Hi there,
We have released an update for JGive. This release v1.6.6 adds following changes. Quite a few bug fixes have been done and some useful feature addition and improvements have been done in this version. We suggest you to upgrade to this version. Checkout the changelog and the release note given below.
+ Features added #31555 Added CSV export on backend donations report #31528 Campaign owner can do CSV export donor data from campaign details page. #28991 Added option give campaign duration in days e.g 15, 30, or 60 days - Bugs Fixed #31465 Campaigns statuses not working properly so cron added to update campaign status. #31190 Campaign create radio fields values was not saving in database. #31161 Conflict while settings up pin widths with all campaigns view and module, if we set in module it applies to all campaigns (if module & view are on the same page) #31005 No error if user upload file more than allowed file size defined in php.ini #30096 No group jomsocial group selection field available in create campaign view #30356 List style was not working for campaign long description #30670 Removed asterix from donation details page #30345 Language specific categories was not working for multilingual site #30335 Incorrect days left on campaigns pin view for different date format except than 'Y-m-d' #30295 Remove giveback clone button was not displaying. #30148 Campaign image was not displaying. #31587 Hide filters all campaigns menu level option was working partially #31165 Notice : Undefined variable: /components/com_jgive/views/campaign/tmpl/single.php ^ Other Improvements #31541 Changes for field & country manager #31556 Added filter to sort donations by campaigns category
NOTE: In our extension Quick2Cart 2.2 we have introduced country and region manager. This change affects JGive and JTicketing for good by improving country and region magager for JGive & JTicketing. So, if you have already installed JTicketing, Quick2Cart then - In that case you need to upgrade both JTicketing and Quick2Cart along with JGive to make everything run smoother.
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