While working with SocialAds, we have been working with some really innovative & scalable matching algorithms in order to deliver the best matching advertisements to users based on lots and lots of different variables. Our Current matching logic includes algorithms for Contextual Matching, Geolocation based matching, Profile field matching as well as a scalable plugin interface to add more matching algorithms.
These matching systems make for a great base for Building a scalable Advanced Search/ Parametric search system for Joomla. Some parts of this system are already developed & in action on some of our client sites using K2. We have also been able to scale the system to support native Joomla content in another case. Currently we are working on bundling these systems together to make a Search platform that can scale, support multiple extensions & also tie in to systems like SOLR.
To give a rough idea, it will allow admins to Define Indexers for various components & decide which fields should be included in the Parametric Index. This part is very similar to the configure targeting part in SocialAds. On the frontend, depending on what extension or more broadly content type you want to seach, advanced search forms will be displayed. A plugin architechture will allow adding support for any extension..
We will be publishing a follow up blog posts with more details of the system as well as screenshots in the coming months..
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