Digital Advertising has always been a tough job when it comes to the look of your website and the reputation of your site with respect to the end user. In such cases, too much advertising is what tends to happen. Instead of increasing the brand goodwill it can hamper it. Special care needs to be taken to optimize the use of available real estate.
However, with Pretty, well placed, relevant ads that appeal to the sensibilities of your end users can have a completely opposite and positive impact on your site, your brand and finally your ad sales. Let's explore the best way to achieve this sweet spot.
SocialAds lets you create different types of Ads. You need to be choosy about deciding which Ad type looks good where. Image Ads will look good in most positions while sometimes you might need to set up a simple pure text ad position.
Pictures are worth a thousand words but sometimes a small snippet of text is all you need !
In positions that are very compact and slim, a Gmail like one line text Ad would look great. Ideally, don't put more than one Video Ad on one page. Make a dedicated Zone for it & only place one Ad in it.
The SocialAds Zone editor is extremely flexible & will let you create a multitude of dimensions for SocialAds. I would use this carefully, however. Try & stick to dimensions that work best & keep them limited to your needs.
You might want to use a bit of innovation to avoid the banner blindness effect though! In short, end users get used to the same type & dimensions of Ads. Having something non-standard can go a long way in attracting attention.
Users can upload hideous content and affect how your site looks. Make sure you have Admin approval on for Ad content review so that you can ensure that Ads look nice. You can also consider providing your advertisers with an Ad Design service. It will help your revenues and also help advertisers get a nice look on the site.
Its important to place Ads where your users are more likely to see them. This will ensure Ads get clicks and Advertisers will want to keep advertising on your site.
Zones define what kind of ad formats can be created while a module for the Zone decides where that Zone will be placed. Since you can create multiple modules for each zone, you have the flexibility to reuse the Zone as needed.
Module configurations allow you some additional control on how many ads will be shown and give you control on some display parameters. In addition, you can choose to place Ad modules on particular pages and exclude them on some.
As more and more users access websites over phones & tablets, you might want to spare more thought to making sure your Zones are made such that they will show up will on smaller screens and more ‘vertical’ websites. Read our blog on optimizing Zones for Mobile for more details on this.
Make your value proposition irresistible by offering to advertise in your emails. SocialAds supports advertising in virtually all* outgoing Joomla emails via an integration with Email Beautifier. In addition, we recommend J!MailAlerts if you have a site that needs automated digest emails which reach out regularly to interested users with Ads embedded in them. The next step is to use Invitex for your site's viral invitation needs and monetize it using SocialAds.
You have a network of websites or have sister sites that can also display Ads. Showing ads there as well can be a great addition to your value proposition to your advertiser. SocialAds lets you do this easily with its Multi site ad delivery feature. You can get the Zone remote display code from the Zone editor to use in your remote sites.
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