The Webinar on Quick2Cart held via hangouts was a great success with 50+ attendees attending the session. We covered a Quick2Cart in great depth. So this webinar is a must watch if you plan to work with Quick2Cart. The recording is live on youtube.
Those who missed it, please see below the details of the webinar. Read on for the Webinar video and transcript of Q & As.
How can Q2C be used to offer paid events for the ES platform?
-> Ideally you should go for our extension jTicketing for this. The next major version will support EasySocial Events.
When will digital preview be available whereby customers can see a "teaser" of a video before purchase?
-> Digital preview is not in the road map as of now. It is however added as a feature request. One way to do this now is create a sample audio/video file and provide it as a free sample file. Quick2Cart already supports free sample files.
With digital products can the file come a different server (amazon, dropbox, etc.)?
-> File cannot come from Cloud file hosting server like S3 as of now. However, we will take this into consideration and work over this in near future.
Quick2Cart product attributes, do you plan on adding inventory capabilities for the attributes?
-> This has been added to our feature tracker and if more people start requesting the same we will add this asap.
Is support to the ability to pay for EasySocial memberships when that feature is added to EasySocial?
-> Its possible to do this with some Development in Quick2Cart using the development triggers that are available. However ideally this should be handled by a Subscription system rather than a cart.
Can a non-registered user purchase digital products?
-> A download link is sent via email or on site as well. So YES, non-registered users can buy digital products.
What is the impact if we use a CDN for our Joomla site - serving all static files (images, mp3, etc from Amazon S3 or Amazon CDN. We use a separate third party plugin to achieve this in Joomla. Would Quick2Cart work with such integrations?
-> I do not think it will work out of the box. It depends on how the 3rd party plugin is handling the files. Mostly it will need some modifications in Quick2Cart to work with it. If you can tell us which plugin you're using and get us in touch with the developer, we will try our best to integrate it.
Are u planning on developing integration of Quick2Cart with international payment gateways?
-> Quick2Cart already integrates several leading international payment gateways. You can look at the full list on our landing page here. In Case you need a payment gateway that we are not supporting already, please get in touch with us with details of the gateway you need and we can quote you for custom development for the same..
Can Quick2Cart operate in a Catalog mode? i.e. no purchase, no price display. Or even restrict Price display by J! ACL ?
-> Yes. But its not a simple option right now.. You need to do this using Joomla template overrides.
Do you support award of points, badges, to customers & vendors in ES multi-vendor installations? Can you setup payment partial or full using ES points?
-> Award points are supported for JomSocial and EasySocial. In addition we also support JS and ES points as payment gateways. However you cannot do partial payments in Points. Badges are not supported as of now. However it should be easy to add support if you want using our developer API.
Can users pay partly using Alpha User Points and partly in Cash / Credit Card or other payment gateway?
-> You can pay with Alpha use points.. But Partial payments are not possible.
Is there a guest checkout possible?
-> Yes
Do product attributes affect the price? i.e. increase or decrease if option1 was selected.
-> Yes. Your attributes can have a positive or negative effect on price. You can also have attributes tha have 0 effect on price.
Can 1 downloadable product have 2 different prices? i.e. a file has two licenses called "single" and "developer". If license Developer is checked, choose higher price.
-> For this you can set product base price as zero. Make 2 attributes one for “single ” with its price and other “developer” with a different price. Now according to the user attribute selection the price will get selected.
If we need to use Quick2Cart in a multi-vendor mode in India, Paypal as a Payment Gateway is ruled out (because of RBI regulations). Are you aware of any Indian payment Gateway that offers Adaptive Payments for multi-vendor mode?
-> As of now we do not know of any Indian Payment Gateway that offers Adaptive payments. However you can try using Stripe.
Can one add products via an uploaded .csv ? and download a .csv too please?
-> As of now we do not have Product Import/export via CSV available. However order export is available. We plan to introduce this for products 1-2 versions down the line.
What type of paypal adaptive payments are available? Chain or parallel or both? Who is the primary receiver ?
-> Quick2Cart has implemented Chain adaptive payments. The Site Admin is the primary receiver. This is done as a Quick2Cart order can contain order items from more than one Vendor. So making a vendor the primary receiver is not possible.
What´s about applying german laws to the store like terms and conditions and weight based prices (baseprice) ?
-> Right now this is not possible You can maybe do it be adding that content in the Product description..
Does Quick2Cart allow frontend order management?
-> Yes it does. Each vendor can manage their own orders on the frontend.
Any Export/Import through CSV ? is it based on Joomla MVC or has its own framework ?
-> Quick2Cart is a native Joomla extension and follows Joomla MVC. As of now we do not have product import export but we will be introducing it in the near future.
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