The Techjoomla Blog

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Email Beautifier v2.2.3 maintenance release


We are happy to announce the immediate release of Email Beautifier 2.2.3 with bug fixes for some issues reported by our subscribers.

Buy Email Beautifier

Read on for more details and the detailed changelog.

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  3348 Hits

Some of Our Favorite Joomla Community Projects


With 109+ million downloads, 1500+ volunteers and powering 2+ million websites Joomla is a compelling platform to build websites and applications alike. While most of the contributors are working on making Joomla better, there are people who are working on some exciting side projects which would make their way into Joomla at some point.  

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  5237 Hits

Techjoomla collaborates with JoomlaShine for the integration of Shika LMS with JSN eCourse


Techjoomla is happy to announce our new collaboration with JoomlaShine for the integration of our popular Joomla LMS - Shika with the brand new JSN eCourse template from JoomlaShine.

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  2989 Hits

Techjoomla has joined hands with the creative people from JoomlaShine to bring JTicketing subscribers an amazing treat

JTicketing+JSN Festival

Techjoomla is pleased to announce our new partnership with JoomlaShine to bring JTicketing users a beautiful treat! JSN Festival, their latest offering brings a stunning new user interface for JTicketing. This template is a perfect fit for any ticketing system.

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  3628 Hits

Sneak Peek- JoomlArt’s new Free Joomla template JA Simpli

Sneak Peek- JoomlArt’s new Free Joomla template JA Simpli

A new idea which poped out of a general discussion between some innovative and geeky minds from Techjoomla, JoomlaShine, JoomlArt, Stackideas, Joomlatools and JoomlaCorner of developing a template which would be simple, light weight and one of a kind. Our friends at JoomlArt made sure that this idea turned into a reality which gave birth to JA- Sim...

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  6554 Hits

Email Beautifier 1.6.3 with add or override template facility and Joomla Live Updates support

Email Beautifier 1.6.3 with add or override template facility and Joomla Live Updates support
We have released Email Beautifier version 1.6.3. In this version we have added Joomla Updates to notify users about new versions and Live Updates support to let users receive and install updates right inside your Joomla.
And most important feature -now, admin can override the existing template or easily add new template.

Talking more about Email Beautifier,  If you are looking for something fresh and new for your Joomla Emails which makes your emails alive! The search ends here, Email Beautifier makes sure that all emails going from your Joomla site are wrapped in an awesome template! Email Beautifier also ensures all emails going out of your Joomla site have an uniform and consistent look and feel. You can read more about it here.

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  4157 Hits

Email Beautifier 1.6.2 is out!

Email Beautifier 1.6.2 is out!

v1.6.2 Changelog

#47308 Wrong task names taken from input variables leads to wrong template selection

^ Other Improvements
Improved integration with J!MailAlerts plugins

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  3613 Hits

Give a perfect makeover to your emails with Email Beautifier 1.6!

Give a perfect makeover to your emails with Email Beautifier 1.6!

Who doesn’t like a perfect email landing into their inbox? Sometimes even if the text written in the email is not that attractive and the template used is just perfect, then the chances of getting a positive response for that email increases by a significant level.Having a good template to the emails that are sent through your website is a must. Wi...

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  4137 Hits

Email Beautifier 1.5.3 version released


EB Joomla 2.5 Compatibleext comext pluginext lang

We have released Email Beautifier version 1.5.3 which contains bug fixes for reported bugs. Please check the changelog given below.

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  7111 Hits

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