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JMailAlerts 2.4 - Pre release look

With version 2.4 we are introducing support for "data tags" in J!MaillAlerts.

jma tags

What is data tag?


In this example, you will see 3 tags added to email template, out of which 1st and 3rd are data tags and 2nd is a normal JMA(JMailAlerts) tag.


What is so special about data tag?

With data tags-

-You can use same JMA tag more than once in the same email. In more simple words- you can use same plugin more than once for generating a single email output.

-You can use data tag to divide a plugin output and place it into more places in a same email.

-For example: this tag [jma_latestnews_js|secid=1|catid=1,3,32] will fetch latest articles belonging to section=1 and category=1,3,32

-Admin will get more control on how the email output should look.

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J!MailAlerts V2.4 is here with Data tags, Ads in E...
Techjoomla & TWS Team - Monsoon outing at Tamhini