The Techjoomla Blog

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Shika 4.1.2 maintenance release


We are excited to announce the release of the latest update for Shika, the most popular Joomla learning management system. Shika 4.1.2 addresses many bugs reported by our subscribers.  We recommend you to read the release notes before upgrading to the latest version. Read on for the detailed changelog. Buy Shika Now! Changelog Bugs Fixed (6): Front...

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JGive 2.5.0 is here with improved TJ Vendor integration, Front-end Individual and Organization Contacts and Front-end vendor reports


Now is the time to update your crowdfunding extension. We are super happy to announce the new major release of our crowdfunding extension for Joomla. JGive 2.5.0 is here with improved TJ Vendor integration, Frontend Individual and Organization Contacts and Frontend vendor reports. Besides this, we have created two separate views for donor list and donations. We have also developed APIs using the factory pattern.

We have also fixed many bugs in this release. We encourage you to upgrade to this release as soon as possible. Read on for more details and the detailed changelog.

Buy JGive View the Updated JGive demo

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Adding Business Intelligence (BI) & Analytical reporting to your reports with the Google data studio integration for TJ Reports


Data Studio is a powerful product from Google for power users that allows you to easily create great looking, interactive reports & dashboards that use data from various sources. With TJ Reports we have a powerful reporting system that lets you build reports with features like CSV exports and reports available via API. With this integration you get the ability to add powerful visualisations & do insightful reporting for Business Intelligence. 

With this release, all reports from TJ Reports are available in a Google Data Studio connecter. You can use this to build your own visualisations in Google Data Studio. You should be able to use this any extension using Google Data Studio. 

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JGive 2.4.0 is here with multiple new reports and revamped reports


We are happy to announce the new major release of our crowdfunding extension for Joomla. JGive 2.4.0 is here with multiple new reports along with 2 new revamped reports(Donations, Campaigns). With this release, we have enabled video play without needing JW Player. 

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Easy Campaign reporting and much more with JGive 2.2!


Whether you are doing fundraising for a non-profit or building crowdfunding marketplaces to drive innovation, a key element is building trust between the donors and the promoters. Regular reporting on how the donor's money is being used can go a long way in establishing this critical relation.

With the campaign reporting feature in JGive 2.2, we bring a rich and intuitive way for campaign managers to give updates on their progress to stakeholders.

Besides this there are a host of other improvements and features that make this release a 'must upgrade’ !

Buy JGive Now              View the JGive Demo!

Read on to get the complete details on what this version has in store for you. This is our third major release as a part of JGive nEXT series. Make sure you read our release notes before you upgrade as backward compatibility breaks in this release.

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Shika 1.2.8 is here!


We are happy to bring you Shika 1.2.8 which is primarily a bug fix release. We strongly suggest you take a full site backup before updating Shika to the latest version as a best practice.

Please read the upgrade instructions and detailed changelog before upgrading. Also, go through the Shika 1.2 release notes and instructions in case you are updating Shika 1.2.8 directly from Shika 1.1.x.

Read on for the detailed changelog.

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Shika 1.2 is here with teacher and manager reports, Bootstrap 3 support and more !


The wait is over! We are super excited to announce the release of Shika 1.2 which brings Bootstrap 3 support, User Hierarchy awareness and a plethora of reporting enhancements with TJ reports integration. Between TJ Reports and Hierarchy awareness it is now possible for managers to view reports of a user reporting to them. What’s more, the reporting now also understands the concept of ownership and allows Course creators to view reports about the courses created by them.

Please note that this is a major release and involves a migration which is however painless. Also since the layouts have been revamped to support Bootstrap 3, any overrides you have done might need some rework. On installation do not forget to click the ‘Fix’ buttons on both Shika and Jlike Components. Detailed instructions are given in the release notes. Make sure you read them carefully before you upgrade !!

Buy Shika Now!         View Shika Demo!

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