1. Download and install latest JGive component. Once you install JGive component - JGive component, campaigns module, jomsocial plugin for JGive and all payment plugins are auto-installed at the same time 2. Configure all plugins of type 'payment'. 6. Create menus for JGive component from 'Joomla menu manager.' 7. After creating menus for JGive, go to frontend - click on the JGive menu for 'create campaign'. 8. After clicking on 'create campaign,' you will be redirected to form where you will be asked to enter Campaign details, image etc. After entering all details, click on save. 9. After a campaign is saved, if 'admin approval' is on the admin will need to publish that campaign from admin backend, else campaign will be auto-published just after you create it. 11. Now go to JGive 'My campaigns' menu - where you will see the list of all campaigns that you have created. 12. Now go to JGive 'all campaigns' menu - where you will see blog-view of all campaigns 13. Click on donate, you will be redirected to further payment flow 14. When you go to a user profile in jomsocial, all the campaigns created by that user are shown on the profile.
It works in following ways - 1. Profile URL and avatar integration 2. Activity stream integration 3. Community plugin to show campaigns created by a user. This is the only JomSocial integration provided as of now!
- You can use our other extension 'jLike' for commenting. Or you can also integrate rscomment with jGive For rs comment: - Open file components/com_jgive/views/campaign/tmpl/single.php - Add this code at the end of an above file For more details - http://www.rsjoomla.com/support/documentation/view-article/422-how-can-i-ena
1. Campaign wise report
=> Open adaptive payment plugin from Joomla plugin manager => click on "jGive log file ", it will open a text log file & check "message" against the latest transaction.
Most of the time this issue on Joomla 3.0 site because of no bootstrap template or Bootstrap 3 templates. To fix this issue, 1. Go to site backend -> Components ->JGive -> click on "Options" button. 2. Click on the General tab -> Display settings 3. Change Load bootstrap field value as Yes 4. Save settings.
Masspayment & Adaptive payment => Both are used to make the payout of campaign owner. But recently Paypal stop the approval of Mass payment for small business. Adaptive payment So, you can either use mass-payment or the Adaptive payment for payout.
1. - Each campaign owner can download list/details of donors for a particular campaign from the donors view at the frontend. 2. Site admin can download a list of all donors from the donors view at the site backend 3. Site admin can download a list of all donations from donations view in the admin backend. Click CSV Export button to get this list.
1. Go to administrator side,i.e (Backend) 2. Click Components ->JGive->click on Options button: JGive Configuration->General ->Integration settings 3. Set "Integrate with " as Jomsocial and Save the configuration. 4. Then go to the Components ->select Jomsocial ->click on the Application 5. Click on the View the applications list -> Set Campaigns plugin status as Publish. Configure the Campaign plugin and save it. 6. At the site frontend -> Go to user profile page. User-created campaigns are getting displayed.
This application allows you to display campaigns created by the user on his/her profile. App setup instructions: 1. Go to Easysocial Applications manager from backend. 2. Search & publish JGive user campaigns an application & also check the other parameters by opening this application. 3. If the site admin has set this application as the default for all users then once his friends visit his profile will be able to view the campaigns. 4. If the site admin has not set this application default for all user then campaign owner permission will be needed to display this app on his profile.
=> Giveback means - to give something back to the donor as a token of appreciation / as a sign of being grateful for their donation. e.g. If someone donates 50$ give him a cap/t-shirt etc... Campaign creators/owners are supposed to be handle givebacks on their own manually.
1. Download & install translation => You can download translations from Techjoomla site & install it. Refer the link for download: Click here If you want to modify/correct/complete existing transactions then here are the detailed language translations instructions You will need to modify the language files: 1. Copy en-GB.com_jgive.ini from your Joomla directory/languages/en-GB/ to languages/your-language/ 2. Rename the file en-GB.com_jgive.ini to your-language.com_jgive.ini in the new folder 3. You need to add the required text in this file instead of the English text The same procedure will be applied with following files (jGive English(en-GB) Language files path) Component: Modules 1. Campaigns module: 2. Campaigns pin view module: 3. Donations module: Plugins: 1. jGive jomsocial plugins: 2. jGive Easysocial App:
=> Go to site administrator side -> Components ->JGive -> Click in "Options" button ar right corner on page. It will redirect you to JGive component configuration page -> General Select option 'Hide selected fields on create campaign view' => Yes
=> JGive only supports Flexible funding. As of JGive v1.7.2, whether campaign goal reaches or not - admin gets cut of commission/fees and rest can be given to campaign owner.
1. You can find JGive module 'mod_jgive_campaigns_pin' in Joomla module manager, publish this module to a custom position. 2. Then create the article using Joomla content manager & put the following code in it your_custom_position? => Is the position where you have published the mod_jgive_campaigns_pin module.
A. Automated payout: You need to use only Adaptive PayPal plugin for donation. => Funds are split between Admin & campaign owner instantly after donation, The admin commission percentage deposited in his account & remaining account deposited in campaign owner account. E.g, Admin commission is 10% on transaction Documentation to setup this plugin click here *Note: To use this payment plugin first you need to submit the APP to PayPal & only after their approval you can use this payment plugin. B. Manual payout: You can use all the JGive supported payment plugins for donations. A. All funds go to admin account (The account configured in payment plugin). In that case, an admin has to do manual payout of campaign owner. Admin can check the amount to pay for campaign owner in payout report by selecting campaign owner while adding new payout entry. E.g Admin commission is 10% on transaction Now, admin wants to make a payout of campaign owner & want to check amount then for this need to go 'Payout report'=> New => Select campaign owners After selecting campaign owner Admin can check the amount to pay for campaign owner. Admin can do payout using whatever method he wants. E.g Bank transfer, using Paypal etc. If you want to avoid this manual intervention then you can use Adaptive payment plugin for donation. Documentation to setup this plugin click here
In PayPal configuration page, whatever the email id is entered during configuration on that account all donations will be submitted. So, put an email id on which admin wants all donations.
1. Using Module: - For this, you can use 'mod_jgive_campaigns_pin' module.
1. Using Menu:
1) Joomla does not support the 'm-d-Y' date format. 2) If you want to change the date format. e.g.date format d-m-Y (4-03-2016) Do the following changes for The English language Find COM_JGIVE_DATE_FORMAT_DESC=" ** yyyy-mm-dd" & replace it as COM_JGIVE_DATE_FORMAT_DESC=" ** dd-mm-yyyy" 2. Backend language constant file 3 Module b)mod_jgive_campaigns_pin c)mod_jgive_donations 4. Plugins b) Easysocial same for other languages (open language directory you want ( step 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6) ) https://docs.joomla.org/J3.x:Language_Overrides_in_Joomla
1. Install Nonumber re-replacer extension free version. You can download it from here: https://www.nonumber.nl/extensions/rereplacer#download 2. Follow the following steps for using this extension Go to site backend -> components -> NoNumber ReReplacer -> Click on 'new' button In 'search' enter : col-sm-1,col-sm-2,col-sm-3,col-sm-4,col-sm-5,col-sm-6,col-sm-7,col-sm-8,col-sm-9,col-sm-10,col-sm-11,col-sm-12,col-offset-1,col-offset-2,col-offset-3,col-offset-4,col-offset-5,col-offset-6,col-offset-7,col-offset-8,col-offset-9,col-offset-10,col-offset-11,col-offset-12,row,container,jumbotron,img-thumbnail,btn-sm,input-sm,media-list,form-group form-group-lg,col-sm-2 control-label,col-sm-10,radio-inline,col-xs-12,col-md-6,col-md-3,col-md-2,col-md-10,col-md-4,col-lg-12,col-md-12 In 'Replace' enter: span1,span2,span3,span4,span5,span6,span7,span8,span9,span10,span11,span12,offset1,offset2,offset3,offset4,offset5,offset6,offset7,offset8,offset9,offset10,offset11,offset12,row-fluid,container-fluid,hero-unit,img-polaroid,btn-mini,input-small,thumbnails,control-group,control-label,controls,radio inline, span12,span6,span3,span2,span10,span4,span12,span12 set 'Treat as List' option => Yes & then click on save.
We have player specific plugins in our extension and we see there are changes with JW Player APIs. So we also had to make changes with our plugin. JWPlayer has stopped free signup. Existing users shall still continue using free accounts but for new ones it is paid.
This is template CSS issue. As of now, there is no configuration for removing the modal which is used for showing the long description. We would recommend you two ways to fixing this 1. Please add the given CSS in the custom.css file and check it works for you or not. .modal-backdrop{display:none !important;} #myModal { top:0; width:100%; margin:0px; background : rgba(255,255,255,0.4); opacity:1; } #myModal .modal-dialog{ webkit-transform: translate(0,0); ms-transform: translate(0,0); o-transform: translate(0,0); transform: translate(0,0); } 2. If the above CSS is not working then you can remove the modal code by from overridden file. So, that the changes you have made in a layout will remain to persist after upgrading JGive and also upgrade will be easy for you. Please refer instructions documents: https://techjoomla.com/documentation-for-jgive-formerly-jomgive/how-to-override-the-output-of-jgive-views.html File path: component -> com_jgive -> views -> campaign -> tmpl -> default.php Remove the below code if (strlen($this->cdata['campaign']->long_description) > $long_desc_char) { echo substr(strip_tags($this->cdata['campaign']->long_description), 0, $long_desc_char);?> <a href="#myModal" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">...Read more</a> <?php } else { echo strip_tags($this->cdata['campaign']->long_description); } Add the below code echo strip_tags($this->cdata['campaign']->long_description);
We have provided the simpler search functionality based on the campaign title, description. For this, you have to publish and configure the Joomla's search module from module manager and JGive search plugin from plugin manager. For creating search module refer this link.
JGive extensions are powered by the 'Joomla Common Payments API'. The Subscription comes with free support and updates for the following payment plugins only. All plugins listed on this link will also likely work. However, they are not covered under the support subscription. How to install and use other payment plugins which do not come with the JGive package. 1. Go to this link https://github.com/techjoomla/joomla-payments
In JGive 2.2.0 version, we have added a new feature as "Reports for campaign promoter". By using this feature campaign promoter will able to create a number of reports to a campaign. Also he can delete a report for the campaign. After deleting the report, the activity related to reports can also be deleted, for this we need to set delete permission to the user from activity streams. For this Goto ->Site backend ->Global Configuration ->Activity Stream ->Permission Tab -> Registered User -> set "Delete" permission as "Allowed".
Joomla Manager can review and approve the user as a vendor. What are basic steps to setup JGive?
3. Configure JGive component options.
4. Enable 'JGive' plugin of type 'community' ONLY IF YOU ARE USING JOMSOCIAL
5. Enable 'JGive Campaigns' module for all pages you want.
you can create menus for
- Create campaign
- All campaigns
- My campaign
- My donations
- My payoutsHow JomSocial [JS] integration work in JGive?
- At all places inside jGive where user profile link and avatar is shown, it is coming from JomSocial. This is applicable to all campaign promoters and donors.
- New activities are pushed to JomSocial activity stream when -
A. User creates a new campaign
B. User makes a successful donation to a campaign. By successful we mean 'transaction is completed and payment status is confirmed'.
- There is a "community" plugin named as 'givejgive', which when enabled, is shown on the user profile.
- If the user whose profile you are viewing, has created any campaigns - those campaigns are shown in plugin output.How to add comment facility in JGive?
$campaignId = $this->cdata['campaign']->id;
{rscomments option="com_jgive" id="<?php echo $campaignId; ?>"}
How to hide campaign owner PayPal email, phone number from everyone?
CSV Export available for?
How to Check adaptive payment error log?
How to fix design and CSS issue?
What are mass payments used for and is it necessary if I use adaptive payments?
-> It split the donation amount between site admin & campaign owner(Administration charges to site owner & remaining amount to campaign owner) once the transaction made.How to download the donor list or donations list?
http://yoursite.com/administrator/index.php?option=com_jgive&view=donations&layout=allHow to do the integration of JGive with JomSocial?
How to configure JGive Easysocial App?
What are givebacks?
JGive does not handle givebacks. It just allows you to show what givebacks are available.How to translate JGive extension in another Language?
How to hide unwanted fields from Campaign creation form & donation form?
1. Hide fields from campaign creation view
& 'Select fields to hide on create campaign view' from the list box
2. Hide fields from donation view
Select option 'Hide selected fields on donation page' => Yes
& 'Select fields to hide on donation page'from list boxIs JGive support Fix & Flexible funding?
How to use JGive pin layout module as campaigns page?
You can create the multiple copies of this module to show featured, Successful, Active etc campaigns.How to do campaign owner Payout?
Now, Donor has donated $100.
Instantly after donation, $10 will be deposited in admin account & be renaming $90 will be deposited in campaign owner account.
Now, Donor has donated $100.
After successful donation, $100 will be deposited in admin account.Site admin wants to collect all transaction money into one PayPal accounts?
How to show specific campaign in a module?
- Set a campaign as 'Featured' from backend in campaign list page, whichever you want to show as specific.
- Go to Site_administrator ->Extension->Modules->Open 'mod_jgive_campaigns_pin' set 'Campaigns to Show' as 'Featured' set position, the page on which you want to show and publish it.Is there any way to show single campaign on page?
- JGive has a menu name as 'Single campaign'. Create this menu. Set a campaign which you want to show and publish it. At the Frontend, after clicking on 'Single campaign' menu the selected campaign will display on the page.How to change the date format?
1. Frontend language constant file
Path : site_name/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_jgive.ini
Find COM_JGIVE_DATE_FORMAT="%Y-%m-%d" & replace it as COM_JGIVE_DATE_FORMAT="%d-%m-%Y"
Path : site_name/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_jgive.ini
Find COM_JGIVE_DATE_FORMAT="%Y-%m-%d" & replace it as COM_JGIVE_DATE_FORMAT="%d-%m-%Y"
Find COM_JGIVE_DATE_FORMAT_DESC="** yyyy-mm-dd" & replace it as COM_JGIVE_DATE_FORMAT_DESC="** dd-mm-yyyy"
a)mod_jgive_campaigns module
Find MOD_JGIVE_DATE_FORMAT="%Y-%m-%d" & replace it as MOD_JGIVE_DATE_FORMAT="%d-%m-%Y"
Find MOD_JGIVE_DATE_FORMAT="%Y-%m-%d" & replace it as MOD_JGIVE_DATE_FORMAT="%d-%m-%Y"
a) Community Plugin
Find PLG_JGIVE_DATE_FORMAT="%Y-%m-%d" & replace it as PLG_JGIVE_DATE_FORMAT="%d-%m-%Y"
Find APP_JGIVE_DATE_FORMAT="%Y-%m-%d" & replace it as APP_JGIVE_DATE_FORMAT="%d-%m-%Y"How to make JGive compatible with Bootstrap 2 template?
Videos not working with JW Player for JGive version 2.0.4 and below
To make videos working
- Please install JGive 2.0.5
- Configure JWPlayer - linkOn campaign detail page "read more" link (modal popup) is not working correctly.
How to enable search functionality for JGive campaigns?
After this, while searching any phrases from Search module, also search the campaign from JGive.List of payment plugins in JGive which includes under free support.
-Pay By Check
-Pay By Purchase Order
-Alpha User Points
-JomSocial Points
2. Download the plugin files
3. Extract the zip folder joomla-payments-master.zip
4. Go to joomla-payments-master->code->plugin-> make zip and install the payment plugin which you want to use.
5. Afte completing the installation ->Extension ->Plugins ->Search the plugin which you have installed.
6. Configured it.
7. Go to site/administrator->components->JGive->click on 'Options' button-> Will redirect on JGive configuration page ->Payment tab -> Select the payment plugin 'Select payment gateway(s)' and save the configurationHow to delete Campaign reports?
How to configure to allow a Joomla manager to be able to perform this function and not just the Administrator?
Please follow the steps given below
1. Log in to the site backend as a superuser.
2. Go to components -> TJVendors -> Click on the Options button -> you will be redirected to Tjvendors Configuration page
3. Check Permission tab -> Manager -> Configured 'Access Administration Interface' as "Allowed"
4. Go to components -> JGive -> Click on the Options button -> you will be redirected to the JGive Configuration page
5. Check Permission tab -> Manager -> Configured 'Access Administration Interface' as "Allowed"
JGive FAQs