Bugs Fixed:
#96507 Admin panel >> Iframe is not accepted in the Course description.
#90671 Admin panel>> report>> user report>> In ACTIVE column shows deactive student too.
#90078 Answer sheet >> Unable to save/print whole pdf pages.
#95567 Admin panel>> tjevent plugin>> language constant missing.
#92712 Front panel>> unable to add comments on lesson and courses.
#78470 Admin panel>> Attempts>> validation need for date fields as throws error after entering characters.
#95355 Proper error message should appear after the user tries to unpublish the course categories.
#92657 Front panel>> quiz > when quiz is finished >> throws error 1146
#90817 Front panel>> dashboard>> all the blocks /panels do not have space between them and it looks clumsy.
#92787 Front panel>> quiz who don't have timer should not appears "Quiz will automatically submit in seconds." text
#90820 Front panel>> dashboard>> activity graph UI should be responsive
#96910 Admin panel>> courses>> when we create new course we can see button manage training material >> it should be enabled only after saving the course.
#96061 Currency sign does not get change on the Dashboard page/Revenue block after changing from Shika config