The Techjoomla Blog

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JTicketing 2.3.4 is released with actionlog, privacy plugins and several bug fixes


We have released a new update for our feature packed event booking system for Joomla. We are happy to release JTicketing 2.3.4 which primarily adds support for Joomla 3.9.x privacy tools suite.

This release introduces two new plugins: action log plugin and privacy plugin for JTicketing. Besides this, we have also fixed plenty of bugs and security issues in this release.

Buy JTIcketing

Read on for details related to the plugins and for the detailed changelog.

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  3137 Hits

People Suggest v1.4.8 released with action log and privacy plugins


We are happy to release People Suggest 1.4.8 which primarily adds support for Joomla 3.9.x privacy tools suite. This release introduces two new plugins: action log plugin and privacy plugin for People Suggest.

Buy People Suggest

Read on for details related to the plugins and for the detailed changelog.

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  3635 Hits

Invitex 3.0.10 released with action log and privacy plugins


We are happy to release Invitex 3.0.10 which primarily adds support for Joomla 3.9.x privacy tools suite. This release introduces two new plugins: action log plugin and privacy plugin for Invitex.

Read on for details related to the plugins and for the detailed changelog.

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  3919 Hits

JBolo v3.2.11 released with action log and privacy plugins


We are happy to release a new version of our popular chat extension for Joomla, JBolo v3.2.11 which primarily adds support for Joomla 3.9.x privacy tools suite in addition to the few enhancements and bug fixes.

We have introduced two new plugins: action-log plugin and privacy plugin for JBolo. Apart from these plugins, we have added a new feature where new message count will be displayed alongside the chat window title

Buy JBolo

Read on for details related to the plugins and for the detailed changelog.

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  4786 Hits

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