We are happy to bring you a brand new major release of our events solution. JTicketing 3.1.0 is here with SMS notifications. Attendees can now register as a business during the ticket purchase. Besides this we have fixed many bugs in this release.
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We encourage you to upgrade as soon as possible! Read on for the details and for the complete changelog.
SMS Notifications & Multilingual support
With JTicketing you can send transactional SMS text notifications with the upgrade of our infrastructure extension TJ Notifications. Currently we are supporting SMS adaptor plugins for Twilio & Mvaayoo. You can read more about the TJ Notifications 2.0 release. The latest release of JTicketing supports multilingual notifications, powering up communications like never before.

Add functionality to register as a business while purchasing a ticket
Event attendees can register as a business while filling the billing form. The buyer’s business name and VAT number fields are included in the billing form and these completed fields are then displayed on the invoice.

Optional Joomla User creation during attendee import
We have introduced the ability to optionally create Joomla users when you are importing attendees in bulk to events.
Complete Changelog
Features (3) -
- Feature #164443 - Integration with new TJNotification - SMS support for all notifications
- Feature #164879 - Add functionality to register as a business while purchasing a ticket
- Feature #163716 - Attendee import with user creation
- Bugs (22) -
- Bug #153332 Frontend > Add Attendee> while creating a new attendee, the pop is not proper
- Bug #153654 CSRF token exposed in URL
- Bug #158709 All success messages on frontend and backend should vanish after some seconds
- Bug #159317 Easysocial - Frontend - Create Event - Move 'Add' and 'Delete' buttons on the right side in Ticket Types row
- Bug #159935 Frontend > demo site > Advance filter > 'Select an option' filter displayed as grayed out
- Bug #163196 Regression and retesting
- Bug #163660 Native, Easysocial & Jomsocial > Frontend > Book ticket > Not able to proceed with the order, error \Transaction failed due to internal error\" occurs on selecting the ticket count"
- Bug #163661 FE & BE > Create Venue > Remove Notices from the page
- Bug #163662 Frontend > Not able to create online venue > Check description and attached video for details
- Bug #164066 Frontend > Event details page > Resources > On closing the launched lesson user is redirecting to all lessons page
- Bug #164158 Backend > Create Event > Booking Date > Calendar is not stable and the clear button has misplaced
- Bug #164270 Frontend > All events > Warning \in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in C:\xampp\htdocs\Jticketing\libraries\src\MVC\Model\ListModel.php on line 486\" displayed"
- Bug #164273 Backend > Fatal error occurs on changing the order status to completed and warnings displayed
- Bug #164275 Backend > Attendees > Error occurred on check in the selected attendee
- Bug #164879 Add functionality to register as a business while purchasing ticket
- Bug #164941 Frontend > All Events > Filters > Search button is going outside the box and filters should align properly
- Bug #164954 Add functionality to register as a business while purchasing ticket
- Bug #165359 My Certificate View> Event venue not displayed on detail view, check-in, checkout time, certificate expiry not displayed on the certificate
- Bug #165362 Certificate > Replacement tag for {checkin.attendee_email} displayed in the certificate
- Bug #165891 In order invoice company name, address and vat number is not displayed which is stored in JT backend configs
- Bug #166038 Zoom webinar venue - on save getting fatal error
- Bug #166040 Ticket end date filter - If ticket date is blank - not able to book an event ticket