We all know how to get those nice colored buttons for Radio form field type, its by adding class="btn-group” in the xml argument for that field.
There can be an exception to this, if you are not able to have a form field in your view? And you still crave for those nice colored buttons?
.yes_no_toggle input { display: none; } .yes_no_toggle label.first { border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px; }
jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery( '.yes_no_toggle label' ).on( "click", function() { var radio_value = yesnoToggle(this); }); }); function yesnoToggle(elem) { var radio_id = jQuery(elem).attr("for"); jQuery("#"+radio_id).attr("checked", "checked"); /*for jQuery 1.9 and higher*/ jQuery("#"+radio_id).prop("checked", true) var radio_value = jQuery("#"+radio_id).val(); jQuery(elem).parent().find("label").removeClass("btn-success").removeClass("btn-danger"); if(radio_value == 1) { jQuery(elem).addClass("btn-success"); } if(radio_value == 0) { jQuery(elem).addClass("btn-danger"); } return radio_value; }
That's it! You should have the nice looking buttons same as the radio form field in your plain html views. You are free to modify the above codes according to your requirement. :)
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