Email Beautifier v2.1.0 released with actionlog, tag replacements plugins
We are happy to announce that Email Beautifier is getting another release with v2.1.0 which primarily adds support for Joomla 3.9.x privacy tools suite in addition to the few enhancements and bug fixes.
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Read on for details related to the plugins and for the detailed changelog.
The Action Log plugin for Email Beautifier
- Action Log plugin for Email Beautifier logs actions related to the email template. Site administrator can review the user actions and adjust the plugin settings according to his preferences.
- This plugin is by default disabled on fresh installations, site admin can enable it if needed.
Below screenshot illustrates the action logging plugin for Email Beautifier

Tag Replacements plugin for Email Beautifier
- This plugin allows site administrators to add more replacement tags to existing email template. We have introduced 3 new tags in this release - [NAME], [USERNAME] and [EMAIL].
- Site integrators can create new plugin if needed to add more replacements for subject and body of outgoing mails by referring to this plugin.

In addition to these two features, we have made changes to logging, so that new logs are written into the logs folder, as configured in Joomla’s global configuration, in a file com_emailbeautifier.log.php instead of logging into component’s folder.
Email Beautifier changelog for v2.1.0
+ Features Added (2):
- #135550 Joomla 3.9.x privacy tools support (Add actionlog plugin for Email Beautifier)
- #133835 Add support for adding more replacement [TAGS] in the subject and body through plugins
^ Enhancements / Other changes (2):
- #135555 Add TJUpdates plugin
- #133387 EB - Log] The log file should be generate in the Joomla's log folder
- Bugs Fixed (3):
- #134407 [Manage Templates - backend] Unable to sort columns
- #134369 JMailAlerts plugin tags not showing description
- #128246 If no templates are published, keep plain text mails as it is, do not see those as HTML mails