JTicketing! An event booking system for Joomla is getting a new major release with some exciting features. We are getting a early Alpha out to you guys so that you can provide us a fresh perspective and report bugs if any.
What do we have in here?
- Email Reminders and SMS reminders to Attendees
Email Reminder
- Also now you have different templates for 'Ticket email' and 'PDF attachment for ticket'.
- Calendar module for 'Native Events'
Calendar Module
Note: This is a Alpha release, please install it on your test site not on the live site :).
Download 1.7 Alpha Now! Download Stable 1.6.1!
Change Log is as follows
- 50953 Category Import and Export for Native Events
- 50825 Event Import for Native Events (This will import event with one 'Free' ticket type)
- 46532 Export to CSV will include all pages / all attendees automatically
- 43296 Category Import Export
- 43292 Email and SMS reminders For SMS We support smsHorizon
- 43291 Abilility to create reminder from backend
- 43153 Calendar Module for events
- 50953 Send seperate emails per ticket to attendee (If buyer buys 2 tickets then 2 seperate emails would be sent)
Install and Set up Guide
1) Install tjfields
2) Install JTicketing
3) Follow this documentation for set up https://techjoomla.com/table/extension-documentation/documentation-for-jticketing/
A) Setting Up Reminders
- Open yoursite/administrator JTIcketing=>options=>Reminder Configuration=>Enable Reminders=>Set this to yes and save configuration
- Set up cron http://yoursite.com/index.php?option=com_jticketing&task=orders.sendReminder&pkey=abcd1234
- Open yoursite/administrator JTIcketing=>Reminders view=>Create new reminder
- If you want SMS reminders follow below steps
- Create account for smshorizon
- Open tjsms -Smshorizon plugin
- Enter username and API key and publish plugin
- Create one future event (Note that reminders will be sent only if order is confirmed)
- Buy tickets from front end
- Now run this url in browser http://yoursite.com/index.php?option=com_jticketing&task=orders.sendReminder&pkey=abcd1234
How reminder works?
You have the liberty to define the type of the reminder which can be weekly, daily etc.(In backend). Once admin defines the reminder type, the user can set a reminder accordingly. For instance: If the event is on 17th of Aug 8pm and user sets reminder for 2 days. He will get a reminder on 15th Aug 8pm.
B) Setting up Emails
From 1.7 and above We have seperate email per ticket
- Open yoursite/administrator JTIcketing=>Email Template=>Set up your template and save
- Open yoursite/administrator JTIcketing=>Ticket Template=>Set up your template and save (This is used as a template for Ticket PDF which is attached to email)
Know more about JTicketing!