The Techjoomla Blog

Stay updated with all the latest happenings at Techjoomla. From news about the developments in your favourite extensions to Tips & Tricks about the Joomla CMS, Framework & Development.

Facebook / OpenID support for JBolo!

We are pleased to announce that support for Facebook, openID and other 3pd authenticated users has reached a beta stage for JBolo!.Till now many users, especially those using the Jomsocial-Facebook connect had problems chatting when one of the users logged in using his facebook account. We have overcome this limitation and our work is up for testin...

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  5604 Hits

People You May Know v1.0.2 released

We're glad to announce the availability of People You May Know v1.0.2 for both Community Builder and Jomsocial. This version fixes the issue when you might accidentaly see your friends in the list when the number of available suggestions are few. Please download the new files by going to the 'My Purchases' link on the right. We hope you enjoy this ...

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  6953 Hits

CB Suggest v1.3.2 released

We're glad to announce the release of CB Suggest v1.3.2. This version features the much awaited enhancement where you can select all the field types to search on. Earlier searching was done only based on text type fields. You can download the new file by going to the 'My Purchases' section after logging in. We hope you enjoy the new version.

  5568 Hits

CB & JomSocial Suggest v1.3.1 released

We're glad to announce the release of CB & JomSocial suggest v1.3.1. This version fixes the JFile not found issue recently reported by some users.

  4961 Hits

CB & JomSocial Suggest V1.3 Out

We have released version 1.3 of the CB & JomSocial Suggest Modules. V1.3 brings a completely Ajaxed CB Suggest module along with the Ignore feature that has been there for sometime in the JomSocial Versions. Now both Cb & JomSocial versions support a whole new Array of features

Users having an active subscription can download the update by logging in to their accounts. Not Have them ? get them at the links below.
CB Version | JomSocial Version

Read On for full feature list.


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  7069 Hits

People you May Know from Facebook comes to Joomla, CB & JomSocial !

We have just released a smashing module for CB & JomSocial that will give you the Facebook 'People You May Know' feature for your CB & JomSocial based Social Networking Website. JomSocial People You May Know module intelligently shows you people you are most likely to know, by searching common friends between your friends !The module sugges...

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  8949 Hits

New Version of JomSocial Suggest Released

We have some great news for you!

A new version of JomSocial Network Suggest has been released today & it comes with a slew of new features!

What is new?

  • Module is completely Ajaxed now!
  • We have added the much asked for & awaited 'Ignore User'  feature which now makes the module more dynamic.
  • You can now publish multiple copies of the module to show matches according to different set of parameters!
  • Bug Fix: Horizontal /vertical layouts now work properly.
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  8488 Hits

JomSocial Mutual Friends Application released

The JomSocial Mutual Friends Application has been released at This Application displays mutual friends of the logged in user & the user whose profile the user is looking at on the Profile page. This feature is similar to  the Mutual Friends feature at & A Must have for JomSocial based  Social Networ...

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  7694 Hits

Cb Mutual Friends Released!

The CB Mutual Friends Plugin has been released at This plugin displays mutual friends of the logged in user & the user whose profile the user is looking at on the Profile page. This feature is similar to the Mutual Friends feature at & A Must have for Community Builder based  Social Networking websi...

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  5629 Hits

CB Network Suggest - Suggest users to Network with module Released

The CB Network Suggest Module has been released today by This cool module intelligently suggests the logged in user other users on the website that he or she can network with. This feature works like networking suggestions feature at & The module can be configured to match various fields in the user profil...

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  4653 Hits

Jom Social Network Suggest - Suggest users to Network with module Released .

The Jom Social Network Suggest Module has been released today by Subscription Options: 6 Months 30$  |  12 Months 55$Demo | Documentation | Buy now! This cool module intelligently suggests the logged in user other users on the website that he or she can network with. This module needs the Jomsocial Extension. If you dont have it you...

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  6556 Hits

Hurry Joomla 3.2 Released

It gives us immense pleasure to be a large contributor in the Joomla 3.2 release. Joomla 3.2 has many awesome & interesting features in it like never before in any CMS. Content version control Many user interface improvements Easy multi-lingual setup for 64 officially supported languages Built-in Joomla! Extensions Finder as an onsite interface to ...

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  3523 Hits

Techjoomla New Extension Pricing

We have introduced Attractive new Prices for all our extensions. Prices have been slashed on many popular extensions & 12 month subscriptions are now much cheaper & easy to buy. You can see the new pricing of all prodcuts here . SocialAds. Joomla Advertising Reloaded! Start generating serious revenue with using powerful extension.  Buy...

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  4482 Hits

Mobile App for Joomla Day Boston 2013

It makes us feel proud and very much glad for helping Joomla Day Boston 2013, by sponsoring a mobile app for the event. The app features in covering the entire event program, speakers, Social tweets and more !! So if you are hosting any of the Joomla Day events, then Tekdi Web Solutions and Techjoomla would definitely love to contribute for the eve...

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  8276 Hits

Techjoomla is Coming to Joomla Day India

Hello Everyone!! Joomla! Days are organised by local Joomla user groups to spread more knowledge about Joomla amongst the regional audiences. The event aims at providing the unique opportunity to Share, Inspire & Collaborate with Joomla users, developers, trainers and service providers along with pre and post networking, Q&A, and food ! Techjoomla ...

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  4701 Hits