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JTicketing 1.5 Alpha 1 Released!


We are pleased to announce the availability to JTicketing Alpha 1 for testing. This is another step towards an awesome new stable release for JTicketing. This release has 80% of the planned features of JTicketing 1.5. 



So your input now is critical. Please help us test this release & file your bugs!  Thank you all who have contributed to testing so far! Please read on for the full changelog & testing instructions. 

You can download the release from the My Subscriptions area. To report bugs, head for the forum & post your comments.

 Join the Discussion & Post your Feedback!

 What to Expect from the Alpha

* Testing & reporting Instructions *
JTicketing 1.5 alpha 1

- Works on Joomla 2.5.x & Joomla 3.2.x
- This alpha release may differ from the upcoming stable product.
- This is an early alpha with some known issues
- Please do not install it on your live site.
- You are advised to use & test this on development sites.

Installation and setup

- We recommend you use a fresh joomla 3.2.x site, where jticketing is being installed forfirst time.

1. Download and Unzip the file you downloaded for 'Jticketing 1.5 alpha 1' from 'My Subscriptions' area.
2. First, install using Joomla installer
3. Then install using Joomla installer 
4. Goto Jticketing backend -> component options, and configure component options for JTicketing.

- In Integration Settings tab-
- Select Integration as Native
- Select and configure payment gateways
Jticketing comes up with following Plugins
Payment Plugins-You must enable any one of following payment plugins
(type is payment)

- Guest Settings tab 
Allow guests to Buy ticket=>Yes 
Allow Guest to quickly register when buying tickets without entering extra details(name, username, and email details required only).=>Yes

- Company Details Tab
Fill up All details in company details tab this is required for invoice 

So, what does this alpha has for you to test -
1. Field Manager for native events
a. Go to Jticketing backend

b. Create field groups using links for -
- Event fields groups &
- Ticket fields groups

c. Create fields using links for -
- Event fields [create new fields to extend native create event form]
- Ticket fields [create new fields to extend attendee form]

2. Native Event Manager
a. Using menu manager, Create Menus for -
- Create Event,
- All Events &
- My Events

b. Goto frontend and try click on 'Create Event' menu and create new events.

3. Event Specific Attendee Fields
a. Goto frontend and try click on Create Event menu. You can define event specific attendee fields while creating the event.
This feature lets event owners define attendee fields on a per event basis.

4. Awesome New Checkout Process
5. Basic Tax Support & Invoicing

Known issues - [we are working on all known issues]
1. Jomsocial integration broken
2. JEvents integration broken
3. Only Native events will work

What this alpha does not have -
Instalment Payments (Alpha) - We might push this to the next Release since this is impacting many areas. 

How to report the bugs :
- You can report bugs / submit feedback in this thread itself.
- Make sure you write the Subject like with " JTicketing 1.5 alpha 1 -- Issue title here"
- Try & see if someone has posted a similar issue & post follow ups to it before you post a new issue


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