We are pleased to announce that SocialAds 2.9 has entered Beta! This version brings some pretty major features to the advertising scene in Joomla. This blog will give you a quick overview of what to expect. Note that this is a beta release & should only be used for testing & not on Production sites !
SocialAds 2.9 beta brings a whole new Charging Model. With this new model, SocialAds will now let you make a Pre payment to add balance to your account, then create Campaigns, set budgets & create Ads against them without having to pay & checkout for every Ad. Google Ads, Facebook & LinkedIn Ads already work on this model.
Switching to this model is optional. If you prefer to use the Pay & Checkout per Ad model, you can keep using this same. If you wish to switch, we have provided a quick migration tool that will convert your user's existing ad balances to the new model on a prorata basis.
Once you are on this model, the users can use a 'Add Balance' process to prepay funds to their account on your site. A Nice looking Ad Billing view shows a history of all transactions as well as full details of how its being spent.
The user can create campaigns & set a Daily budget against the campaign. Ads will be created against campaigns. SocialAds will show Ads till the daily budget is exhausted.
We have completely revamped the front end views of SocialAds & added some awesome Bootstrap magic. Now you don't have to wait for 3.0 to get a beautiful interface for SocialAds ! P.S. SocialAds will be 3.0 compatible by March end in the version 3.0 .
This version of SocialAds as of now has fixed 132 Bugs & added 6 features including the features mentioned above.
In order to do more inclusive development, we try & get our subscribers involved whenever possible in the planning & development process. This is your chance to help us test the beta release & also give valuable feedback on improving it. Jump on to our Beta testers Discussion forum. You can find documentation on how to setup SocialAds Beta 2.9 with Campaigns & Budgets here.
- Bugs fixed (132)
Bug #13996: show Advertisers their own ads issue not working
Bug #14247: spent column in billing producing wrong value.
Bug #14856: user_id in camp_transc for payment goes wrong
Bug #15058: normal ad does not shown up
Bug #15116: Payment automatically confirmed on payment page and shown on billing page
Bug #15311: 505 error for alt ad
Bug #15313: alert "Error loading XML document" on ignore ad
Bug #15317: no tooltips for new added view
Bug #15318: modify the common query function from adshelper
Bug #15324: on click on camp & budgets ..if no old ad present with credit dont show migrate button
Bug #15326: alignment of steps is not proper
Bug #15327: remove tr of migrate part and put in div
Bug #15331: although the value is greater than expected it show error in daily budget
Bug #15348: the payment gateway form opening in blank window
Bug #15366: JDatabaseMySQLi::query: 1146 - Table 'xipt_profiletypes' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT id,name FROM #_xipt_profiletypes ORDER BY ordering
Bug #15381: affiliate ads for campaign not shown
Bug #15385: coupon payment in billing vieww not working
Bug #15386: remove i tag for message "Supported media formats " on create Ad page.
Bug #15398: Nill balance! msg seen even when campaigns not set in settings
Bug #15401: DB error on update ad
Bug #15402: buy button on adsummary should hide when std princing selected.
Bug #15414: Create add:Continue button not working after filling details.
Bug #15415: Make Payment:After selecting payment gateway,futher details are not visible for chrome and IE
Bug #15416: Billing: Nill balance message is displaying though there is a balance for campaign.
Bug #15429: save as draft button for ads related to campaign & budgets
Bug #15447: minimum bal perpaid validation during make payment
Bug #15830: in module place the create ad link in a div
Bug #15862: cal does not go to edit task in reports controller
Bug #15885: top margin for " Supported media formats : png,jpg,gif,swf,flv,mp4" notice in create ad view
Bug #15886: remove cross from all messages in create ad view
Bug #15887: demensions of images not seen on create ad vew
Bug #15890: changes on Ad billing view accroding to img sent, for month filter Go button
Bug #15891: increase button size for create new button for campaign view
Bug #15892: small input box for pricing view in create ad view
Bug #15894: space in -Guest Ads as - Guest Ads
Bug #15895: m capital for month select box on billing
Bug #15898: Change "You have uploaded a image of 271 * 74, needed is 100 * 100"
Bug #15977: Notice: Undefined property: JAdministrator::$JComponentTitle in /administrator/modules/mod_title/mod_title.php on line 13
Bug #15995: bugs in joomla 1.5 for socialads campaign and budgets
Bug #15996: include once tjstrapper error ...load manually
Bug #15997: techjoomla.jQuery not defined...
Bug #15998: $db_execute() warning in campaign model and payment model
Bug #16010: year in select box not working for joomla 1.5
Bug #16012: amount entered in payment view also if greater than mim value it shows alert
Bug #8800: after exporting to csv all the form submit tasks are same as export task
Bug #11130: 500 db error Table 'xipt_profiletypes' doesn't exist
Bug #12465: Unicode Ads display issue ( Not related to tables)
Bug #13529: CTR to show 4 decimal places
Bug #13714: update the payment gateway for the order
Bug #14094: fetch zone pricing if enabled in settings for campaign on Create Ad
Bug #14096: alert on showing pricing tab on create ad
Bug #14097: for campaign store ad oncheck unlimited Ads
Bug #14098: validation for campaign selection
Bug #14125: campaign for alternate ad
Bug #14218: Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /components/com_socialads/adshelper.php on line 1414
Bug #14219: lang constant fot backend settings
Bug #14220: menus for create campaign , billing
Bug #14221: missing language constant for frontend
Bug #14222: JText::_(SHOWAD_NET_AMT_PAY). when coupon no is set on payment
Bug #14223: no language const for "Details Saved successfully"
Bug #14236: change language constant on campaign create for daily budget
Bug #14237: layout for create campaign messed up
Bug #14238: currency for daily budget
Bug #14239: create ad view div hide on back button click
Bug #14240: error on show ad
Bug #14241: show campaign name in slectbox
Bug #14242: backend orders view for payments done for balance
Bug #14243: Campaign not published when click on start in campaign list view
Bug #14244: Campaign tabs not working.
Bug #14245: include query condition for chking campaign balance is confirmed to show ads.
Bug #14277: on preview ad display "pay per clicks" instead of '1'
Bug #14278: when coupon no is set on payment Zero '0' Payment balance going into DB
Bug #14279: append currency to payemnt
Bug #14324: after saving camp. shoul redirect to list view
Bug #14339: spent table not added during installation
Bug #14364: Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$status in /com_socialads/views/campaign/tmpl/default_list.php on line 105
Bug #14536: sub query returns more than 1 result
Bug #14550: select original amount to save in DB not the discounted amount
Bug #14571: hide & show daily budget and mim bal div in backend setting onclick of select campaign
Bug #14578: techjoomla strapper not apply
Bug #14581: lang constraint for thanks and error msg in payment view
Bug #14725: dont show camp ad if camp is not selected in back end
Bug #14747: placeholder in JTEXT
Bug #14748: remove table for payment gateway in payment view
Bug #14750: camp start pause not working properly
Bug #14765: on coupon create/edit start date later to expiry date is allowed
Bug #14784: sub query returns more than 1 result
Bug #14805: spent in camp_transc table so not updte properly
Bug #14819: balance in transc table goes in -ve
Bug #14880: lang constraint for payment view
Bug #14885: spent in stats table updates incorrectly...
Bug #14887: tab for campaign view not working
Bug #14923: payment gateway html returned in from wrong location for makepayment ajax
Bug #14924: for full discount ie amt=0 page should redirect to manageads
Bug #14937: ad title in managead not shown
Bug #15057: page heading in h2
Bug #15060: alignment for + - in campaign view
Bug #15061: + - not working in campign view
Bug #15064: set campaign as published when created new
Bug #15065: in managed ad CAMP_ID to campaign name..
Bug #15066: backend adorder...camp filter error...shows only admin camp
Bug #15072: setting view in back end messed up
Bug #15074: remove place holder for campaign view
Bug #15075: language constraint for campaign view
Bug #15096: check spelling for alert "Please select Priceing option" on create Ad page
Bug #15098: change the metadata file for new added menus
Bug #15099: for "Minimum value you can put is 0.05" 0.05 value should be taken from settings
Bug #15100: changed values not saved in settings
Bug #15102: on manage ad view move column for campaign name after ad title (frontend & backend)
Bug #15103: error on show ad page
Bug #15104: backend manage ad view in campaign name in select box
Bug #15105: Language constants missing CAMP_ID in manage ad view backend
Bug #15107: alert .JText::_('ENTER_COP_COD'). on Redeem Coupon
Bug #15108: alert "test" .JText::_('COP_EXISTS'). on Redeem Coupon
Bug #15110: update button on Billing view to update the transactions info
Bug #15113: Alignment is missing for Final amount you need to pay is:
Bug #15114: Display currency or Final amount you need to pay is
Bug #15115: check spelling for alert "Sorry.! the coupen is percentile coupon." on Billing page
Bug #15117: alignmet not proper for payment gateway radio options
Bug #15118: Language constants missing for NORMAL_PAY,AD_ORDER on Ad orders view
Bug #15120: tooltips for column head on billing , campaign view
Bug #15121: on campaign create redirect to campaign list view
Bug #15158: Reinstalling Social Ads,unpublishes the SocialAds for J!MailAlerts plugin
Bug #15160: validation for new campaign on create Ad view
Bug #15168: bugs in new package on install
Bug #15210: on confirmed in adorder for normal ad there shouldnot be any entry in ad_camp_transc
Bug #15250: new entries in camp_transc for time are same they should be uniuq
Bug #15280: append USD to table heading in billing view
Bug #15281: remove max ad charge col in managead from trunk
Bug #15286: show alt ad for camp section too
Bug #15290: alt ad not working for show user their own ad.
Bug #15292: in AD display UTF-8 strings striped