We are out with a new update for our Joomla crowdfunding extension. We are happy to release JGive 2.2.1 which primarily adds support for Joomla 3.9.x privacy tools suite.
This release introduces two new plugins: actionlog plugin and privacy plugin for JGive.
We have also introduced two brand new features-Module for displaying the amount raised and goal amount for campaign categories using the progress bar and Category field filter in JGive campaigns pin layout module.
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Read on for details related to the plugins, new features and for the detailed changelog.
The Actionlog plugin for JGive
- Actionlog plugin for JGive enables site administrators to log actions for various activities integral to JGive like campaigns, donation/investment for their site users. This plugin adds support to the action logging system introduced by Joomla in Joomla 3.9.
- Site administrator can further review the user actions and adjust the plugin settings according to his preferences.
- This plugin is by default disabled on fresh installations, site admin can enable it if needed. Also the logging actions for JGive will not be tracked if the plugin is disabled.
Below screenshot illustrates the action logging plugin for JGive

The Privacy plugin
- The privacy plugin is responsible for processing privacy related requests to JGive. Privacy related requests are related to export and deletion of user data.
- This plugin will help site admins drafting their privacy policy by showing in the admin area what all user data JGive collects
- Also, it will let export JGive-user-data with ‘Privacy Tools’ added in Joomla 3.9.0
- This plugin will also delete JGive related data of users with ‘Privacy Tools’ added in Joomla 3.9.0

Module for displaying the amount raised and goal amount for campaign categories using the progress bar.
Category wise progress module is vital in displaying the total amount raised and the goal amount for the selected categories. Site administrators can filter the campaigns to be shown by selecting the campaign status-All, Featured, Active, Failed and Completed from the backend.
Category field filter in JGive campaigns pin layout module
With JGive 2.2.1, we have provided more flexibility to display all the campaigns from a specific category apart from displaying a single campaign per module. One can further select the status of campaigns to be shown- Featured, Active, Successful and Failed.
Features (4):
- #135310 Joomla 3.9.x privacy tools support - Add new Privacy plugin for JGive.
- #135280 Joomla 3.9.x privacy tools support - Add new Actionlog plugin for JGive.
- #132663 Add a new module for displaying the donation/investment received amount via the progress bar.
- #133841 Add a category filter field in JGive 'mod_jgive_campaigns_pin' module