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SocialAds 5.0.1 is here with charge ads together (Clicks and Impressions) for wallet mode


We're thrilled to announce our new SocialAds 5.0.1 release that introduces a new ad pricing option to charge ads together(clicks + impressions) for wallet mode. This release also includes various bug fixes.

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Charge ads together(clicks+impressions) for wallet mode

With SocialAds 5.0.1, we have introduced a new ad pricing option to charge ads together (clicks+impressions) for wallet mode. This helps advertisers measure the overall effectiveness of their ads and ensures they only pay for results that matter, like people actually engaging with their ad. This feature was requested by one of our customers.


Bugs fixed (4)

Bug #215687: If the bot user is found then credit is reduced but the count is not created
Bug #219000: FE > Dashboard > redirects links not working
Bug #195379: BE > Campaigns > Display responsive view
Bug #224682: Display CTR Values as per standards

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