Here's a short tutorial on creating a Zoo element that has multiple sub-fields. A good example for the same, which we've also used as a sample is an address field. An address field will typically have different parts such as city, zip, state etc. I assume you have already gone through the zoo documentation on creating a new custom element -
Step 1: The XML file
create the media/zoo/applications//elements/address/address.xml file.
Address Tekdi Feb 2013 Copyright (C) tekdi 1.0.0 Repeateble city,country and state fields
Step 2: The PHP file
create this file: media/zoo/applications//elements/address/address.php
loader->register('ElementRepeatable', 'elements:repeatable/repeatable.php'); class ElementAddress extends ElementRepeatable implements iRepeatSubmittable { protected function _hasValue($params = array()) { $value = $this->get('value'); return $this->_containsEmail($value); } public function getText() { $text = $this->get('value', ''); return empty($text) ? $this->get('value', '') : $text; } protected function _edit(){ return $this->_editForm(); } public function _renderSubmission($params = array()) { return $this->_editForm($params->get('trusted_mode')); } protected function _editForm($trusted_mode = true) { if ($layout = $this->getLayout('edit.php')) { return $this->renderLayout($layout, array('trusted_mode' => $trusted_mode ) ); } } public function _validateSubmission($value, $params) { $values = $value; $validator = $this->app->validator->create('string', array('required' => false)); $value = $validator->clean($values->get('value')); $country = $validator->clean($values->get('country')); $state = $validator->clean($values->get('state')); return compact( 'value', 'country', 'state'); } }
Step 3: Another PHP file
create this file: media/zoo/applications//elements/address/tmpl/edit.php
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