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Fresh off the oven - Shika 1.3.32 & Shika 1.3.33


Our team has outdone themselves this time & released back to back versions of Shika within a span of just a few weeks. These new releases bring powerful features which promise to improve the experiences of teachers & students alike in the ecosystem.

Some of the key features include Filters using Tags & Custom fields for Course list views, TJ Certificate integration, New Display behaviours for Modules including Suggested Courses, Support for Mathematical symbols via Mathjax and Automated Emails using JMailalert plugins

Read on for the complete scoop!

Make sure you read the release notes for Shika 1.3.32 and Shika 1.3.33 before you upgrade. 

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Features in Shika 1.3.32

TJ Certificate integration

We had already introduced the TJ Certificate integration in JTicketing with the JTicketing 2.7 release. With the TJ certificate integration, a unique certificate will be generated and issued for course users with a verified unique ID upon course completion. 

Introducing Behaviour Mode for modules:  Suggested, Upcoming, Completed, Not Enrolled Courses

Using the behaviour mode, course users can have vital information regarding completed courses, not enrolled courses, upcoming courses and suggested courses. 

Copy Course Container

Site administrators can reduce their time creating similar courses using the save as copy option. Using save as a copy option, the current course information will be copied. Note that lesson copy and module copy is currently not supported.

Filter for tags on course pin view

Site users can now easily filter courses using tags with the filter for tags on course pin view


Tick mark for completed course modules

With Shika 1.3.32, a tick mark is displayed for completed course modules along with the completion date. 

Support for Automated emails using JMailAlerts plugins

We have introduced two new plugins for our JMailAlerts extension in Shika for sending Shika based alerts- JMailAlerts Course Display Plugin and JMailAlerts User Display Plugin. Users will receive alerts regarding recently added courses, recommended courses, ongoing courses and popular courses. 

Note that JMailAlerts extension is itself free and the support subscription is not mandatory. 

Features in Shika 1.3.33

Advanced filter for courses 

Shika 1.3.33 introduces advanced course filters for course category, course creator, course status, course type, course tags and course custom fields. The site users can easily navigate to their desired courses using the advanced course filters.

Card Plain Style layout for courses

Presenting the new card plain style layout for courses with a black overlay for the course name and course category.

Course fields support for course filters

Site administrators can now add course fields to the course filters. We have illustrated the field named Levels in the following images. Courses are filtered using Level 1 and Level 2. 

Note-We had mentioned the following features and improvements in our roadmap blog that were initially to be a part of this release. These features and improvements will now be a part of the upcoming releases.


  1. Ability to Choose Country Code in Course Checkout form


  1. Allow to filter the attempt report with lesson format 
  2. SCORM - Alert user to re-login after logout from the system
  3. All lesson fields not present in course details API 

Shika v1.3.32 Changelog:


151928 TJ Certification integration

162845 Introduced Behaviour Mode:  Suggested,Upcoming,Completed,Not Enrolled Courses

153755 Introduced "Save as Copy" button while creating course, to copy all the config of current course

157789 Tag Filters for Courses > Filter for tags added on course pin view                                 

34864 Supports Mathjax & MathML syntax, Ref: (alpha)

157835 Lesson Launch View >Playlist > Tick appears once module complete

159706 Support for JMA plugins


163075 Course creator should be added in Easy Social group while creating Easy Social group via course.

157834 Course TOC >'Continue' button will come only after attempting to click one or more times, otherwise it will show 'Launch' "

160899 Arabic language support in Certificate PDF

160483 For Answer-sheet view > while viewing the answer-sheet for exercise - kept the right tab by default open.

160276 Play List workflow changes - Hide playlist for mobile view and open playlist for desktop view as per user state. 

151260 Exercise, feedback type question import validations


163354 Assigning a paid course to a user throwing an error.

163346 API- language constant missing

163072 Error installing Shika 1.3.32 on 1.3.30

163043 Back-end> Course date is getting set as future date automatically while course creation which should be set to current

162946 Event as a Lesson > After launching , when user clicks on "Enter Meeting" button throws error.

162785 Front-end > For an unlimited subscription plan, it shows "0 Unlimited Access".

161844 While updating users parameters via CSV the user password is getting changed.

160846 Lesson ordering - if changed at back-end doesn't get reflected in Lesson Library in front-end.

160844 Front-end> Lesson Library > If a lesson has an image it doesn't show up properly (image gets squeezed on pin view of lessons)

160830 Back-end> Manage Lessons > Lesson Start and Due date set while creation is different from as shown in the List view.

160799 Front-end> Course TOC > Group information widget have blank spaces

160759 Glyphicon for search on iphone browsers shows differently 

160722 Custom CSS should be loaded dynamically as the template. Path should not be hard-coded.

160672 Front-end > Quiz > While the quiz state is "Started" then also not able to launch the the Quiz - it says attempt exhausted.

160649 Launch the quiz >> TJLMS not found if integration with SEB On

160567 Back-end>>course> While creating a course select the EasySocial group the selected group is not assigned to the course also not showing on course details view.

160255 Front-end> Quiz> While clicking on Review Answer sheet Quiz on Mobile devices getting error.

160252 Front-end> Quiz> For a Quiz when admin set only 1 attempt, user is able to submit the quiz twice by accessing the same quiz from two different devices

160216 Add link to "View Assessment" in "User Exercise" Notification template.

160022 Back-end> Courses > Manage Training Material view> Warning appear while Error Reporting is set to Development.

160018 Backed> Course> Throws warnings when Error reporting is set to Development.

159945 Front-end> Course Card view > Unable to see the course on user side

159758 Back-end> Courses Menu > Layouts > Ordering -> Change text "Most recent first" to "Recently Created"

159688 SCORM status issue (Passed/Failed)

159686 If editor is set explicitly for a user, even then, editor which is set in Joomla global config is being considered

159682 Admin panel>> create text editor lesson WYSIWYG >> it opens by default in html mode, should be open as toggle mode

158783 Front-end> After closing a lesson and reloading the Course TOC, redirects to another course.

158768 Front-end> On clicking courses menu getting error - Too few arguments to function TjlmsModelcourse::enrollmentStatus()

158563 Review answer-sheet>> info icon shows even when comments not given to answers for MCQ type

158441 Front-end> Course TOC > Tool-tip needs improvement (text and alignment)

158429 Easysocial-Shika notification language constant missing

158080 Back-end> Courses >Extra fields are showing up on Course Edit view

156456 Dashboard -> My Recommended Courses - Disabled user's name is getting displayed. It should show as "Unknown User"

156434 Back-end> Coupon list view> For unlimited Max users display "Unlimited" under "Max Uses" column

155949 Front-end> Dashboard> Latest Recommendations should show at the top not at the bottom

155715 Create question >question title field requires validation :: accepting blank spaces

155601 Unable to preview lesson content in the admin side when the course is unpublished

153118 While creating quiz getting Undefined property notices when mode is set to Development

152902 Front-end> Dashboard> Clicking on "View All" on Enrolled/Assign block navigates to its view with the filter set to "My Incomplete Courses"

151880 Back-end> Create Course> Pricing tab> Throws notices and warnings when Error reporting is set to Development

151879 Back-end> Create Course> Integration tab> Throws notices and warnings when Error reporting is set to Development

142717 Assessment page -> Assessment criteria - The Title field can accept blank spaces in it

159979 Enroll Later config is ON - When admin enrols users (From Assign module in course details view) order is not getting placed against the user

Shika v1.3.33 Changelog:


163637 Introduced "Advanced Filter" configs in menu level 

163630 Introduced new pin layout as "Card Plain Style" layout for courses view

163657 Course fields support on lms filters


163542 Course Display Module > Completed Courses should not be shown in 'Ongoing Courses' module

163495 Course Display Module > Behaviour mode> Featured Courses >Add new config for include "Enrolled Courses" to shown in the Featured Courses module


163509 After Blocking the user from users list then 'user field' not shows in the user reports

163641 Added required data in course API which was missing

163644 Quiz>For Average attempt grading, score was appearing as NA

163439 If there is only one lesson to launch , the lesson landing page UI is not responsive if add notes is open

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