The Techjoomla Blog

Stay updated with all the latest happenings at Techjoomla. From news about the developments in your favourite extensions to Tips & Tricks about the Joomla CMS, Framework & Development.

Ashwin is the Lead geek at Techjoomla. The CTO so to say :) Ashwin has been dabbling with Joomla since the Mambo days. He knows his way around PHP Frameworks - Wordpress, Drupal, Magento as well any kind of coding in general just as well as he knows Joomla. The Guy to go to when anyone is faced with a tech challenge, its also his job to make...

Ashwin is the Lead geek at Techjoomla. The CTO so to say :) Ashwin has been dabbling with Joomla since the Mambo days. He knows his way around PHP Frameworks - Wordpress, Drupal, Magento as well any kind of coding in general just as well as he knows Joomla. The Guy to go to when anyone is faced with a tech challenge, its also his job to make sure the code getting shipped is top notch !

Ashwin loves to travel, eat, cook and of course speak at Joomla Conferences! 


How to use Hotmail REST API to import contacts


Importing contacts using Hotmail API works in three steps:
1. Getting Request Token:

Use the following URL to request token form Hotmail.
  • client_id(represented here by CLIENT_ID) is the one that you received when you registered your app in the Live Connect app management site.
  • scope parameter has to be "wl.signin+wl.basic+wl.contacts_emails" in case of Importing Email contacts
  • response_type parameter is set to code, which requests an authorization code.
  • redirect_uri parameter (represented here by REDIRECT_URL) is the URL that Live Connect returns users to after they sign in. 
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  17560 Hits

Quick2Cart 2.0.1 version released

  We have released Quick2Cart version 2.0.1 which contains bug fixes for reported bugs. Please check the changelog given below.   Changelog for v2.0.1 NOTE Ugrade Instructions : If you have any of the following modules, please make sure you uninstall them and then install the latest stable package v2.0.1 at your site. Quick2Cart module - Best Selle...

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  5028 Hits

Quick2Cart 2.0 Brings a Social twist to Ecommerce - Multivendor Support, Awesome Social Integrations & FLEXIContent Support !

q2cl srcWoo Hooo ! Its here !! Quick2Cart 2.0 brings our biggest features ever !!! Wondering what I'm so excited about ? Lets take a look .

Social Ecommerce with Multi Vendor & Multi Store

Quick2Cart 2.0 is our biggest release to date. It introduces a Major new feature - Social Ecommerce with Multi Vendor, Multi Store & an awesome JomSocial Integration. So now you have a great way to start monetizing your Social network.

All your users can create their own stores & manage their own products. You can charge a commission on each transaction. Or if you so choose, integrate with something like Payplans or AEC & charge for this feature. Store owners can also create their own coupons. Users can buy products from one or more stores & checkout in a single step.  Note that multivendor support in this version is for for Native Products only ( Support for Joomla Content, Zoo, K2 Flexi content for Multi Vendor will be introduces in future releases).

Selection 018

With an awesome Vendor Dashboard, frontend coupons, customer management & much much more, this feature promises to bring a whole new aspect to Joomla ecommerce. Read more about Multi Vendor & Multi Store here.

JomSocial Integrations include Plugins to show stores & products on user profile, Activity Stream integrations, JomSocial Notifications Integration. We have also added Jlike Integration, A SocialAds promote plugin & much more ! Read more about Social Integrations here.

Q2C - Jomsocial Integration


logo-flexicontentFlexi Content Integration

Now Add an awesome shopping experience to your FLEXIContent. Adding to our growing list of CCK integrations, FLEXIContent joins the Party !  Quick2Cart already supports Joomla Content, K2 & Zoo. Read more about our CCK Integrations here.

One Page Checkout

We have worked extensively on our checkout process to make it faster & easier for your customers to checkout. The entire checkout process has been consolidated to be on one page. And thats not more ! We have lots of new features in this new release & lots of Bug fixes too. Read on for the full changelog  for the complete feature list.

Screen Shots

Checkout out many more screenshots on our Facebook page.

Upgrading  / Installing Quick2Cart 2.0

We have upgraded our common payments API in Quick2Cart 2.0 version. So if you have JGive, SocialAds or JTicketing installed, you will lneed to upgrade them to the latest versions released today. If your subscriptions for those have expired, we have released free patches on the forum so that they can work with the new CPG plugins.

Buy Now !

At 29.99$ for a 6 months Subscription & 49.99 for a 12 month Subscription, the new Quick2Cart is a superb Steal ! Get Quick2Cart today !

buynow-btn flat

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  12525 Hits

Quick2Cart Beta 2 is out for testing ! Multi Vendor for Native Products , Flexi Content support, & Much much more !!

Quick2Cart v2.0 beta 2 is here for testing with the greatest features ever! We are releasing a Beta version of Quick2Cart today as a free download for all to test. This version introduces loads of awesome new features. We invite you to download this release & take it for a test run. A New Beta forum has been opened up for you to report any issu...

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  9023 Hits

SocialAds new version 2.9.2 out

    We have released SocialAds version 2.9.2 which contains minor bug fixes for reported bugs. Please check the changelog given below.  Change Log for v2.9.2 - Bugs Fixed - #15651: Images Keep Getting Deleted if joomla site is on Windows server- #18769: use of deprecated toMYSQL,replace with TOSQL- #18893: contextual search for word like new york, ...

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  4841 Hits

Rolling out CSS/JavaScript changes with heavy browser caching


Most of us have been in this scenario. We have spent hours tweaking our Joomla site using numerous tools like Google Page Speed, YSlow and made those adjustments to shelve those important milliseconds from page load times. You've added gzip, Joomla caching and also enabled month long caching via the .htaccess file. The site now works fast. Cool!

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  8121 Hits

Monsoon Sale!! 10% Off Storewide

Its Raining !! Its Raining !! The Monsoons are finally here after a long & sweltering summer.Celebrate with us !! Get 10% Off Storewide till 15th June Use the Code MONSOONMAGIC and get 10% Off on any purchases Storewide! Steal the offer today.

  4307 Hits

Roadmaps for Major Products to be released soon !

Our users have been requesting us for a while now to announce Roadmaps for major products so that they can plan their projects accordingly.  We too believe that this would be a great idea to share our dreams about a particular product with Customers. The Techjoomla team is continuously evolving its process of product development to give our cu...

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  4568 Hits

JTicketing Roadmap 2013-14. See whats coming up!


Our extensions are regularly maintained & we keep adding new features to extensions periodically. Features are based on our users feedback on the forums, via Tickets, email & Social Channels. Do Comment on this article & give us your Feedback. Your inputs shall be considered in order to convert this Draft roadmap to a frozen one. Commen...

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  4973 Hits

RoadMap for J!Like

Roadmap for upcoming release Pinterest viewActivity stream integrationNew look and Feel of admin Dashboard

  5592 Hits

Techjoomla New Extension Pricing

We have introduced Attractive new Prices for all our extensions. Prices have been slashed on many popular extensions & 12 month subscriptions are now much cheaper & easy to buy. You can see the new pricing of all prodcuts here . SocialAds. Joomla Advertising Reloaded! Start generating serious revenue with using powerful extension.  Buy...

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  4511 Hits

Introducing more Savings with Attractive Pricing & Brand new Saver Packs !

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Attractive new pricing

We have introduced Attractive new Prices for all our extensions. Prices have been slashed on many popular extensions & 12 month subscriptions are now much cheaper & easy to buy. You can see the new pricing of all prodcuts here .

Awesome New Saver Bundles

We have added quite a bit of New products over the last year or so.. however our Promotional Bundles had not been updated to include many of these extensions till now.  We have had quite a bit of feedback from you on this & we have introduced brand new packs which take all this into account !  We have Introduced two new Packs called JomSocial Essentials & CB Essentials. These are budget packs having our most popular extensions for the two leading Social platforms in Joomla. Plus we have beefed up our PowerPacks to include all our extensions that integrate with JomSocial & CB respectively. 

The Earn With Joomla Bundle has been reconfigured & now contains all our Money earning extensions at one awesome price ! Buy these awesome Packs today & Save BIG ! Read on to check the new Pack Pricing ! Read on to see the New Packs :) 

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  5313 Hits

Make you joomla site hotter this summer..

Make your joomla site hotter this summer..Introducing new price range for all our Joomla extensions. Check out now and witness the unbelieavble. Thats not it, we also have some OMG!! offer packs like Jomsocial power Pack & essentials pack and also Community Builder power Pack & essentials pack Doesn't it feel AWESOME to see so many pre...

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  3483 Hits

Two new free plugins for JMailAlerts Released!

JMailAlerts - jDownloads - Latest Files - Plugin and JMailAlerts - SOBI PRO - Latest Listings - Plugin, free plugins for JmailAlerts released! JMailAlerts - jDownloads - Latest Files - Plugin JMailAlerts - SOBI PRO - Latest Listings - Plugin Both plugins are compatible with Joomla 2.5.x Download your free copy today! These plugins are contributed b...

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  4858 Hits

Automating multiple extension translation management using the Transifex client and a shell script


We've been using Transifex for more than a year now, and quite happy with the way crowdsourcing can help enrich the reach of your extensions. However, updating all the resources for all the extensions was a painful task and something everyone wanted to avoid. The tx-client eases some pain by allowing easy pushes & pulls of source files & translations. However, the tx-client relies on a 'config' file to be updated with all the resource slugs. With so many extensions and also with so many plugin language files getting added regularly, it's a tough task to keep on updating the config file.

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  20214 Hits