Our extensions are regularly maintained & we keep adding new features to extensions periodically. Features are based on our users feedback on the forums, via Tickets, email & Social Channels. Do Comment on this article & give us your Feedback. Your inputs shall be considered in order to convert this Draft roadmap to a frozen one. Comments till 30th June shall be considered for future releases.
Joomla 3.X compatibility
New look and feel with Bootstrap and other CSS fixes- Save your styling and designing time with the use of Bootstrap libraries and stay consistent throughout your site.
Awesome new admin Dashboard
Mobile App APIs
Mobile app (IOS & Android) for Event Managers to scan the QR code- The managers of the event can now scan the QRcode received in the confirmation email on booking a ticket of an event and verify the participants just by using their smartphones making the job very easy and quick.
Event level ticket templates
Auto reminder notifications
Auto upgrade ticket type
User details display of attendees during the purchase
Pictorial representation of ticket types
Who is else is attending
Early Bird pricing
Front-end coupon manager
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