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JTicketing 3.3.5 maintenance release


We would like to wish all our clients a Happy New Year! We are very happy to announce our first release of the new year. JTicketing 3.3.5 is primarily a bug fix-release for the issues reported by our subscribers.

Besides this, we have also done some improvements in this release. Site administrators now have a configuration to add a pattern for validating attendee’s phone number at the checkout during purchase of tickets for the events. 

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Joomla File Rsync & Database Sync Script


One of the major headaches of maintaining a Joomla demo is that you have to refresh the data every now & then to restore the demo to its best as user usage can change a lot of data & interfere with the optimum demonstration of your products. We used to do this by simply having a cron job restore a backup of the database with the optimum data. But this had major issues as we had to upgrade extensions on the demo to the latest & these in some cases also involved structural database changes.

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