The Techjoomla Blog

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TJ Vendor - The infrastructure extension for unified vendor management & payouts


You might have wondered at our blogs being a little silent. Well a lot has been happening behind the scenes. In the past several months our teams have been working on a host of ‘Infrastructure’ extensions that will add immense value and decrease development time for our extensions as well as custom projects.  

Infrastructure extensions are like Joomla’s core com_categories. Other extensions can use it without having to recreate the wheel. The below diagram should give you just a little bit of an idea as to what all is coming !


In this blog we shall be talking about one such extension - TJ Vendor. Techjoomla today already has several extensions like Quick2Cart, JGive, JTicketing that support a multi vendor mode. Soon Shika will have the same functionality. The core of the multi vendor system that supports Vendor Management, Fees management, Payouts to name a few have been abstracted into a reusable extension.

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