The Techjoomla Blog

Stay updated with all the latest happenings at Techjoomla. From news about the developments in your favourite extensions to Tips & Tricks about the Joomla CMS, Framework & Development.

On paper, Parth does the Sales & is the CEO of Techjoomla so to speak.. But he loves getting his hands dirty with code, innovating & helping the team come up with new stuff !

Working in Joomla since the times when it was called Mambo, Parth is passionate about everything opensource. A Mechanical Engineer by profession, Parth was working with...

On paper, Parth does the Sales & is the CEO of Techjoomla so to speak.. But he loves getting his hands dirty with code, innovating & helping the team come up with new stuff !

Working in Joomla since the times when it was called Mambo, Parth is passionate about everything opensource. A Mechanical Engineer by profession, Parth was working with content management systems like PHP nuke while doing some voluntary work for non profits when he stumbled upon Joomla & was completely hooked 

Parth has been involved in the Joomla project as part of the Joomla Bug Squad, was a mentor for Joomla at Google Summer of code & plays a key role in managing Joomla User Group Pune & organising Joomla Day India. Currently, he is serving on the Joomla Marketing working group leadership as the Strategic Marketing Manager. 

When not in the office, you will find Parth in the mountains hiking or cycling, reading a book , cooking or gardening ..


Sneak peak at the JomGive in its new Avatar as J!Give

After we took over the JomGive extension from the CorePHP guys, we planned to give it a major architectural overhaul so that we could easily scale it & support all the feature requests we were getting & to be able to reach our vision for this extension. We are almost ready with this awesome new release which can work independantly of JomSoc...

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  6435 Hits

Discount on all Joomlapolis subscriptions and products for Techjoomla Members & readers !

Joomlapolis is offering a 20% discount coupon for Techjoomla customers and newsletter recipients. The coupon code jp-gives-20-to-tj is valid for the next 48 hours only and can be used for any membership subscription, template product or CBSubs purchase. This is a fantastic opportunity ...

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  29432 Hits

SocialAds 2.8 brings Contextual Ads & Search Ads to Joomla !

context sads flatYes ! You heard it right !! Contextual Ads is the BIG new feature in this SocialAds release.

In line with our commitment to bring you the most versatile and feature rich Advertising solution for Joomla, we now introduce our next BIG feature - Contextual Ads or Keyword based targeting.  For contextual ads to be accurate, its necessary to be able to accurately find the most important keywords in a page, such that the user viewing the ads will find them to be closely related to the content he is seeing.

Keyword Density, Pattern matching, reference matching ... the list of methods that can be used to accertain accurate keywords can go on and on & this is a technology that is continuosly under improvement. Google does this pretty well with Google Adsense & Adwords products.And now, SocialAds has brought it to Joomla ! 

Search Ads which leverages contextual ads to display Ads relevant to searches is the next awesome feature. Using this, Search pages on your site can be monetized by showing relevant Ads alongside !

Both these features are a huge boost & SocialAds can now boast of a combined feature set of Google Adssense & Facebook & LinkedIn Ads all bundled in one ! Contextual Targeting can be used individually or in combination with Geo & Social Targeting if needed.

With these features, SocialAds is now highly recommended for Content heavy websites like News Portals & Blogs ! Make sure you get SocialAds for your site today !  You can demo the Contextual Ads feature here & the Search Ads feature here.

Special  Offer !

Get an awesome 15% Discount on Purchase of SocialAds only for the next 24 hours !  There is no need of any Discount code ! Buy it now !

Read on for details about both the features & the full changelog ...

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  8212 Hits

Create Rich content with EasyBlog & monetize with SocialAds !

SocialAds was created with a clear & simple goal in mind - To help site owners make Money !  Everything - from making SocialAds easy to use for advertisers or the multitude of Targeting options & Ad formats to state of the art reporting has been built thinking about this. With the same goal in mind, we believe in creating new opportuni...

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  6353 Hits

Secrets to Designing Invites that work ! - Invitex Subscriber Education Series

Design Awesome Invitations - that users can't help but click ! In this edition of the Subscriber Connect - Subscriber Education series, we shall spill the beans on the secrets of making irresistible invitations. So Awesome that users cant help click !!Invite Design, Content & Subject lines play a critical role in the success of your Invitation ...

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  10826 Hits

Joomla 3.0 is here. 3 Things that Matter most!


joomla-3.0, techjoomla.comJoomla 3.0 was released a few minutes back & it brings some revolutionary changes to the Joomla world. From 1.0 to 1.5 to 2.5, Joomla has been notorious for laborious migration processes. We bid adieu to migrations with 3.0. I admit this has really happened in the 1.6, 1.7 versions which were at the best forgettable. So 3.0 is the first real version that shows this. This I believe is the biggest news for Joomla end users. With this Joomla has given yet another reason to stick with this awesome & versatile platform.

01 Joomla 3.0 for Integrators & Site Builders & End Users-  Bye Bye to Migrations & Hello to Upgrades!

02 Joomla 3.0 For Developers - JUI & Bootstrap Uniform & great looking UI without having to Code!

03 Joomla 3.0 - For End Users - Great new UI & UX, Responsive by Default. Mobile Here we come!

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  11240 Hits

Joomla File Rsync & Database Sync Script


One of the major headaches of maintaining a Joomla demo is that you have to refresh the data every now & then to restore the demo to its best as user usage can change a lot of data & interfere with the optimum demonstration of your products. We used to do this by simply having a cron job restore a backup of the database with the optimum data. But this had major issues as we had to upgrade extensions on the demo to the latest & these in some cases also involved structural database changes.

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  21640 Hits

Profile Completeness 2.0 (Free) is released

We are pleased to announce the release of Profile Completeness 2.0. This version is a combination package for Both CB & JomSocial. You can download the package from the Free Downloads Area. In addition it also has lots of bug fixes. So we recommend that you upgrade.  Updated Documentation :

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  8262 Hits

Update for Old JomGive, JomLike Customers

This is an update for old custommers for JomGive & JomLike who have active Subscriptions at CorePHP. Techjoomla shall be  At some point over the past 18 months, you purchased either the jomGive or jomLike Joomla 1.5/1.7 extension from our friends at corePHP. Our company TechJoomla, has acquired all rights to both extensions and we will now...

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  4356 Hits

Extend your Community Builder with some Awesome Extensions @Techjoomla !

Joomlapolis is one of the oldest & most respected companies in Joomla sine the Mambo days. Super stable, well tested & extendible extensions in their forte & Community Builder is their Flagship extension. Community Builder combined with 17+ team addons that the CB team themselves develop & maintain, along with GroupJive make for som...

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  10401 Hits

Quick2Cart Alpha here for you to test!


Hey Everyone! The first Alpha of Quick2Cart is here!

Quick2Cart is a super flexible E-commerce solution that lets you set up a Shopping cart Quickly. With integrations for Almost every CCK for Joomla including Native Joomla content, you have the freedom to manage the products as you want while Quick2Cart handles everything related to Cart & Checkout.

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  4802 Hits

Help us test J!Bolo 3.0 Alpha !

Hey Everyone, Its finally here ! J!Bolo 3.0 is a complete rewrite which introduces a completely different approach & improved architecture . Logon to the Alpha Testing Site & Help Test it today ! There is a Forum available at the Alpha site for your Bug reports. Note that this Alpha on the improved architechture will help us quickly roll ou...

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  6185 Hits

Sneak Peak at the Dash of Invitex 2.5 - Stats that Matter !

Checkout the awesome new Invite Statistics Dashboard in the Upcoming Invitex version ! Feedback Appreciated :) What other stats do you need ? Let us know ..

  5162 Hits

Invitex 2.4.4 Out - Invitation Reminders, Unsubscribe Control, JomSocial Messaging in Invite Anywhere,User Limits & more !

Invitex 2.4.4 is here & it brings some really exciting new features. We feel that having a clear goal about a product is extremely important in making the product a success. And that goal has to be in sync with your goal as a site builder !

The Invitex Goal is simple.

" Invitex should do anything & everything necessary to increase the User base of a Website"

And thats exactly what we do :) . Lets take a look at Whats new in Invitex 2.4.4.

New in Invitex 2.4.4

1340608699 mailreminderInvitation Reminders - Manual & Automatic

Manual Reminders : Now Admins can Manually send Invitation reminders from the backend interface. They can filter Invitations sent by date & chose whom to send Invitation Reminders. The Invitation content can be controlled via a separate Invitation template.

Automated Reminders : You can also set Invitation reminders to go out automatically after set delays without having to worry about sending them manually. You can set the first reminder to go after X Days & then repeat 'N' reminders every 'D' Days after that ! The standard Invitex cron takes care of sending these too !

js Logo biggerJomSocial Friend Invitations as part of Invitex Anywhere

This fills a major gap in Invitex anywhere, now allowing you to completely replace the native JomSocial Invitations system with Invitex. Whatever you are using Invitex Anywhere with- Be it Groups, Events, SOBI Business Listings or Joomla Articles, you can now let users Invite their friends on the website using the Invitex Interface. Invites are sent via JomSocial PMs.

1340608760 button cancelManual Control on Unsubscribe List

The ability to Unsubscribe is a very important feature from the perspective of end users. The respect for a website grows in the mind of an end user when they see an option to unsubscribe from any kind of a site email. Sometimes it may be necessary for the admin to manually add or delete users in the Unsubscribe.

1340609903 unknownCustom Invitation Landing Page Support

Now you can set any page on your website as the Landing page after a user is invited to your website. No need to compulsorily show the Joomla/ JomSocial/ CB Registration page. You can make your own beutiful landing pages & greatly increase the conversion rate !

1340609744 lockPer User Invitation Limit

Want to built that exclusivity & restrict number of Invites sent on a per user basis or want to give certain users the ability to send more invites ? The Per User Invitation limit lets you do that. If set, this will override any global Invitation limit for that specific user.

Other Features in 2.4.4

  1. Allow admin to delete the Invitations in backend
  2. Allow admin to Select/deselect "Invite using URL" method.
  3. Invite During Registration should be optional. Ability to Skip.
  4. Provided Instructions in plugin backend advising "How to get APP ID and APP secret key"
  5. Added Footer and Jomsocial toolbar for the namecard view.

Read on for the full changelog

Get on Board & experience Invitex today & the get the most cutting edge & innovative Viral Invitations system for your Joomla site today & its very affordable too !
45$ 6 Months Subscription | 80$ 12 Months Subscription. Buy Now !

Get a 10% Changeover Discount

You have already Invested in a competing Invitations system & want to now switch to Invitex ? We have a sweet deal for you ! Email us the proof of purchase to [email protected] & we will give you a 10% change over discount coupon. This coupon is also valid on our other products.

Recommended Integrations

If you are using Invitex or planning to use it, we recommend you also go in for the following products.

People Suggest - Improved Suggestions with Imported contact analysis

People Suggest has a Invitex integration feature which lets you use Invitex import data to Suggest new friends to your website users. The Imported Contacts Analysis method is successfully used by Facebook as one of its many suggestion algorithms. People Suggest coupled with Invitex can give your users an enhanced Suggestion experience. Read more about this feature here . Read More about People Suggest here.

SocialAds - Ads in Emails

In a viral invitation system, your Invitation emails are sent to scores of people who might never have heard about your site or visited. These emails are potential advertising real estate for you ! Increasing the advertising reach many fold, Invitex emails are a great place to push ads from your site in. If you are using SocialAds, you can setup AdsInEmail today ! Read  Monetizing your Invitaton Emails . Read more about SocialAds.

j!MailAlerts Plugins - Rich targeted email content to increase conversions

J!MailAlerts plugins are supported in Invitex allowing you to send Rich, targeted content in your Invitation Emails. Latest Site users, Latest Photos of the Inviter, Latest site News.. The list is pretty long as to what can be sent. Dynamic content that the Invitee can relate to is a sure shot way to make that conversion. Use this intelligently like Facebook & LinkedIn do & you will see steady growth in conversions. These can also be used in Invitation reminders.
Paid J!MailAlerts plugins
(General) | JomSocial Specific Plugins | Free J!MailAlerts plugins.

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  11996 Hits

SocialAds 2.7.5 is here with Video Ads, GIF Animated Ads, Affiliate Ads & more !

We are pleased to announce the availability of SocialAds 2.7.5 Stable, which brings some greatly anticipated features to SocialAds. SocialAds has been leading innovation in Joomla Advertising since its inception & can boast of several ground breaking features today. If you are not running Ads on your site using SocialAds, you are definitely missing out. So if you are not on board yet, give it a try today !

Whats New in SocialAds 2.7.5

Video AdsMedia Ads - Support for Flash & Video Ads

SocialAds is probably the only extension offering Video Ads. Besides video, we have also added support for Flash Ads.


Affiliate & Google AdsAffiliate Ad Support

Add some more punch to your site monetization by running Affiliate Ads alongside regular Ads. Support all kinds of Affiliate codes including Google Adsense. Animations Support for Image Ads

You are not stuck with plain old static images any more. Now you can add vibrant GIF animations to your Image/ Media Ads.



Social SharingSocial Engagement & JBolo Integration

With this cool feature, users can now share your ad using Add This. JBolo Integration adds deeper engagement


Payment Slabs

Define Day ranges to let people pay by the week or by the month Recurring payments

Use recurring payments to automatically bill clients on a set cycle.

Backend Ad Editing

Allow your site admins to Edit ads from the admin area.

Improved Promotion Architecture

Easy ability to add Promote anything in a Joomla site with place anywhere widgets. Brings back the much asked for Promote this Group/ Promote this event feature for JomSocial

Allow Ad owners to see their own Ads

One of the features of SocialAds is that it does not allow Ad owners to see their own ads in order to make it fairest to site owners as well as other advertisers. This used to cause some confusion so we now let the admin disable this

Optimized Stats table

Automated archiving of Stats in order to optimize the stats storage & improve performance

Admin Jotpad & Quick to Do list

Single place to see a quick to do list of SocialAds tasks for the admin in the backend.

This is just the Tip of the FeatureBerg !  Checkout the full Changelog here !

Special Offer for Switching to SocialAds

Using another Commercial Joomla Ad Management system ? We have a special offer for you, if you are willing to switch to SocialAds email us the proof of purchace & we'll give you a 30% Discount on your SocialAds purchase.

Not Advertising Using Joomla Yet ?

Dont worry ! Its a good time to start. We are offering you a chance to buy SocialAds at a 15% Discount with the Code EARNWITHJ! . Note that this code is only valid  till 12th of June. So Hurry ! You can also look at getting the Earn with Joomla Pack & save even more !

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  19965 Hits