences using the intuitive drag & drop course creation interface. Build your courses using 15+ types of content including video, PowerPoint, PDF, SCORM & even weblinks or use the integrated authoring tools to create your own content.
Learner Engagement, Social Learning & Certificates
Keep your learners engaged & help them collaborate & learn with our powerful interaction tools, Social Learning integrations & the certifications system.
Powerful Assessment Engine
Check learning effectiveness using simple knowledge checks to full blown exams as well as subjective assessments across the Blooms Taxonomy Pyramid. Organize your questions into a reusable question bank & deliver curated as well as rule based randomized exams using a variety of question types.
Insightful Reports & Dashboards
Powered with our infra-extensions for reporting & visual dashboard, Shika ships with a variety of out of the box reports & dashboards which can be configured & customized. The plugin system lets you create your own reporting plugins as well as dashboard widgets.
Intuitive & Flexible User Interface
Give users a clean interface that prioritizes information display while avoiding clutter. Use our inbuilt layouts or use the power of Joomla's templating system to create your own customized layouts and overrides for a curated experience.
Ecommerce is integrated in the core of the platform & allows you to sell access to courses, create coupons & control how much time you want to allow access.
Use standalone with Joomla Or use our powerful integrations to extend it to further enrich the core feature set.
Powerful Admin Controls
Get powerful admin controls for configuring every aspect of the extension, control notification content, manage user hierarchies, media storage as well as get support for admin audit trails, GDPR compliance and more
Developer Friendly
Take your application to the next level by extending the core functionality by using our powerful ways to extend and integrate with other applications
Feature Packed for all your Learning Needs
Shika is an enterprise class Learning Management System built on Joomla to build your business. Leveraging the power of opensource, it empowers integrators & developers to design, build and deliver cutting edge learning solutions serving a variety of use cases for Learning Marketplaces, Corporate, Training organizations, Universities or individual trainers. Powered with best of class features, an ever evolving roadmap and the extensibility to handle unlimited customizations this is platform of choice if you are looking for power combined with simplicity. Start your own online learning platform with powerpacked LMS features for your dream E-Learning website.
- Flexible Course & Content Management
- Content & Authoring
- Learner Engagement, Social Learning & Certificates
- Powerful Assessment Engine
- Insightful Reports & Dashboards
- Intuitive & Flexible User Interface
- Ecommerce
- Integrations
- Powerful Admin Controls
- Developer Friendly
Define your own content organization structure using Categories, tags & Custom fields to aid content discovery depending on your use case.
Allow users to find courses using free text search or advanced filters based on categories, tags & custom fields.
Joomla's powerful Access control is tightly integrated to allow you to decide who gets access to what content.
Create courses using a variety of different content formats. You can choose to upload content, curate from existing online sources or even create content using the integrated authoring tools
Courses are structured into Modules and lessons. Modules allow you to organize long courses into logical groups. Lessons are the actual learning material or assessments.
Create intra course learning paths by setting lesson prerequisites if you want users to consume content in a certain order. Use Course level pre requisites for ensuring learning order across courses
Track the time spent on all lesson types and let learners resume viewing from where they left off. Set time benchmarks by setting ideal lesson time.
Decide what content is always available & what content should be scheduled to show at certain times. Also optionally expire content using end dates.
Organize all the learning nuggets in your LMS using the lesson library. Deliver informal learning nuggets as micro learning content for informal & unstructured learning.
Shareable Content Object Reference Model is the standard format supported by a variety of authoring tools for deploying interactive learning content on LMS's. You can author SCORM using 3rd party tools like Articulate Storyline, Articulate Rise, Adobe Captivate, iSpring, Gomo, Adapt to name a few.
Create interactive content, Simulations & more using HTML5 & upload the HTML5 Zip packages in Shika to deliver them to your users. .
Use open and private audio/video content from sources like YouTube, Vimeo, kPoint, SproutVideo in your lessons. You can upload small videos using JW Media Player. Streaming services are however recommended for the best viewing experience.
Use documents like PDF, PowerPoint, Word Documents, XLS as lessons and allow viewers to view them online without needing to download them. PDFs can use the native PDF viewer, other document types will need you to purchase a license from Box.com
Author your own content using the native WYSIWYG editor in Joomla or using a beautiful A Drag and Drop page builder tool we integrate. The drag and drop tool comes with a variety of content blocks that allow you to create beautiful, mobile compatible content.
We support adding existing Joomla articles as lessons. You can choose to use Page Builders like SP Page builder to get even more flexibility in creating content in your Joomla articles & deliver them as content in the LMS.
Use any embedding Weblink as content in your courses using this plugin. The Web page will be displayed within the LMS player & track time spent on the content. Comes with an experimental 'Reading view' and will work with any website that allows embedding their content like Wikipedia.
Learning Tools Interoperability is an education technology specification that allows the LMS to consume content from external sources using a secure API. You can use this to deliver content from commercial content providers or content from external authoring tools like H5P.com
An Integration with JTicketing (events extension separately sold), you can add Virtual or In Person training events as a lesson in your course structure. Choose a specific event or an event category as a lesson & set it to be required for course completion to create Blended learning courses.
Integrate Feedback forms as lessons in your courses & allow users to give their inputs on the quality of content, learning effectiveness etc. User One form across courses or create a new one for each course as required
Make downloadable files available to users in context of the main learning content. By default, lessons in Shika cant be downloaded but you can choose to offer them as Associated files.
Learners can give quick feedback by liking/disliking individual lessons & courses. This is a great way to get feedback on the quality of content.
Contextual discussion areas are available for students on a course level as well as in individual lessons to invoke Social collaboration & learning between the peers as well as provide a platform to engage with the instructors and mentors.
Learners can recommend content to their peers using the recommend feature. This is a great way to drive social content discovery in the learning ecosystem.
Admins, Managers & Mentors can assign content to students with specific due dates. Automated reminders & visual cues are given to students to help them stay on track. Users can also choose to set specific due date goals on courses to themselves.
Tight integration is available with Groups in EasySocial/JomSocial. Groups can be linked to a course to give students a dedicated collaboration & Social Learning space in the Social network extension of your choice.
Profiles & Avatars from connected Social networks or Gravatar can be used to give the users a personalized experience and offer a more friendly experience.
Details of the user's learning activity are logged into a Learning activity stream that can sync with Social Streams from EasySocial & JomSocial to help drive Social learning. Activities like enrolment & completion of courses, awarding of certificates give learners a boost & drive content discovery
Points & Badges can be awarded based on various activities to learners & teachers in the integrated Social Network. These points can be used to show leaderboards for users with top activities.
Learners can take notes while viewing learning content using the integrated note taking tool in the lesson player. Notes are private to the user & stored in context of the content being viewed.
Lesson interaction tools like Notes, Comments/Discussions, Lists, Associated Files are made available in an intuitive content interaction bar in the content player which can be easily accessed by the learners.
Allow users to share Courses natively on major Social Networks like LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter.
Create Question Banks and organize them using categories & difficulty levels. Reuse Questions for rapid creation.
Create automatically assessed Objective Quizzes or manually assessed subjective exams or combine them.
Create open ended exercises that allow file & media upload, Open ended Text answers for more serious assessments. Use the Structured Assessment builder to have one or more assessors assess the Submissions using pre structured criteria.
Flexible question types for both objective and subjective quizzing like Multiple Choice (MCQ), Multiple Response (MRQ), Text Input , Subjective Text Input, Text Area, File upload.
Add files like video, audio, and images to questions as well as answer options.
Choose to create hand curated quizzes or use the Random Rule based generator to generate a unique quiz for each student. You can also chose to randomize question order & answer option order in curated quizzes.
Choose to show paginated quizzes or load all questions on one page. Allow students to Flag questions , Skip them & see an overview using the 'Question Overview' which is extremely useful for large exams.
Set a limit on how many attempts students should be allowed. Set Scoring logic across multiple attempts to decide final scores like Best, Last , First , Average.
Chose to limit the time allowed for Quizzes to be completed. Show a color coded count down timer to students to help them keep track & auto submit the quiz when the time is over. Allow users to Resume quizzes in case of Power failures.
Configure feedback on right & wrong selection of answer options to students. Point them in the right direction when they go wrong and give them a pat on the back when they are right.
If you need more control on your quiz questions & answers, use basic HTML to format them. Use Mathjax for adding Mathematical Formulas as well.
Flexible Quiz Summary page which shows results, Summary by Question category or Quiz Section and allows you to see a detailed answer sheet. You can control what to show & what to hide, Print answer sheets and more.
You can integrate Quizzes with Safe Exam browser to ensure your users cannot access any other applications while taking the quizzes. This is a good way to handle proctoring for online exams.
Shika comes integrated with 15+ reports ranging from micro level reporting that reports on all learner activity in the system to summary reports that give you an overview on a student or course level as well as reports for ecommerce, gradebooks, attempts, lessons & much more!
Dashboards are a great way to showcase data visually & give a quick overview of actionable data. Shika comes preconfigured with Learner and Admin Dashboards with 20+ beautiful widgets with a wide range of insightful data.
Reports & Dashboards are available in the frontend as well as the backend & you can use access control to control viewing.
The Reporting engine allows you to configure each report to decide which columns to show/hide by default , pagination limits as well as default sorting options. You can also chose to hide or show the summary view for supported reports.
Administrators can use our powerful dashboard engine to create multiple dashboards using a variety of data sources & renderer widgets. Shika ships with preconfigured dashboards for Learners & Admins respectively.
Reports have an access control layer which allows you to configure each report instance & chose to control what data can be seen by them. You can also control who export data.
All reports in the reporting engine support the ability to export as CSV. The CSV can be viewed in any spreadsheet viewer.
The Reporting engine can be setup for Manager/Mentor Reporting (based on com_hierarchy ) . Managers see data of their reportees.
You can configure the reporting engine using access control to allow teachers to see reports of students of their courses.
Students/Learners can be given access to reports relevant to their own usage of the LMS using the access control layer.
Users can decide which columns to show or hide in reports, set filters etc. They can save these customizations as a Saved Query.
Admins can chose which columns in a report have Personal Identifiable Information (PII) & using access control chose who can see this data.
All the reports from the Reporting Engine can be made available as REST APIs. A Google Data Studio connector is also available which, you can use to connect to the reporting engine backend & create your own Ad-hoc Reports and dashboards.
Select reports which contain user emails allow you to select users in Bulk and email them. This is extremely useful when you want to slice and dice your data and based on that send emails to select users.
Clean & intuitive course cards, A well organized table of contents view, a minimalistic lesson viewer & beautiful user dashboards all of which work across a variety of form factors will ensure your learners want to keep coming back.
Chose from a Blog Layout, A Pinterest like Masonry Card layout as well as clean Fixed Height Card layout to showcase your courses with the ability to filter by categories, tags, custom fields and more !
Chose to display your course page in 3 flexible layouts - Compact, Extended & Legacy depending on how much information you want to show your students as well as your design considerations.
Chose what information blocks you want to show on course pages from course progress, Teacher information, Interactions like Social Sharing, content interactions, enrolled users, discussions, teacher & student tools and more.
The content player in Shika is works across device form factors and plays all kinds of learning content. Designed to be minimalistic, it allows the students to have complete focus on the learning content.
The playlist allows users to navigate the entire course curriculum without leaving the content player. The playlist can also be minimized to maximize the space available for content.
The inbuilt drag and drop content authoring tool lets you design responsive mobile friendly content that's easy to create & looks beautiful out of the box.
Give your learners key actionable information like courses in progress, time spent, ongoing discussions, Graphs showing user activity and much more in a beautiful learner dashboard.
This flexible module allows you to show course cards based on a variety of different queries like Featured, Recently Added, In Progress, Not Enrolled, Upcoming , Completed , Recommended & Suggested Courses.
This module list all Shika categories & allows you to setup a Category tree based navigation or a dynamic menu in a mega menu setting.
Use the power of Joomla's inbuilt ability to introduce your own layouts or override the core views and achieve any design & user journeys as needed.
Shika Allows you to sell your courses online & integrates with several payment plugins out of the box.
You can set few lessons as free samples in paid courses to allow users to get a taste of your content before they make the decision to buy.
You can create multiple payment plans with varying periods of access and pricing. For instance 2 Weeks access, 1 month access, 1 year access and so on.
Create percentage & absolute value coupons with a lot of flexible options to help sell your courses.
A nifty ecommerce dashboard is shown on the backend to help admins keep track of sales.
Google analytics advanced ecommerce tracking is integrated with the checkout process to allow you to analyze your sales conversions.
Detailed ecommerce reports are available in the reporting system to see which courses sell best, what is the conversion rate etc.
Shika uses the Common Payments API. PayPal, 2Checkout, Authorize.net, Alta User Points, JomSocial Points are covered in the support subscription. Stripe & iDEAL are integrated via 3rd Party Developers.
Optionally delink payment for courses & enrollment to allow the user's subscription time to start when they actually start the course.
Shika has tight integrations with EasySocial and JomSocial to add a Social flavour to learning. Course linked groups, Activity stream, Profile & Avatar Integration, Messaging, Gamification points & badges, Personalization of Certificates are some of the ways in which the integrations work.
JTicketing out events management system has some great features for Classroom/In Person training including integrations with Zoom, Adobe Connect, Jitsi & Jaas if you want to go virtual. You can include JTicketing events or categories as lessons in Shika courses to deliver blended learning.
Help learners keep track of learning activities in the community like latest courses, leading members n learning activities etc via Email Digests via JMailAlerts. Send Daily/Weekly monthly digests and more with this integration.
jLike our content interaction tool is tightly integrated in Shika and is included in the price. It powers several important functions like course & lesson likes, notes, comments, assignments, recommendations & much more !
Accademia from Theme Expert & JSN eCourse from Joomlashine are officially supported templates with special UI layouts from our partners. However Shika works well with most Joomla template clubs out of the box.
DigiStore24 a Joomla ecommerce extension integrates tightly with Shika to allow payment based Shika enrollments.
Shika integrates tightly to use Joomla View based ACL as well as group based access control. You can create multiple Roles using groups and create fine grained access to Shika functionalities.
Shika natively integrates com_hierarchy to allow you to create user-manager/mentor relationships & setup an organization hierarchy for reporting as well as allow access based on hierarchy.
Powered by TJ Notifications have complete control on the variety of notifications sent out via Email, SMS & other media. Easily customize the content as well as design.
E-learning assets can have large file sizes. Shika allows you to store assets on Amazon S3 for most of the learning content types.
Plugin to automatically add user to a Joomla user group on enrolling to a course.
Shika integrates the native Joomla action log function to maintain a detailed audit trail of actions taken by users in the admin interface.
Process privacy related requests to Shika for Export and deletion of user data.
Shika integrates com_api plugins & has a fully functional REST API interface. You can use these APIs to integrate with 3PD applications like HRMS, CRM, Data Lakes and more.
Shika is written using Joomla MVC giving you the power to extend and override it as per your requirements.
Shika has extensive support for plugin triggers in its code to allow you to override key functionality, add observers & trigger special behaviours.
Shika uses the common payments API by Techjoomla for its payment plugins. Integrate any payment gateway of your choice by creating a CPG plugin
Shika supports a multitude of content types with time & progress tracking support. You can create your own lesson type plugins to add more flexibility to this feature & introduce your own formats
Dashboards are driven by TJ Dashboards. You can write renderer & data source plugins to extend this core functionality & create your own data experiences
Reporting plugins for TJ reports can be written to create any kind of custom reports you need.
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Shika is backed by our 30-day money back guarantee. Get started on your eLearning Journey today!
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