We're thrilled to announce that JGive, our popular Joomla crowdfunding extension, is now fully compatible with Joomla 5! This means Joomla 5 users can now enjoy all the features and benefits of JGive with ease.
We're thrilled to announce that JGive, our popular Joomla crowdfunding extension, is now fully compatible with Joomla 5! This means Joomla 5 users can now enjoy all the features and benefits of JGive with ease.
We are happy to announce the immediate release of Quick2Cart 4.0.1 with 50+ bug fixes.
Read on for the detailed changelog
The most popular Joomla LMS, Shika is now available for Joomla 4 users! You can download Shika v4.0.0 and the same package file will work on both Joomla 3 and Joomla 4.
We are offering a special 25% discount on Shika. Use the coupon code SHIKA25J4 to get a 25% discount on Shika.
JLike is now ready for Joomla 4 and available for Joomla 4 users! You can download JLike 4.0.0 and the same package file will work on both Joomla 3 and Joomla 4.
People Suggest is now ready for Joomla 4 and available for Joomla 4 users! You can download People Suggest v2.0.0 and the same package file will work on both Joomla 3 and Joomla 4. Buy People Suggest! NOTE:- We have updated multiple Plugin Triggers to make People Suggest compatible with Joomla 4. We recommend NOT updating People Suggest to Joomla 4...
Our Joomla chat extension, JBolo, is now Joomla 4 compatible and is available for Joomla 4 users! You can download JBolo v4.0.0 and the same package file will work on both Joomla 3 and Joomla 4.
We have yet another paid extension that is Joomla 4 compatible. We had recently released the Email Beautifier for Joomla 4.
And now, the ultimate event-booking system for Joomla, JTicketing is now available for Joomla 4 users! You can download JTicketing v4.0.0 and the same package file will work on both Joomla 3 and Joomla 4.
I am sure you are already aware that we have recently made many of our paid products Joomla 4 compatible. We had recently released Quick2Cart for Joomla 4. Beautify your Joomla emails in Joomla 4 as Email Beautifier is now available for Joomla 4 users! You can download Email Beautifier v3.0.0 and the same package file will work on both Joomla 3 and Joomla 4.
We are gradually making all our paid products Joomla 4 compatible. Invitex, JGive, and JMailAlerts are already Joomla 4 compatible. The most popular advertising solution for Joomla, SocialAds, is now available for Joomla 4 users! You can download SocialAds v4.0.0 and the same package file will work on both Joomla 3 and Joomla 4.
Our Automated periodic Email Alerts system, JMailAlerts is now available for Joomla 4 users. JMailAlerts subscribers can download JMailAlerts v3.0.0 and the same package file will work on Joomla 3 as well as Joomla 4. Besides this, we have fixed many bugs in this release.
I am sure you are already aware that we are gradually making all our paid products Joomla 4 compatible. The most popular Joomla crowdfunding extension JGive is now available for Joomla 4 users! You can download JGive v3.0.0 and the same package file will work on both Joomla 3 and Joomla 4.
Our most popular and free extension, PDF Embed, is now available for Joomla 4 users. You can download PDF Embed version 3.0 and the same package file will work on both Joomla 3 and Joomla 4.