The wait is over! We are super happy to announce the release of Shika 1.3.30 which brings a whole lot of new features for you. Two new course layouts-Compact and Extended, new “Reader View” for “Link as Lesson” lesson type, new button layouts, and course price range on course pin view and two new course reports.
Detailed upgrade related instructions are given in the release notes. Make sure you read them carefully before you upgrade.
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With Shika 1.3.30, we have introduced two brand new course layouts-Compact and Extended. We have also renamed the default layout as Legacy. The compact view is a perfect fit to view courses using mobile devices. The Extended Layout displays the image along with the course description.
Compact Layout
Legacy Layout
Extended Layout
With Shika 1.3.30, users can easily view the upcoming lesson information and directly navigate to the last viewed lesson using the “Continue” button. Users can also track the progress of their existing lessons.
In order to facilitate better readability, we have introduced the reader view configuration for the “Link as Lesson” lesson type. Reader view strips away clutter like buttons, background images, and changes the page's text size, contrast, and layout for better readability.
Users can buy new courses, enroll for new courses and continue with their existing courses from the course pin view itself
In order to improve the look and feel of the course details page, we have introduced the Shika configuration to set the course image size as small, medium or large.
With Shika 1.3.30, Users can simply view the time to spare to complete the lesson on the lesson playlist.
Instead of filtering the categories to search for the respective courses, users can easily identify the courses belonging to the specific categories.
We have introduced the course price range on course pins depending upon the different subscription plans.
We have added sample HTML 5 files for the HTML 5 lesson type in Shika 1.3.30
Using the course grade book report, site administrators can view the scores and percentage of the various users for the specific course.
Using the students' course grade book report, site administrators can view the scores and percentage of the various courses for the specific student.
#156931 Introduced Resume module with upcoming lesson information and Continue button to accessed the last lesson viewed
#156847 Introduced two new course layouts as "Compact" & "Extended" and renamed the default layout as "Legacy" in Shika config
#155513 Students Courses Gradebook report
#155512 Course Gradebook report
#155114 Introduced Ideal time on the lesson the playlist
#155103 Introduced the Category Title on Course pins
#154714 Introduced the course price range on course pins
#154672 Introduced Buy Now, Enroll and Continue button layout on course pin view
#154470 Introduced the "Reader View" config in "Link As Lesson" on lesson level which will give better readability
#153663 Introduced Shika config for course image size for course detail view
#153235 Added HTML5 files as sample/example for HTML5 lesson type
#146532 Done Course details page optimization which can be more visible only when you have numerous enrollments
#156476 Unable to detect the manifest file and index.php validation while uploading HTML5 and SCORM respectively
#155947 Attached images in questions and answers in quiz do not open in a pop-up
#155944 Module accordion does not work when we add an apostrophe in the course title
#155656 Buy course >>select plan >> date format is not incorrect as per format set in Shika config
#156712 Answers shuffles in case the quiz or answer sheet has been reloaded
#155301 Security fix>> In upload file format
#155300 Security fix>> In course description
#154827 Course details page>> Lesson description >>Authorised users unable to see lesson details
#154557 Manage Enrolment view shows incorrect data after import is completed
#154556 In Hierarchy Export>> shows incorrect default data.
#154128 Frontend> Courses> When the course access level is public Enrol button is not visible to non-logged in user.
#153724 Security fix>> In Assessment view
#153656 Frontend> Quiz> If a quiz having pagination questions doesn't show up in correct order
#153438 Backend> Create Quiz> Start date is accepted past dates
#153387 Frontend> Orders view> Text get cut on the print preview
#153021 Reviewer can give marks for Not attempted questions
#152828 Security fix>> file format field in backend admin side
#152032 Frontend> Course details view>> date related message improvement
#151896 Backend> Create Quiz> messages consistency improvement
#151878 SingleCourse API throws 500 Internal Server Error
#151224 Safari browser>> Frontend> Course TOC>> Calendar icon is not properly aligned on Set Goal's pop-up
#151113 Backend>MCQ type of question with grading type Quiz> upload video file, gets error "Invalid file type" post saving
#151108 Backend>Rating type of question> If the same range is applied (i.e. from 1 to 1) gets an error and options disappears
#150901 Backend> Shika Config> Lesson Settings> Quiz Settings>> Removed Pagination for limit for Quiz options
#150772 Access the Feedback via a menu throwing error
#150771 Assessments view on Frontend> After selecting filter the search tools then all filters get hidden
#150750 Frontend> Coupons View> Search icon doesn't load when "load bootstrap" is OFF
#150749 Frontend> Orders View> Search icon doesn't load when "load bootstrap" is OFF
#150727 Quiz>Subjective-Text area type questions>User can submit quiz even though entered text is less than MIN character limit
#150719 Quiz>File upload type questions> Allowed file types are not mentioned while the user attempts the question
#150716 Backend> Coupons> Coupon used count is not getting updated
#150684 Quiz>>Assessment view(subjective type)>>Already marks have been allotted as zero, should be blank as marks are not given
#150648 Quiz> While question overview is ON, Subjective text input type questions are not getting marked as opted.
#150557 On clicking Enrol by one user, other user gets enrolled
#148730 API >> Courses >> filters[category] in response the category id is null
#148577 Backend>>Question categories>>unable to change the status from unpublish to publish
#144618 Dashboard>> My Recommended Courses >> Displayed username under user icon
#144215 Create coupon >>Name field requires validation >> accepts blank spaces
#144213 Used Coupon count is zero still showing "Maximum uses per user exceeds"
#143953 Shika Config>>"Creator to access his course without enrolling" option not working
#143385 Quiz/Exercise - If we set 'No of Attempts' 1 then in frontend it shows error message 'Your attempt exhausted, you cannot launch the lesson'
#143238 Microsoft Edge>> User logout when accessed to any course details page
#143207 Security fix>> In Course Description
#141661 Security fix>> Create quiz>> In File upload lesson type
#141638 Security fix>> On file format field
#141255 Question creation view >>Mentioned the allowed file extensions
#128907 After enrolling to oneself or admin gets an error " 1 user's enrolment is failed. Please try again"
#120687 Front panel>> Coupon>> just hover anywhere on the screen, every element disappears
#99153 Backend>> Coupons>> Edit Coupons>>At the time of saving it shows a validation error
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