The Techjoomla Blog

Stay updated with all the latest happenings at Techjoomla. From news about the developments in your favourite extensions to Tips & Tricks about the Joomla CMS, Framework & Development.

Special Loyalty Newsletter

Hello All ! We wish to thank all our customers for the wonderful support & feedback that you have provided us & helped make our extensions better. Some of you may not know about the other extensions we offer which may be useful to you. So here is a short over view & a time limited offer to buy any of our extensions at a Flat 25% Off ! F...

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  1928 Hits

Techjoomla November 09 Newsletter

JBolo! is an extension that will integrate Facebook & Gmail like chat into Joomla!, JomSocial & CB based Social Networking websites.People You May Know module intelligently shows you people you are most likely to know, by searching common friends between your friends!Network Suggest module intelligently suggests the logged in user & oth...

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  1847 Hits

Techjoomla September 09 Newsletter

Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.People you May Know from Facebook comes to Joomla, CB & JomSocial ! Techjoomla Extension NewsWe have just released a smashing module for CB & JomSocial that will give you the Facebook 'People You May Know' feature for your CB & JomSocial based Social Networking Website. JomSocial P...

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  2458 Hits

Fresh New Layouts for Product Pages

We just launched swanky new product landing pages.  The landing pages will now not only show product information but also show Development Blogs, News & Testimonials about the product on the same page.  So now the product landing pages are a one stop source of information about the product as they should be !  Check out the new layout here : http:/...

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  4183 Hits

Orkut just announced Friend Suggestions for All. We did so for JomSocial, CB yesterday :)

Just saw an Orkut announcement about Friend Suggestions and realised that we announced this feature for CB & JomSocial yesterday ! We expect to release it today so you can have this orkut like functionlality on your site as well ! Watch out for Mega Promo Codes with the ...

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  6220 Hits

CB PHPlist to become J!PHPlist & work with Core Joomla, CB & JomSocial !!

CB PHPlist is soon to become J!PHPlist & bring with it many exciting new additions. The most awaited feature is that now it will work with plain Joomla as well as JomSocial. It also comes with an advanced intelligent configuration manager which will allow you to make complicated PHPlist Settings with a lot of ease & from within Joomla. Besi...

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  9341 Hits

New Author Pages Release soon

Thanks for the amazing feedback about Author Pages. We have recieved some very interesting suggestions & feature requests for the Author Pages extension. A lot of these are going into the new release. Development begins next week. Most of the major planning for this release is done but we would like your comments as to what new things you would...

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  4347 Hits

Coming Soon Revamped CB Network Suggest with Ignore

For the past few weeks the JomSocial Network suggest module was leading the version race with newer features being rolled out much more quickly than its CB Counterpart. This inspite of the fact that it was the CB Module that was ideated first ..ages before even JomSocial came out :) But finally its catching up !So What all does it have ? a. Igonore...

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  4529 Hits

Matrix Layouts & Facebook Look for JS Suggest

We just put out a new release of JS Suggest with some really cool new features. Sorry for taking so long to improve on the UI but now that we are done, the module is really looking smashing. The new version ( 1.3.0) Adds a number of new enhancements. a. Complete Layout Makeover b. Matrix Layout Support Now Supports A X B ( ROW X COLUMN) Configurati...

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  7103 Hits

CB People You May Know Updates

We are very excited as we near the release of another Social Networking focussed extension. 
People you may know is a really cool new extension that emulates the Facebook Feature 'People you May know'. This extension is available for both CB as well as JomSocial.

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  4421 Hits

JomSocial People You May Know - Updates

We are very excited as we near the release of another Social Networking focussed extension. 
People you may know is a really cool new extension that emulates the Facebook Feature 'People you May know'. This extension is available for both CB as well as JomSocial.

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  10713 Hits

JBolo! Version 2.0 released

We're glad to announce the release of JBolo! version 2.0. This version fixes several long standing bugs, especially those related to functioning on (our favourite browser) IE. Some other bugs and some features have also been introduced. Notably, you can now allow Facebook and OpenID users to chat. For the full details head over to the blog JBolo! V...

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  9429 Hits

Kevin R. Morrison

Highly recommended "The SocialAds component is one of the most exciting developments to arrive for those with Joomla-based communities, and I was thrilled to be among one of the first customers.  Like any new extension, there were bugs to be worked out, but the level of response and customer service to resolve them in an expedited manner has been s...

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  3579 Hits

Celebrate India's Independence Day with us !

At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance..... We end today a period of ill fortune, and India discovers herself again.

On this Day 62 years ago India became independent. Read on for a discount code

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  5574 Hits

Facebook / OpenID support for JBolo!

We are pleased to announce that support for Facebook, openID and other 3pd authenticated users has reached a beta stage for JBolo!.Till now many users, especially those using the Jomsocial-Facebook connect had problems chatting when one of the users logged in using his facebook account. We have overcome this limitation and our work is up for testin...

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  5636 Hits

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