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SocialAds 2.9 Beta - Campaigns, Budgeting & More!

We are pleased to announce that SocialAds 2.9 has entered Beta! This version brings some pretty major features to the advertising scene in Joomla. This blog will give you a quick overview of what to expect. Note that this is a beta release & should only be used for testing & not on Production sites !

A Whole New Charging Option with Campaigns & Budgeting !

SocialAds 2.9 beta brings a whole new Charging Model. With this new model, SocialAds will now let you make a Pre payment to add balance to your account, then create Campaigns, set budgets & create Ads against them without having to pay & checkout for every Ad. Google Ads, Facebook & LinkedIn Ads already work on this model.


Switching to this model is optional. If you prefer to use the Pay & Checkout per Ad model, you can keep using this same. If you wish to switch, we have provided a quick migration tool that will convert your user's existing ad balances to the new model on a prorata basis.

Ad Balance & Billing

Once you are on this model, the users can use a 'Add Balance' process to prepay funds to their account on your site. A Nice looking Ad Billing view shows a history of all transactions as well as full details of how its being spent.


Campaigns & Budgets

The user can create campaigns & set a Daily budget against the campaign. Ads will be created against campaigns. SocialAds will show Ads till the daily budget is exhausted.


Beautiful with Bootstrap !

We have completely revamped the front end views of SocialAds & added some awesome Bootstrap magic. Now you don't have to wait for 3.0 to get a beautiful interface for SocialAds ! P.S. SocialAds will be 3.0 compatible by March end in the version 3.0 .

100+ Bug fixes & many Feature improvements

This version of SocialAds as of now has fixed 132 Bugs & added 6 features including the features mentioned above.

Help Us Beta Test & Give us Feedback

In order to do more inclusive development, we try & get our subscribers involved whenever possible in the planning & development process. This is your chance to help us test the beta release & also give valuable feedback on improving it. Jump on to our Beta testers Discussion forum. You can find documentation on how to setup SocialAds Beta 2.9 with Campaigns & Budgets here

discussRead on for the full changelog

+ Features Added (6)
Feature #15349: msg if uploaded image is not of correct dimension
Feature #15350: show payments done via coupons
Feature #12982: Title Text for media type of Ads
Feature #16127: include Campaigns & Budgets
Feature #16128: transactions view for billing done for Ads
Feature #16129: bootstrap frontend Socialads views
- Bugs fixed (132)
Bug #13996: show Advertisers their own ads issue not working
Bug #14247: spent column in billing producing wrong value.
Bug #14856: user_id in camp_transc for payment goes wrong
Bug #15058: normal ad does not shown up
Bug #15116: Payment automatically confirmed on payment page and shown on billing page
Bug #15311: 505 error for alt ad
Bug #15313: alert "Error loading XML document" on ignore ad
Bug #15317: no tooltips for new added view
Bug #15318: modify the common query function from adshelper
Bug #15324: on click on camp & budgets ..if no old ad present with credit dont show migrate button
Bug #15326: alignment of steps is not proper
Bug #15327: remove tr of migrate part and put in div
Bug #15331: although the value is greater than expected it show error in daily budget
Bug #15348: the payment gateway form opening in blank window
Bug #15366: JDatabaseMySQLi::query: 1146 - Table 'xipt_profiletypes' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT id,name FROM #_xipt_profiletypes ORDER BY ordering
Bug #15381: affiliate ads for campaign not shown
Bug #15385: coupon payment in billing vieww not working
Bug #15386: remove i tag for message "Supported media formats " on create Ad page.
Bug #15398: Nill balance! msg seen even when campaigns not set in settings
Bug #15401: DB error on update ad
Bug #15402: buy button on adsummary should hide when std princing selected.
Bug #15414: Create add:Continue button not working after filling details.
Bug #15415: Make Payment:After selecting payment gateway,futher details are not visible for chrome and IE
Bug #15416: Billing: Nill balance message is displaying though there is a balance for campaign.
Bug #15429: save as draft button for ads related to campaign & budgets
Bug #15447: minimum bal perpaid validation during make payment
Bug #15830: in module place the create ad link in a div
Bug #15862: cal does not go to edit task in reports controller
Bug #15885: top margin for " Supported media formats : png,jpg,gif,swf,flv,mp4" notice in create ad view
Bug #15886: remove cross from all messages in create ad view
Bug #15887: demensions of images not seen on create ad vew
Bug #15890: changes on Ad billing view accroding to img sent, for month filter Go button
Bug #15891: increase button size for create new button for campaign view
Bug #15892: small input box for pricing view in create ad view
Bug #15894: space in -Guest Ads as - Guest Ads
Bug #15895: m capital for month select box on billing
Bug #15898: Change "You have uploaded a image of 271 * 74, needed is 100 * 100"
Bug #15977: Notice: Undefined property: JAdministrator::$JComponentTitle in /administrator/modules/mod_title/mod_title.php on line 13
Bug #15995: bugs in joomla 1.5 for socialads campaign and budgets
Bug #15996: include once tjstrapper error ...load manually
Bug #15997: techjoomla.jQuery not defined...
Bug #15998: $db_execute() warning in campaign model and payment model
Bug #16010: year in select box not working for joomla 1.5
Bug #16012: amount entered in payment view also if greater than mim value it shows alert
Bug #8800: after exporting to csv all the form submit tasks are same as export task
Bug #11130: 500 db error Table 'xipt_profiletypes' doesn't exist
Bug #12465: Unicode Ads display issue ( Not related to tables)
Bug #13529: CTR to show 4 decimal places
Bug #13714: update the payment gateway for the order
Bug #14094: fetch zone pricing if enabled in settings for campaign on Create Ad
Bug #14096: alert on showing pricing tab on create ad
Bug #14097: for campaign store ad oncheck unlimited Ads
Bug #14098: validation for campaign selection
Bug #14125: campaign for alternate ad
Bug #14218: Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /components/com_socialads/adshelper.php on line 1414
Bug #14219: lang constant fot backend settings
Bug #14220: menus for create campaign , billing
Bug #14221: missing language constant for frontend
Bug #14222: JText::_(SHOWAD_NET_AMT_PAY). when coupon no is set on payment
Bug #14223: no language const for "Details Saved successfully"
Bug #14236: change language constant on campaign create for daily budget
Bug #14237: layout for create campaign messed up
Bug #14238: currency for daily budget
Bug #14239: create ad view div hide on back button click
Bug #14240: error on show ad
Bug #14241: show campaign name in slectbox
Bug #14242: backend orders view for payments done for balance
Bug #14243: Campaign not published when click on start in campaign list view
Bug #14244: Campaign tabs not working.
Bug #14245: include query condition for chking campaign balance is confirmed to show ads.
Bug #14277: on preview ad display "pay per clicks" instead of '1'
Bug #14278: when coupon no is set on payment Zero '0' Payment balance going into DB
Bug #14279: append currency to payemnt
Bug #14324: after saving camp. shoul redirect to list view
Bug #14339: spent table not added during installation
Bug #14364: Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$status in /com_socialads/views/campaign/tmpl/default_list.php on line 105
Bug #14536: sub query returns more than 1 result
Bug #14550: select original amount to save in DB not the discounted amount
Bug #14571: hide & show daily budget and mim bal div in backend setting onclick of select campaign
Bug #14578: techjoomla strapper not apply
Bug #14581: lang constraint for thanks and error msg in payment view
Bug #14725: dont show camp ad if camp is not selected in back end
Bug #14747: placeholder in JTEXT
Bug #14748: remove table for payment gateway in payment view
Bug #14750: camp start pause not working properly
Bug #14765: on coupon create/edit start date later to expiry date is allowed
Bug #14784: sub query returns more than 1 result
Bug #14805: spent in camp_transc table so not updte properly
Bug #14819: balance in transc table goes in -ve
Bug #14880: lang constraint for payment view
Bug #14885: spent in stats table updates incorrectly...
Bug #14887: tab for campaign view not working
Bug #14923: payment gateway html returned in from wrong location for makepayment ajax
Bug #14924: for full discount ie amt=0 page should redirect to manageads
Bug #14937: ad title in managead not shown
Bug #15057: page heading in h2
Bug #15060: alignment for + - in campaign view
Bug #15061: + - not working in campign view
Bug #15064: set campaign as published when created new
Bug #15065: in managed ad CAMP_ID to campaign name..
Bug #15066: backend filter error...shows only admin camp
Bug #15072: setting view in back end messed up
Bug #15074: remove place holder for campaign view
Bug #15075: language constraint for campaign view
Bug #15096: check spelling for alert "Please select Priceing option" on create Ad page
Bug #15098: change the metadata file for new added menus
Bug #15099: for "Minimum value you can put is 0.05" 0.05 value should be taken from settings
Bug #15100: changed values not saved in settings
Bug #15102: on manage ad view move column for campaign name after ad title (frontend & backend)
Bug #15103: error on show ad page
Bug #15104: backend manage ad view in campaign name in select box
Bug #15105: Language constants missing CAMP_ID in manage ad view backend
Bug #15107: alert .JText::_('ENTER_COP_COD'). on Redeem Coupon
Bug #15108: alert "test" .JText::_('COP_EXISTS'). on Redeem Coupon
Bug #15110: update button on Billing view to update the transactions info
Bug #15113: Alignment is missing for Final amount you need to pay is:
Bug #15114: Display currency or Final amount you need to pay is
Bug #15115: check spelling for alert "Sorry.! the coupen is percentile coupon." on Billing page
Bug #15117: alignmet not proper for payment gateway radio options
Bug #15118: Language constants missing for NORMAL_PAY,AD_ORDER on Ad orders view
Bug #15120: tooltips for column head on billing , campaign view
Bug #15121: on campaign create redirect to campaign list view
Bug #15158: Reinstalling Social Ads,unpublishes the SocialAds for J!MailAlerts plugin
Bug #15160: validation for new campaign on create Ad view
Bug #15168: bugs in new package on install
Bug #15210: on confirmed in adorder for normal ad there shouldnot be any entry in ad_camp_transc
Bug #15250: new entries in camp_transc for time are same they should be uniuq
Bug #15280: append USD to table heading in billing view
Bug #15281: remove max ad charge col in managead from trunk
Bug #15286: show alt ad for camp section too
Bug #15290: alt ad not working for show user their own ad.
Bug #15292: in AD display UTF-8 strings striped
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