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Empowering advertisers is a great way to sell advertising

Empowering advertisers is a great way to sell advertising

One of the great advantages of Internet advertising as against physical traditional advertising is that it gives advertisers more easily measurable ROI as well as more control on their campaigns. This allow advertisers to react faster to metrics and continuously improve their ROI.

One of the key aspects of the vision behind creating Socialads was empowering Advertisers and this has been consistently implemented via various features of Socialads. Giving advertisers control and transparent access to performance metrics helps you gain their trust and build the base for a long and lasting relationship.

With a tool that lets you do this on one side and a great strategy to attract and engage your users on the other, you should be on the right path to earn your due from your web properties. Lets see how SocialAds can empower your advertisers.

Freedom of design and placement

With a DIY and easy to use Ad designer, its very easy for advertisers to create their own Ads and in a variety of formats like Images or Videos, Pure text or combinations of text and media. Plus with the admin setting up a variety of zones across the site, its very easy for the advertiser to choose where he wants to place their ads.


Decide basis of payments

Under the regular pricing options, SocialAds lets you offer the advertisers the option to choose if they want to Pay in terms of Days, Impressions or Clicks. Depending on what their campaign needs are, they can choose the best pricing option.

Stick to budgets

If you are using the Budget option, advertisers have the ability to define a fixed budget for their Ad Campaigns. This gives them finer control  on their spend and they can tweak their campaign as needed.

Choice of Social Targeting

Why waste money on showing ads to all audiences when you can tweak demographic targeting for ads and target them to specific target groups. This freedom can help advertisers get the most out of their advertising budget.


Choice of Location Targeting

If an advertiser's product is only relevant to specific countries, then they can choose to show their ad only in those locations rather than wasting the budget on showing the Ad to everyone.


Contextual or Keyword Targeting

Contextual relevance plays a large role in increasing the click through ratio for Ads and users are more likely to click when they are shown Ads in the right context. Socialads offers the freedom to target based on keywords and ensuring ads have a better click through ratio.


Complete Transparency of Metrics

Seeing how their Ads in other words their investment is performing is an important factor for the advertisers. Socialads offers nice overview reports as well as Ad specific reports on performance. In addition, its also possible to send out weekly Ad performance report emails to advertisers.

Option to Pay via a variety of Payment options

Of Course this is up to the admin but we recommend offering at least 2 payment gateway options to your buyers. We have seen increase in our own conversion rates by doing this. Having multiple options to pay makes it more likely that a last minute hiccup does not cause you to lose the client . Letting users have this choice is important for you as well as them !


Not using Socialads yet to power advertising on your Joomla Site? Get it now!

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