The Techjoomla Blog

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Shika 1.3.31 is here with Google Data Studio integration for TJ Reports


We are happy to announce the release of Shika 1.3.31 which brings a lot of new features for you. The Google Data Studio integration for TJ Reports enables the site administrator to create great looking, interactive reports. Besides this, the site administrator can add plan names for subscription plans for paid courses. We have also introduced auto-enrolment for free courses to improve the usability of the course launching experience

Make sure you read the release notes before you upgrade. 

Buy Shika Now!         View Shika Demo!

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JTicketing 2.1 brings powerful reports powered by TJ Reports, a tighter Shika integration & integrated jLike


We are happy to bring you JTicketing 2.1 with mobile friendly user interface, major UI improvements, tighter integration with Shika and jLike integrated and bundled into the core extension. TJ Reports integration has brought powerful reports, the jLike integration brings a powerful blended User calendar and some great Classroom training features. This is just the tip of feature iceberg. We’ve managed to squeeze in quite a few things more than what we had promised in the roadmap blog !

Buy JTicketing Now!         View JTicketing Demo!

Read on to get the complete details on what this version brings. Make sure you read our release notes before you upgrade as backward compatibility breaks in this release.

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Shika 1.2.3 is here with ajax based reports!


Shika 1.2.3 introduces an infrastructure upgrade with TJ Reports bringing Ajax to the reporting engine. We have also added a UX fix where now you can see enrolled users in a course in a popup. Besides this, we have 20+ bug fixes. We recommend you upgrade to this version soon.

Read the release notes carefully before upgrading to the latest version. Also, go through 1.2 release notes and instruction in case you are updating Shika 1.2.3 directly from Shika 1.1.x.

Read on for the detailed changelog

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Hierarchy Management is here!

Hierarchy Management is here!

For the past couple of months, we have released couple of blogs on some of our infrastructure extensions like TJ vendor and TJ notifications and we thank you for the feedback. We are happy to introduce yet another infrastructure extension-Hierarchy Management.

Hierarchy Management is an horizontal(Infrastructure) extension for Joomla that allows setting up general or context specific hierarchical relations between users which can be further be used by other extensions for a variety of purposes like allowing special access control, reports generation and so on. Hierarchy is currently supported out of the box by TJ Reports for manager reporting and JLike for assignments. Read on for the features.

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JGive 2.1 Roadmap is here!


JGive 2.1 will be the second major release in the JGive nEXT series which introduced a completely revamped UI/UX as well as a host of new features which will be implemented over multiple versions. In addition to the originally planned features and improvements, we have also included a lot of feedback we received after the 2.0 release.

Here’s a quick look at what you can expect in the 2.1 release. P.S. While we were able to get down to penning this blog now, development is already underway on this version !

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  5008 Hits

TJ Reports-Universal reporting engine for Joomla is here!

TJ Reports-Universal reporting engine for Joomla is here!

We are super excited to introduce TJ Reports - our Infrastructure extension that allows developers to easily develop reporting plugins and get extensive reporting capabilities in their extensions. Features include extension specific and multi extension reports, Report default configuration, Report customisation and CSV exports to name a few.

Let’s look at the features it offers in detail as well as how the integration with extensions works. Continue reading for the feature list.

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