The Techjoomla Blog

Stay updated with all the latest happenings at Techjoomla. From news about the developments in your favourite extensions to Tips & Tricks about the Joomla CMS, Framework & Development.

Techjoomla Diwali Sale 2023: Up to 40% off


We are happy to bring you our most awaited sale of the year. Celebrate Diwali by grabbing some awesome deals on our products and bundles. To summarize, this is what our amazing deal brings you:  25% off on all the Techjoomla Products (including Shika)15% off on all bundles getting you as much as 40% effective Discount Grab this Deal on Products! Gr...

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  1914 Hits

Joomla Security Best Practices – 15 Tips to Keep your Joomla Site Secure


In the day and age of highly sophisticated technology, many organizations are under the impression that because they’ve implemented all the latest innovations, their Joomla site is resilient to any kind of cyber attack. But the question is: are the measures good enough? Is modern technology implementation enough to protect the privacy and confidentiality of data? 

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  4993 Hits

DevOps friendly Joomla Extensions


Undoubtedly, Joomla! is one of the most popular and flexible CMS for building websites and online applications of all types and sizes. The large number of extensions help give a headstart to any project.

Like other software frameworks and platforms, a lot of Joomla projects have adopted DevOps processes to streamline their deployments. This also helps scaling of Joomla sites to run on multiple servers. At Techjoomla we have been using Jenkins, Ansible and GIT to deploy Joomla sites for several years. Recently we have also started exploring Docker for containerized deployment and easy scaling.

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TJ Vendor - The infrastructure extension for unified vendor management & payouts


You might have wondered at our blogs being a little silent. Well a lot has been happening behind the scenes. In the past several months our teams have been working on a host of ‘Infrastructure’ extensions that will add immense value and decrease development time for our extensions as well as custom projects.  

Infrastructure extensions are like Joomla’s core com_categories. Other extensions can use it without having to recreate the wheel. The below diagram should give you just a little bit of an idea as to what all is coming !


In this blog we shall be talking about one such extension - TJ Vendor. Techjoomla today already has several extensions like Quick2Cart, JGive, JTicketing that support a multi vendor mode. Soon Shika will have the same functionality. The core of the multi vendor system that supports Vendor Management, Fees management, Payouts to name a few have been abstracted into a reusable extension.

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Automating multiple extension translation management using the Transifex client and a shell script


We've been using Transifex for more than a year now, and quite happy with the way crowdsourcing can help enrich the reach of your extensions. However, updating all the resources for all the extensions was a painful task and something everyone wanted to avoid. The tx-client eases some pain by allowing easy pushes & pulls of source files & translations. However, the tx-client relies on a 'config' file to be updated with all the resource slugs. With so many extensions and also with so many plugin language files getting added regularly, it's a tough task to keep on updating the config file.

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  20215 Hits

Techjoomla- The Road to Joomla 1.6


Hey All,

All of you have been asking us about where we stand on Joomla 1.6 compatibility so I thought its time we give you an update of the status.

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  8193 Hits

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