The Techjoomla Blog

Stay updated with all the latest happenings at Techjoomla. From news about the developments in your favourite extensions to Tips & Tricks about the Joomla CMS, Framework & Development.

Developing a Payment Plugin For HikaShop


Recently, we had a chance to develop a Payment gateway plugin for HikaShop. We thought this would be a good chance to share a small overview with everyone!

Let's Get started. 

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  19040 Hits

Joomla 3.0 conversion changes needed when converting a common installable package for “Joomla 1.5.x & 2.5.x” to “Joomla 3.0"


This is the first of our Blogs in the Joomla 3.0 Discovery series. Joomla 3.0 is an awesome release & we are discovering new stuff with it as we use it every day. We hope to share our new found knowledge with the community through this series. The series will cover topics for end users, administrators as well as developers.  Converting Joomla E...

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  180516 Hits

Joomla 3.0 is here. 3 Things that Matter most!


joomla-3.0, techjoomla.comJoomla 3.0 was released a few minutes back & it brings some revolutionary changes to the Joomla world. From 1.0 to 1.5 to 2.5, Joomla has been notorious for laborious migration processes. We bid adieu to migrations with 3.0. I admit this has really happened in the 1.6, 1.7 versions which were at the best forgettable. So 3.0 is the first real version that shows this. This I believe is the biggest news for Joomla end users. With this Joomla has given yet another reason to stick with this awesome & versatile platform.

01 Joomla 3.0 for Integrators & Site Builders & End Users-  Bye Bye to Migrations & Hello to Upgrades!

02 Joomla 3.0 For Developers - JUI & Bootstrap Uniform & great looking UI without having to Code!

03 Joomla 3.0 - For End Users - Great new UI & UX, Responsive by Default. Mobile Here we come!

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  10919 Hits

Joomla File Rsync & Database Sync Script


One of the major headaches of maintaining a Joomla demo is that you have to refresh the data every now & then to restore the demo to its best as user usage can change a lot of data & interfere with the optimum demonstration of your products. We used to do this by simply having a cron job restore a backup of the database with the optimum data. But this had major issues as we had to upgrade extensions on the demo to the latest & these in some cases also involved structural database changes.

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  21318 Hits

Creating your own ajax popups and actions in Jomsocial


Everyone using Jomsocial like how they show those nice popup windows when you add friends, send a message or join a group.

In a project where you integrate more features or other extensions into Jomsocial, it's important to use the same look and feel for the popups so that there is a consistent look throughout the site. With Jomsocial's plugin architecture it is possible to add your own popups and actions. We're demonstrating here an example, which allows you to group your friends as Friends/Family/Acquaintances etc

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  4329 Hits

How to use two layouts from the same view for two submenus

Have you ever came across a situation, when working on a Joomla component- you need two sub-menus to be shown in admin backend which belong to same view and different layouts?
If yes, then you must have noticed that this does not work as expected. 
Here's the solution for the same 
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  12821 Hits

Automating multiple extension translation management using the Transifex client and a shell script


We've been using Transifex for more than a year now, and quite happy with the way crowdsourcing can help enrich the reach of your extensions. However, updating all the resources for all the extensions was a painful task and something everyone wanted to avoid. The tx-client eases some pain by allowing easy pushes & pulls of source files & translations. However, the tx-client relies on a 'config' file to be updated with all the resource slugs. With so many extensions and also with so many plugin language files getting added regularly, it's a tough task to keep on updating the config file.

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  19895 Hits

JBolo 3.0 beta 1 is here for Testing & it's free to download!


JBolo Beta 1 with Group Chat is here!  This version brings most awaited group chat feature to current JBolo. This blog will give you a quick overview of what to expect from JBolo 3.0 beta release. There's this & plenty more under the hood including an API based architecture which will allow us to release mobile apps for JBolo in the near future.

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  10001 Hits

Sneak peek at the upcoming JBolo 3.0 dashboard


Check out new dashboard for upcoming JBolo 3.0 that will be supporting group chat! 

  5264 Hits

Zoo - Creating an address field element


Here's a short tutorial on creating a Zoo element that has multiple sub-fields. A good example for the same, which we've also used as a sample is an address field. An address field will typically have different parts such as city, zip, state etc. I assume you have already gone through the zoo documentation on creating a new custom element - http://...

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  17467 Hits

Developing with Zoo - Programmatically creating "Edit Item" links for Zoo CCK



Zoo - Techjoomla Blog to programativally insert links,

Zoo from the YooTheme guys is a pretty awesome CCK for Joomla with some mind-blowing features. Whats more, they have made it extremely easy to use for the end user. It can be easily scaled to handle all kinds of content management situations that you might encounter.

It's so flexible, in fact.. that we have used it for Variety of applications using Shopping Carts (with Quick2Cart Integration), Online Product Catalogs, Download Managers, Business directories & what not

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  15031 Hits

Rolling out CSS/JavaScript changes with heavy browser caching


Most of us have been in this scenario. We have spent hours tweaking our Joomla site using numerous tools like Google Page Speed, YSlow and made those adjustments to shelve those important milliseconds from page load times. You've added gzip, Joomla caching and also enabled month long caching via the .htaccess file. The site now works fast. Cool!

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  7830 Hits

Search.. the way LinkedIn does


I think all of us admire the User Experience improvements all of the social networks are continuously doing. Facebook keeps pushing these tiny things and so does LinkedIn. One thing that LinkedIn has had probably from day 1 is the fantastic search. You can choose what to search - People/Companies/Jobs etc

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  12491 Hits

Invalid Token Errors in Joomla 1.5.X & 1.6.X


Invalid Tokens- I had been seeing this error on & off on some of the sites we were building both in Joomla 1.5 & 1.6. This error has caused a silent but significant furor on the Forums. Not just at but on the sites of quite a few Template & extension Developers as well. In this Blog, I hope to finally lay the question of why this error occurs to rest.

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  50803 Hits

Joomla Day Malaysia a big success!


Hey there, Malaysia! We want to take this opportunity to congratulate you on organizing such an amazing Joomla Day! We really enjoyed it there. A special thanks to the Joomla Day Organising team & the folks at JomSocial for their superb hospitality. Meriza, Azrul, Irwan, Fuqaha & the gang - Keep it up, guys! Joomla Day Malaysia 2011 was an ...

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  8547 Hits