The Techjoomla Blog

Stay updated with all the latest happenings at Techjoomla. From news about the developments in your favourite extensions to Tips & Tricks about the Joomla CMS, Framework & Development.

Using The Paypal Sandbox to test your Paypal Standard, Paypal Pro & Paypal Adaptive Payments !

Note- You can no longer sign up for PayPal adaptive. It will work only if you have an existing approved app. PayPal supports a variety of APIs & Payment methods. So wading through their documentation & finding what you exactly want can be a real pain.. We have to explain how to this to customers all the time. So here is a blog to help you u...

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  13069 Hits

Best Practices to get a Paypal Adaptive Payments account approved Fast !

Note- You can no longer sign up for PayPal adaptive. It will work only if you have an existing approved app. With almost all of our E Commerce extensions adding support for Paypal Adaptive payments, we have been getting a lot of emails & support requests to help setup the Paypal application for the same. Though its not possible to have exhausti...

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  20076 Hits

Dropping Bootstrap 2 Support for all products in upcoming major releases!

Dropping Bootstrap 2 Support for all products in upcoming major releases!

Till now we have been maintaining both Bootstrap 2 & Bootstrap 3 layouts for all extensions. However this is taking a toll on the release cycle and changes have to be done in both the layouts.

Over time we have seen that very few customers are using Bootstrap 2 templates now so this decision seems logical to take. However we have always maintained that we will maintain Bootstrap2 support till the Joomla core maintains it and we wanted to be double sure before taking this decision.

So we reached out to various popular template clubs both over the internet and at conferences we attend, the latest being at JWC Vancouver to get their feedback. Template clubs typically have a much larger user base and typically know more of what the masses are using. The feedback there too was that the users using Bootstrap 2 are very less and they too are seem to be migrating to Bootstrap 3.  Post this, we decided that the time had come to stop supporting Bootstrap 2.

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  5803 Hits

We’re closing support for Joomla 2.5!

We’re closing support for Joomla 2.5!

It has been a really long time since Joomla has announced End of Life for Joomla 2.5, which will mark the end-of-support for the Joomla 2.5 series. While current websites running Joomla! 2.5 will continue to work, administrators are encouraged to use this opportunity to migrate their sites to Joomla! 3.x. When a Joomla! version reaches end of suppo...

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  4669 Hits

Independence Day Holiday - long weekend announcement

Independence Day Holiday - long weekend announcement

Please note that we are off from 15th August to 17th August, as 15th is the Indian Independence day making it a long weekend for us. Support shall be offline during this period. We will try & respond to all open issues on the 14th & close them. We will be back on Monday, 18th August with the support you love !   Happy Independence day ...

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  6467 Hits

Joomla 3 Day - Techjoomla is presenting !

Joomla 3 Day - Techjoomla is presenting !

Joomla 3 Day, an online event of Webinars is happening on the 14th and 15th of August thanks to OSTraining Joomla 3 Day will be like a free, online Joomla Day with expert presenters from all over the world coming online to talk to you about Joomla 3 and what you can build with it. With over 18 sessions on a variety of topics, this is one event...

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  7134 Hits

Easysocial App - First Preview

First of all, thank you for the interest and the encouragement you have been showing towards the Easysocial mobile app.As promised here's an update with a quick video of the app in action. At this point, we have completed the planned functionality for the first release. We're still working on hammering down the design and adding some more wow to the UI & navigation, but do take a look at the video below and let us know how it feels! 

For more convenience we've added screenshots also:

1. Login Page


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  13680 Hits

Techjoomla Ties up with Open Source Training for Joomla Training In India. Schedule is now live !

Techjoomla has tied up with Open Source Training in order to enhance & extend our Joomla Training services in India. Starting April 2011, Techjoomla shall be conducting regular Joomla courses in cities & towns accross India. The Training courses have been specifically adapted to suit the needs of the Indian clientale. Starting from Joomla B...

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  6520 Hits

Joomla Training in India to come to a city near you !

On account of the great feedback & response that we have received for our Joomla Training sessions held in Pune, Maharashtra (India) & requests from many of our clients to provide crash training sessions in other cities in India, we have decided to take our training to a place near you! Its Election time! With the election air bei...

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  2986 Hits

Course Schedule for Joomla Training in Pune, India goes live

The course schedule for classroom courses for Joomla Training at Pune, India has gone live. The courses that will be covered in this schedule are the Joomla Webmaster Course, Joomla Template Developer course & a Crash course in Joomla Extension development. The courses start on 9th May & continue over the consecutive weekends. Location:Thes...

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  3180 Hits

The New Techjoomla Site is Live !

Hello All ! We have finally gone live with the Fresh new Techjoomla site. It was long upgrade from Joomla 1.5 to the latest 3X Joomla & involved changes of many systems. We have been testing the critical systems work & we can go live. However, the site is still not as awesome as we want it to be. We will go live so that support can con...

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  13057 Hits

Best April Fools Jokes around the Joomla community !

April Fools is that time of the year when the most amazing & innovative content starts to float around the Web inundating all channels ! Its hard to decide what to believe & what not to believe ! The Joomla community is no exception to this rule :)  1st April 2014 for Joomla  1st of April 2014 has seen some pretty awesome pranks f...

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  8427 Hits

Sawai Gandharva Bhimsen Mahotsav Goes Mobile !

The Sawai Gandharva Music Festival of Pune, which is celebrating its golden jubilee in December 2012, is without doubt one of the most important events held in Pune. Since last year, we had felt the need for a Phone application to make it easy to get information about the event. As soon as we got the blessings of the organisers, the Mobile developm...

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  8492 Hits

Prayas Energy Group's Project selected as Finalist for Google Impact Challenge !

As you all know the main company behind Techjoomla, Tekdi Web Solutions in engaged in developing Technology solutions from clients both for mobile & web. Recently, we completed a very interesting web project for a long time client. And today it gives me great pleasure to announce that this project was chosen as a finalist for Google's Social Impact...

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  11831 Hits

Apologies for Issues with the site

We have been experiencing some issues with the site causing us some downtimes in the past few hours & also caused some problems accessing Subscription Downloads & tickets.  We have been working with the team at our host Cloud Access to get these issues resolved..  If you face any issues, please email us at [email protected] T...

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  5191 Hits