We are happy to release People Suggest 1.4.8 which primarily adds support for Joomla 3.9.x privacy tools suite. This release introduces two new plugins: action log plugin and privacy plugin for People Suggest.
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Read on for details related to the plugins and for the detailed changelog.
The Action Log plugin for People Suggest
- Action Log plugin for People Suggest logs actions for activities related to friend recommendation, field mapping and setting preferences.
- Site administrator can review the user actions and adjust the plugin settings according to his preferences.
- This plugin is by default disabled on fresh installations, site admin can enable it if needed.
Below screenshot illustrates the action logging plugin for People Suggest

The Privacy plugin
- The privacy plugin is responsible for processing privacy related requests to People Suggest. Privacy related requests are related to export and deletion of user data.
- This plugin will help site admins drafting their privacy policy by showing in the admin area what all user data People Suggest collects
- Also, it will let export People Suggest-user-data with ‘Privacy Tools’ added in Joomla 3.9.0
- This plugin will also delete People Suggest related data of users with ‘Privacy Tools’ added in Joomla 3.9.0

+ Features Added (2):
- #134192 Joomla 3.9.x privacy tools support - Add new Privacy plugin for People Suggest
- #134192 Joomla 3.9.x privacy tools support - Add new Actionlog plugin for People Suggest