The Techjoomla Blog

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Invitex 2.7.4 released

Hey all, In Invitex 2.7.4, we have fixed the issue related the Windows Live Mail API updates . Compatible with Joomla! 2.5.x & 3.0.x PHP 5.3 or higher is needed - Bugs fixed #21269 Clicking on Hotmail(Widows live) button in frontend throws "404-Page not found" error. 

  8157 Hits

Invitex 2.7.3 is available

Hey all, Invitex version2.7.3 is available now. We have fixed bugs reported in version 2.7.2. Find the changelog for same. Compatible with Joomla 2.5.x and 3.0.x Bugs Fixed- JBolo chat window does not load when "Use system plugin to send emails" config of Invitex is set to "Yes"Clicking on "Send" button on "Manual Reminder" view in backend always g...

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Invitex 2.7.2 released

We have released minor update to Invitex - version 2.7.2 . Here is a detailed changelog. Invitex 2.7.2 Changelog Compatible with Joomla! 2.5.x & 3.0.x Features added- Config to switch on and switch off the loading of jQuery of Invitex Config to switch on and switch off the loading of bootstrap css of Invitex Bugs Fixed- LinkedIn API and Twitter API...

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Invitex 2.7.1 released

We have released minor update to Invitex - version 2.7.1 . Here is a detailed changelog. Invitex 2.7.1 Changelog Compatible with Joomla! 2.5.x & 3.0.x Bugs Fixed-  17477  Fatal error  "Can not redeclare function 'Akeebabootstaploader' "17260  Twitter API just keep loading after authorisation if there are a lot of contacts17334  Fatal error Call und...

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Invitex ver 2.7 is here with Joomla 3.X support !

Hey All Invitex Fans ! The wait is over :)

Invitex 2.7 is now available for Download !  The 2.7 release adds support for Joomla 3X & also adds Payplans support for registration. Besides these, there are 9 bugs fixed. Existing subscribers can download the release immediately from the my Subscriptions area.

In case your subscription has exired, you might want to take advantage of our Easter Offer to renew today !

Please read on for the full changelog.

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Invitex 2.5.1 released with improved usability & reporting abilities !

We are very pleased to bring you the stable release of Invitex 2.5.1.

The main focus of this release was to improve the usability of the extension and improve the reporting abilities.


The new stats dashboard gives you a complete snapshot of invite activities on your site using pretty graphs and also shows top inviters.


We have completely revamped the frontend using Bootstrap and also improved the layout to make sending invites easier. You have an option to use the new interface or the old facebook styled one.

Other improvements include a more usable and logical configuration. Also all config settings are now stored in the database to make it usable in multi site setuos.

Invite anywhere config is also greatly improved and u can override a lot of global settings on a Invite type level.

Finally CB and Jomsocial fields are now available to customise your Invite emails even further from this release on.

Compatible with Joomla 1.5X 1.7X, 2.5.X, the release can be downloaded immediately from our Downloads Area.

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Invitex 2.4.1 Stable with Invitations During Registration & Tons more is here !

It gives me great pleasure to bring you this new release of Invitex. This release is special in the fact that more than 80% of the features in this release are based on feedback given from users like you. Packed with awesome new features that have been wanting in Invitex & some great new innovations, i am sure you are going to be as excited abo...

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Invitex 2.1 with a Snazzy look & Invites Anywhere released !

Invitex 2.1 is now available to all active subscribers. With this version, we introduce 2 main features.  The long awaited Facebook like look is one of them ! We have completely revamped the UI of Invitex to give it a nice slider layout. I am sure you'll love it !

The even bigger feature announcement is the Invites Anywhere feature using which Invitex can now be extended to be used with practically any extension. With this feature,its dead easy to setup Invitex to work with Groups, Articles, Events, Shops. Your imagination is the only limit. Read more about this feature here.

We have also solved a lot of reported issues in this release & sneaked in a lot of small but cool features like the ability to Import Friends & quickly add the people who are already on the site as your friends. For the Full change log & some cool screenshots, please read on. If you still havent got your hands on this awesome viral invitations extension, Buy it now !

Call for Sponsorship for Native API plugins
Next on our target list is adding support for Native API plugins for the major email & Social network providers. We are calling for sponsorships to help speed up the development of these API plugins. If you are interested, please drop us an email to [email protected]

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Invitex Beta 8 Is out for testing

Invitex Beta 8 is our for testers. Note that this version is for testing only . Not recommended for use on live sites. Please report bugs via Tickets. Note that Beta tickets cannot be resolved immediately but are added to our Bug tracker & resolved usually over a period of one week. Change Log Bug #4047  : fatal error php memoryFeature #3914 : ...

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Invitex 2.0 Beta 4 is out for Subscribers

Hey All !  Invitex 2.0 Beta 4 is out for all subscribers.Note that this is not ready for live site deployment yet & is in final stage of Beta testing. If you would like to help test it , download it & test it out & report any bugs you might find.. To know more whats coming in this release, please click on the link below http://techjooml...

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Invitex V1.3 released with Open Inviter plugin updater

Invitex V.1.3 has been released with the much awaited Open Inviter plugin update feature. Now you can simply set a crop to update the Import contact plugins from Open Inviter directly. You dont have to wait for a Invitex update to get OI plugin updates that are used to import contacts from gmail,yahoo etc.

Additionally a bug which still let JomSocial integration users access the JomSocial native invitation system link has now been solved.

Please read on for the full change log. Active subscribers can download the latest version from the my Subscriptions area.

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  6625 Hits

Invitex 1.2 released.

We are happy to announce the availability of Invitex V. 1.2 to all active subscribers having a subscription for Invitex.This Invitex release comes with some small but nice improvements which will make you love it even more !

We have added a JomSocial plugin which replace the default JomSocial invitations menu with one going to Invitex. For this make sure you install the new thats available in the unzip package & publish it.

The invite email becomes even more interesting now with the ability to show "People who have invited you" with their avatars just like Facebook or Orkut does. To have this go out in your invite emails, make sure you edit your email content & Add [PWIU] in the mail content. This is the tag that will be replaced.

Additionally we have added a nice looking reports dashboard on the Admin side to give you a quick snapshot of how invitations are helping your site. Make sure you read our updated documentation to see how you can implement the above.

To see a full list of changes & Screenshots, please read on. Active subscribers can download the latest version from the "My Downloads" menu once you login.

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J!PHPlist V1.1 & InviteX V1.1 released with bug fixes

Maintenance releases of J!PHPlist & InviteX were released today to address some issues reported by used. We recommend all users upgrade to the latest versions as soon as possible.The new versions are J!PHPlist 1.1 & InviteX 1.1 .

To see a full list of bugs fixed in both the extensions please click on read more.

Users with active subscriptions can login to the site & download the files from their My Downloads Page.


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