Now is the time to update your crowdfunding extension. We are super happy to announce the new major release of our crowdfunding extension for Joomla. JGive 2.5.0 is here with improved TJ Vendor integration, Frontend Individual and Organization Contacts and Frontend vendor reports. Besides this, we have created two separate views for donor list and donations. We have also developed APIs using the factory pattern.
We have also fixed many bugs in this release. We encourage you to upgrade to this release as soon as possible. Read on for more details and the detailed changelog.
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The improved TJ Vendor integration simplifies campaign submission and avoids data redundancy. The vendor doesn’t have to fill in his details each time he launches a new campaign. The vendor profile is now updated with several new fields so that the vendor can add more information to his profile.
JGive 2.5.0 introduces frontend vendor specific individual and organization contacts. The total no of donations for individual and organization contacts are linked for vendor specific campaigns.
Campaign Vendors can now download reports from the frontend for their created campaigns.
In the donors list, the Donors information & total amount donated across the campaign is shown similar to donors report. Thus we can know the total count of donors, the donor who has donated the maximum amount. This is further beneficial for marketing and communication.
We have another list that only shows the transactions (donations) made by the donor. Suppose a donor has donated money to multiple campaigns for 4 times, 4 entries are displayed in this case.
Feature Added (5):
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