The Techjoomla Blog

Stay updated with all the latest happenings at Techjoomla. From news about the developments in your favourite extensions to Tips & Tricks about the Joomla CMS, Framework & Development.

Shika 1.3.18 is here with course category report


We are happy to bring you yet another release of our Joomla Learning Management System(Joomla LMS). With Shika 1.3.18, we have enhanced the existing reporting feature with the introduction of the course category report. We have also fixed over 60 minor bugs in this release! Buy Shika Read on for the details and the detailed changelog. Course catego...

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JGive 2.2.1 is released with actionlog, privacy plugins and two brand new features


We are out with a new update for our Joomla crowdfunding extension. We are happy to release JGive 2.2.1 which primarily adds support for Joomla 3.9.x privacy tools suite.

This release introduces two new plugins: actionlog plugin and privacy plugin for JGive.

We have also introduced two brand new features-Module for displaying the amount raised and goal amount for campaign categories using the progress bar and Category field filter in JGive campaigns pin layout module.

Buy JGive

Read on for details related to the plugins, new features and for the detailed changelog.

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How to Copy Zoo Items programmatically


In our last Post in the Zoo series, we looked at deleting records programmatically. Copying zoo item is not as easy as deleting records. You should have all the details including the zoo category of the zoo item which you want to copy. First, you should have all data of a zoo record. We have used the item API which gives zoo item's data & getRelatedCategoryIds which tells the relation of a zoo item to the categories.

Let's get the zoo records data first

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