Unable to install JTIcketing
Follow the following steps
1) Extract jticketing_package.zip
2) Copy to public_html/tmp/ folder of your site
3) Now open
Extensions=>extension Manager=>Install from directory=>Enter Install Directory as
4) Click on install.
Frontend - Attendees / preview ticket / New button modal popup not getting display on JoomlaArt template
As core bootstrap modal popup is overridden by the template, you need to add the below CSS in the template custom CSS file
#jtwrap .jticketing-tbl .fade.in{
display: block !important;
Vendor reports getting You are not authorized error
To display reports to event creator you need to give view permission to an event creator user group in TJReports.
For this login to your site administrator - components - TJReports - Option - Permissions - add permissions to the required User Group.
Getting error in uploading event media or images
Enable fileinfo php extension in your server, If you face any issue with media upload.
Frontend - Vendor orders list view - If a vendor is marking a Complete order of pending or refund getting error message
As we are adding event JLike TODO against the buyer if he has a complete payment order. We need to delete it if his order getting the refund or by mistake marked as complete. To delete TODO user should have Jlike access to delete. To add access login to your site administrator - components - JLike - Option - Permissions - add permissions to the required User Group.
I want to show only available field in module
Open your site/administrator=>modules=>JTIcketing Buy tickets=>
How to change the size of QR Code?
If you are using the latest version of JTicketing. Follow below steps:-
Open yoursite.com/administrator
Components=>JTicketing=>Click on Options=>Display and other settings
Change QR code width and height and save
Where do I find filter options for All Events(I am using 'Native' integration in JTicketing)?
Open menu manager=>Your Menu type=>JTicketing=>all events=>layout tab=>You can hide filters here..
Attaching the screenshot of it.
Does JTicketing support multiple currencies on the single site?
No JTicketing does not support multiple currencies. You can only use the single currency.
What are all the different kind of tickets that can be set up? What are all the specific settings that can be set?
You have full control on the types of tickets and their prices. You can create any number of ticket types for each event, and each type can have a separate price. This allows creating things like Silver/Gold/Platinum etc tickets.
Can we integrate JEvent, Native, Jomsocial on the same site at a time?
No, you need to choose any one of them at the time. You can use any one of them at a time
While creating events cannot see ticket type tab and other tabs Also cannot create events on frontend
- Firstly please check if you have "Add Custom Javascript" plugin
- Open Extension=>plugin Manager=>"System - Add Custom Javascript" plugin in backend of your site.
- Remove Comments=>set this to Yes
- Minimize=>set this to Yes
- Finally changed the ordering of this plugin to last
- Also, open JTicketing option=>Display and other settings=>Enable bootstrap=>Set this to Yes.
Jticketing Buy Button Not showing OR JTicketing Buy Module not showing
- You are using the latest version of JTicketing.
- You have created ticket types for that event.
- Check if event start date end date booking start date and end date is valid.
- JTicketing Buy module is published on event details page
- Jticketing Module was showing since no of tickets and price may 0.
- Also check Access levels public-All users, Guest-only for guest, Registered-Only for registered users
- For publishing module on event details pages Please refer this Firstly find module position View Module Positions and publish module in that position.
Paypal payment does not work? OR Paypal confirms payment but the JTicketing order does not complete and ticket is not sent?
For PayPal, you may require 24 hours to make payment Completed.Login to your admin PayPal account and check payment status of that transaction.
You can see record under my orders view in frontend and orders view in a backend.
The same thing is applied to other payment gateways you can check payment status by login with admin account given in backend payment plugin
1) Check if the account is confirmed and has valid currency to accept payment.
2) Check that IPN is working for PayPal(IPN is response send by PayPal once payment completed. When this response comes then only JTicketing updates order)
Check this with IPN simulator of PayPal
and entered site name as
If IPN does not send successfully
Check if any firewall or other settings on your site which block PayPal to send the response.
Contact to PayPal if still have issue They can guide you regarding this.
I have set the Point system integration with "Alpha points".Have followed the instructions for creating a rule and also have set the points. But cannot reduce points when used alphauserpoint gateway
There is an issue with Alpha user points newpoints() method,that we call to assign points to user.Go to following file:
you will find following code:
AlphaUserPointsHelper::userpoints ( $plugin_function, $referrerid, 0, $keyreference, $datareference, $randompoints, $feedback, $force, $frontmessage );
Replace this code with following:
return AlphaUserPointsHelper::userpoints ( $plugin_function, $referrerid, 0, $keyreference, $datareference, $randompoints, $feedback, $force, $frontmessage );
Where to Change language files?
Ideally, you should override language constants. Please follow this doc for overriding language constants.
for example, you can change
JT_PAID_EVENT language constant while creating an event in jomsocial.
COM_JTICKETING_BUY_BUTTON to change 'Buy' text
You can search for language constants in following files and add override for it as above
For Payment plugins on confirmation page?
I am using JTIcketing in other languages ? Where can I get installable language packs?
You can download other language files from
You can contribute to translation
https://opentranslators.transifex.com/organization/opentranslators/dashboard/jticketing. You need to login to open translator site.
You will need to modify the language files:
For Language files that you copy
1)Translating Frontend component file
Copy en-GB.com_jticketing_frontend.ini from Transifex to languages/your-language/
Rename the file en-GB.com_jticketing_frontend.ini to your-language.com_jticketing.ini in the new folder
You need to add the required text in this file instead of the English text
2)Translating Backend component main language file
Copy en-GB.com_jticketing_backend.ini from Transifex to languages/your-language/
Rename the file en-GB.com_jticketing_backend.ini to yourjoomla/administrator/language/your-language.com_jticketing.ini in the new folder
You need to add the required text in this file instead of the English text
2)Translating Backend component system language file
Copy en-GB.com_jticketing.sys.ini from Transifex to languages/your-language/
Rename the file en-GB.com_jticketing_backend.ini to yourjoomla/administrator/language/your-language.com_jticketing.sys.ini in the new folder
You need to add the required text in this file instead of the English text
3)Translating module file
Copy en-GB.mod_jticketing_buy.ini from transfer to languages/your-language/
Rename the file en-GB.mod_jticketing_buy.ini to your-language.mod_jticketing_buy.ini in new folder
You need to add the required text in this file instead of the English text
Copy en-GB.mod_jticketing_menu.ini from Transifex to languages/your-language/
Rename the file en-GB.mod_jticketing_menu.ini to your-language.mod_jticketing_menu.ini in new folder
You need to add the required text in this file instead of the English text
4)Translating Plugin files
Copy en-GB.plg_payment_paypal.ini from transifex to yourjoomla/administrator/language/
Rename the file en-GB.plg_payment_paypal.ini to yourjoomla/administrator/language/Your-language.plg_payment_paypal.ini in the new folder
You need to add the required text in this file instead of the English text
For following files follow step 4
How to add custom styling for any component (without a hack in component)? OR How to override component css file in your template?
Suppose you have to change div background from Green To Red having class "checkout-heading"-
You have to Override Component CSS in your template :
* create a custom.css file in templates/[template_name]/css/
* Open up the Templates\[template_name]\index.php File and call your custom.css file
* Note :in Some Templates You must call your css in templates\[template_name]\Component.php
Then add modified css in custom.css file in templates/[template_name]/css/
eg .checkout-heading { background: red !important; }
How to change Date Format? OR Does separate order is placed in multi-store checkout?
For date format you need to override these language constants
For language override, Please follow this doc
Facing any difficulties while saving JTicketing configuration in Backend? OR You Cannot complete Checkout. Please follow these steps OR If your Integration is Native in backend JTIcketing option and You cannot See ticket type tab in Backend JTicketing Event view or cannot create Event from Frontend
A) Open backend plugins=>assetloader(Type is system)=>
- Fix javascript errors=>Yes
- Insert Techjoomla scripts at head start or just before end of head tag=>Yes
- Force jquery loading=>Yes
B) Now Enable assetloader plugin and save.
How google map works in JTicketing?
Ticket PDF was not showing images or QR code image?
The problem may come from a bad configuration of your PHP installation.
Please open your site backend=>System Information=>PHP Information
- Search for allow_url_fopen. This value should be set to 'on' in your php.ini file.
- If its off please contact your host provider to set it on.
How to allow event creation and event management to allow to only specific users or Joomla user groups?
This can be easily done via Joomla access levels. Please refer this doc for your reference.
Firstly you need to create the menu in backend under JTicketing as given below
- Create Event=>Assign access level as Manager
- Sales Report =>Assign access level as Manager
- Attendee List=>Assign access level as Manager
- All orders=>Assign access level as Manager
- My order=>Assign access level as Public
- My Ticket=>Assign access level as Public
I would like to edit the custom ticket fields that Techjoomla generated (name, address, phone, mail)
Where and how do I do this?
Please refer this.
For Attendee Information Step-YOURSITE/components/com_jticketing/views/buy/default_attendee_data.php
Please refer this doc for overriding.
Is there a documentation for TJ fields to use? OR How to add custom fields?
The categories which are created from Quick2cart's product manager, doesn't display in CCK's Quick2cart fields?
The Products which are created from CCK's doesn't display in All product's view and store home page view? |closed}
The categories which are created from Quick2cart category manager (Backend->Quick2cart component -> Category view), are only listed in Quick2cart's native Add product manager view and all product view. These categories are not displayed while adding a product from CCK integration.
While adding the product from different CCK, you have to use CCK's category field. (Here Categories which are created from Quick2cart category manage, are not displayed.)
Similarly, the product which is created using the different CCK integration will be displayed in their view only, not in Quick2cart's "All products"view.
When I am going through with payment processing, the PayPal page that it redirects to shows the email address of where the payment is going at the top (see attachment). Is there a way that I can change that so that it shows the name of the event, or the name of my site, or something else, that the customer will see?
Follow these steps:-
1. Log in to your PayPal account and edit -
2. Go to My Account -> My Profile -> My business info -> And Set - "Business information"
I was trying to install the JTicketing component, specifically 2_com_jticketing_v1.5.6_f5974952.zip but my Joomla uploader is saying: Error OR No file selected OR Unable to find install package
It seems to be some server related issue.
For now, Please follow steps.
1) Unzip 2_com_jticketing_v1.5.6_f5974952.zip
2) Copy 2_com_jticketing_v1.5.6_f5974952 to YOUR_SITE/tmp
3) Open extension manager
3) Click on Install from directory and change Install Directory
4) Click on install.
I think this should work.
Is there a way to allow someone to publish an event without backend admin approval?
Yes, you can do it. Open your site backend JTicketing =>options=>permissions=>Click on registered tab=>Set permission for manager 'create' and 'edit own' and save. .
I want the sellers to collect their own payments, can they choose to add their own gateway? Is cash or check an option?
There are payment plugins for Pay By Order, Pay By Check, Paypal, Authorize.net etc.
You need to select which plugins are available for all users in JTicketing settings.
Which payment methods to use cannot be disabled on Seller level. It can be configured site wise.
In the Event creation page, Jomsocial comes up with an option called "No of seats". My question is if I am using Jticketing for creating Paid Events, will this concept of "No of seats" which accounts for "Number of Guests who can attend this event" works. And also does the Paid Tickets count have any dependencies with the "No of Tickets" we enter in "Jomsocial No of seats"? Also, if a user purchases a paid ticket, why is the tickets count from Jomsocial getting reduced.
How it works in Jomsocial and JTicketing integration is if you create ticket types and Jticketing buy module is published, Suppose any user comes which does not have a ticket, the message will be shown as 'Are you attending? Please book the ticket to attend event'. The user can only attend that event once the ticket is purchased.
We are adding entries in Jomsocial as 'Attending' once user purchases ticket, He will be marked as attended and ticket count is reduced from Jomsocial.
For all above, if you don't want any dependency between ticket count in Jomsocial and JTicketing, Open site admin=> JTicketing =>Option=>Jomsocial specific settings=>and set below options
Effect Native JomSocial Seats & add Dummy Attendees to Jomsocial which will be shown in attendee list in jomsocial=>No.
Automatically fix a number of Available seats to match Available tickets=>No.
How to make JTicketing compatible with Bootstrap 3 template?
1. Install Nonumber re-replacer extension free version. You can download it from here: https://www.nonumber.nl/extensions/rereplacer#download
2. And, add following rule using this extension
Go to site backend -> components -> NoNumber ReReplacer -> Click on 'new' button
In 'search' enter :
span1,span2,span3,span4,span5,span6,span7,span8,span9,span10,span11,span12,offset1,offset2,offset3,offset4,offset5,offset6,offset7,offset8,offset9,offset10,offset11,offset12,row-fluid,container-fluid,hero-unit,img-polaroid,btn-mini,input-small,thumbnails,control-group,control-label,controls,radio inline
In 'Replace' enter:
col-sm-1,col-sm-2,col-sm-3,col-sm-4,col-sm-5,col-sm-6,col-sm-7,col-sm-8,col-sm-9,col-sm-10,col-sm-11,col-sm-12,col-offset-1,col-offset-2,col-offset-3,col-offset-4,col-offset-5,col-offset-6,col-offset-7,col-offset-8,col-offset-9,col-offset-10,col-offset-11,col-offset-12,row,container,jumbotron,img-thumbnail,btn-sm,input-sm,media-list,form-group form-group-lg,col-sm-2 control-label,col-sm-10,radio-inline
set 'Treat as List' option => Yes
& save the rule
How add ticket type tab in the JEvent custom layout?
Follow the following steps:
1.Go to backend JEvents->Custom Layouts
2.Open "Event Edit Page".
3.Go to custom layout & add below tab before end tab. {{Tab Start:TABSTART#Ticket}} {{Tickets:TICKETS}}
4.Save it.
How to change language specific activity stream text in templates?
For changing the language specific activity stream text need to adde language tag in activity templates.
For e.g Added new event activity template
1. Go to site_name ->media folder ->com_activitystream->themes->eventfeed->templates->bs3->addevent.mustache
<div class="feed-item-cover">
<div class="date col-xs-3 col-sm-1 col-lg-1">{{created_day}} </br> {{created_date_month}}</div>
<div class="feed-item col-xs-9 col-sm-11 col-lg-11">
<div class="feed-item-inner">
<span><i class="fa fa-send fa-lg"></i></span>
<span><img class="feed-item-image" src="/{{actor.image.avatar}}"></span>
<span class="language en-GB"><a href='{{actor.url}}'>{{actor.name}}</a> has launched the event</span>
<span class="language fr-FR"><a href='{{actor.url}}'>{{actor.name}}</a>add text in french language</span> <hr />
How to change date format?
1) 'm-d-Y' date format is not supported in Joomla.
2)If you want to change the date format.
e.g.date format d-m-Y (4-03-2016)
Do the following changes
for The English language
1 > open file en-GB.com_jticketing.ini
file path: yoursite/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_jticketing.ini
& replace it as COM_JTICKETING_DATE_FORMAT_CALENDER_DESC="**dd-mm-yyyy"
& replace it as COM_JTICKETING_DATE_FORMAT_SHOW_LONG="d-m-Y H:i:s"
& replace it as COM_JTICKETING_DATE_FORMAT_SHOW_AMPM="d-m-Y g:i A"
same for other languages (open language directory you want ( step 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6) ) https://docs.joomla.org/J3.x:Language_Overrides_in_Joomla