We are super pleased to announce the release of one of the most awaited extensions for JomSocial. JTicketing - the Ticketing extension that turns JomSocial into your own Social Event Ticketing system is here to help you Monetize your JomSocial events & earn a fine comission on every Ticket sale on your site !

J!Ticketing is a full featured Event Ticketing system fully compatible with JomSocial 2.6 & Joomla 2.5 as well as the 1.5X series.
** Note that JomSocial 2.4X had a bug which needs you to patch a couple of files for J!Ticketing to work. If you have upgraded to JomSocial 2.6 you wont need this patch.
You can check out the Demo rightaway. There is 25% Discount till the end of this Month after which the price will go up. So Buy Now!
Read On for the full feature list !