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Exclusive Discount on EasySocial and EasyBlog for Techjoomla Subscribers!

Exclusive Discount on EasySocial and EasyBlog for Techjoomla Subscribers!

Techjoomla has some products that have an inherent Social angle. Though People Suggest is the only product we have that needs you to have a Social Networking extension to use, all our other extensions (though they work standalone) can get added value, features and engagement if you add a Social Networking extension to the mix.

We have made sure that all our popular extensions - JGive, Quick2Cart, SocialAds, JTicketing, Shika, JBolo,Invitex,People Suggest, Mutual Friends as well J!MailAlerts have some really great integrations with EasySocial. The J!MailAlerts plugin for EasyBlog is pretty cool too!

So if you don't have these awesome Products from StackIdeas yet, there’s more than one reason to get them now.

  1. Awesome Integrations with Techjoomla

  2. A Spectacular Discount only for Techjoomla Customers at the bottom of the blog

In case you don't know these products yet, here’s a quick walk through


With EasyBlog,  StackIdeas brought a blogging platform to Joomla that was as awesome if not better than Wordpress. EasyBlog was the name. With over 400 reviews on the extension directory, this extension took the Joomla world by storm. With the recently released EasyBlog 5 they have once again given a completely new perspective to blogging in Joomla.  

Powering more than than 50,000 Joomla! sites and blogs, its undisputedly the best Blogging extension available for Joomla. It can be used to manage your personal blog, company blog  even team blogs.  It has inbuilt integrations with with tons of Social Networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and even EasySocial and JomSocial.

Its unique composer gives you the freedom to write, add photos and videos, share links, and more. The new pagebuilder with blocks lets you create custom layouts using intuitive drag and drop.. This lets you create your own customized templates that suit your authoring style.


Typical to their style, Stackideas took up the challenge to reinvent the Joomla Social networking space by giving it a completely fresh perspective. And the idea has worked wonders. EasySocial is one of the leading Social extensions available for Joomla today.

With EasySocial, building a Social network with Joomla has been made.. as the name suggests - Easy!

Share everything from your favourite photos, links, popular media content from YouTube, Vimeo to Spotify, Slideshare etc and location with your friends!

EasySocial let you connect conveniently with your members and get up-to-date with your members activity. You can also create groups for fun and collaborate! Groups for users where you can collaborate in groups with a variety of applications built for it.

For Events, it allows you and your members to create meetups and collaborate with attendees on the event. What's more, EasySocial provides build-in private messaging that allows you to send messages to one another.

Exclusive Discount for Techjoomla and AppCarvers Customers

Getting a discount out of Mark from Stackideas is pretty rare believe me. We had to get the guy stone drunk to have him release a spectacular 25% Discount for all our customers!


Avail Discount Now!

Note: Discount Available only on EasySocial and EasyBlog!

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