JGive: Setup and configuration
Where to find settings?
- In order to configure JGive on your system, go to JGive component main page on the backend.
- Click on 'Options' in the top right side as shown in the screenshot below.
- Clicking on options will open a pop-up window showing tabs which are described in next sections
General -> Integration settings
- Integrate with: Select community to integrate jGive with. For Joomla, CB, JomSocial, and Jomwall - user avatar, profile URLs and activity stream integration is supported.
- Fetch User profile pic from: http://en.gravatar.com/ - If you set this to 'Yes' then user profile pic fetched from http://www.gravatar.com
Force users to complete profile before creating a campaign: If you set this to 'Yes' then enter (in the textareas shown)
Where '*' indicates a required field for profile completion. Note that every mapping field is separated by a newline e.g.
city=city - Autofill jGive form fields from the selected community: When set to 'Yes', jGive will try to auto-fill form fields from corresponding user profile fields as defined in mapping field settings above.
Joomla fields mapping with jGive (In disabled textarea you will find available fields for mapping): This is needed for checking 'Profile competition' & for 'Auto filling form fields.
Where '*' indicates a required field for profile completion. Note that every mapping field is separated by a newline e.g.
city=city -
Jomsocial fields mapping with jGive (In disabled textarea you will find available fields for mapping): This is needed for checking 'Profile competition & for 'Auto filling form fields.
Where '*' indicates a required field for profile completion. Note that every mapping field is separated by a newline e.g.
city=city -
Community Builder fields mapping with jGive (In disabled textarea you will find available fields for mapping): This is needed for checking 'Profile competition' & for 'Auto filling form fields.
Where '*' indicates a required field for profile completion. Note that every mapping field is separated by a newline e.g.
paypal_email=email - EasySocial fields mapping with jGive(In disabled textarea you will find available fields for mapping): This is needed for checking 'Profile competition' & for 'Auto filling form fields.
Where '*' indicates a required field for profile completion. Note that every mapping field is separated by a newline e.g.
- Mapping fields for EasyProfile: This is needed for checking 'Profile competition' & for 'Auto filling form fields.
Where '*' indicates a required field for profile completion. Note that every mapping field is separated by a newline e.g.
General -> Campaign creation settings
- Select default country: Select default country to be used on 'Create campaign form' and 'payment form'.
- Select type of campaign types are allowed to be created: Select type of campaign types are allowed to be created.
- Turn on admin approval to publish or unpublished campaigns: When this is set to 'Yes', admin approval is needed to publish or unpublished a campaign.
- Hide selected fields on create campaign view: If you set 'Yes' then user selected fields will be hide on create campaign page.
- Select fields to hide on create campaign view: User selects the fields which he wants to hide on create campaign view.
- Hide selected fields on donation page: If you set 'Yes' then user selected fields will be hidden on dothe nation page.
- Select fields to hide on donation page: User selects the fields which he wants to hide on the donation page.
- Select fields to hide on campaign details page: User selects the fields which he wants to hide on campaign details page.
- Decide campaign duration in days instead of end date: If you set 'Yes' while creating campaign end date selection text box will be displayed to enter campaign period.
General -> Privacy Consent Settings
- Enable terms & conditions (T&C) for campaign creation: Enable the terms and conditions for the user while creating a campaign.
- T&C 'Joomla content article id' for 'Campaign creation': Enter 'Joomla content article id' for T&C for 'Campaign creation'. Enter 0 if you don't want to use T&C for 'Campaign Creation'.
- Enable terms & conditions (T&C) for donation/investment: Enable the terms and conditions for the donor while making a donation to the campaign.
- T&C 'Joomla content article id' for 'donation/investment': Enter 'Joomla content article id' for T&C for 'Donation / Investment'. Enter 0 if you don't want to use T&C for 'Donation / Investment'.
Media settings -> Image settings
- Enable image gallery - Set 'Yes' to enable image gallery. If yes then the user will be able to upload multiple images for the campaign.
- Maximum No. of images in image gallery- Set limit to maximum images allowed to upload for the campaign.
- Maximum Image size (in KB) - Put Maximum image size here in KB
- Small size campaign image width - Put Small size campaign image width in pixel
- Small size campaign image height - Put Small size campaign image height in pixel
- Medium size campaign image width - Put Medium size campaign image width in pixel
- Medium size campaign image height - Put Medium size campaign image width in pixel
- Large size campaign image width - Put Large size campaign image width in pixel
- Large size campaign image height - Put Large size campaign image width in pixel
Media settings -> Video settings
- Enable video gallery - If set 'Yes' It allowed campaign creator to upload video.
- Allowed video file types (extensions & please add only extensions which Jwplayer support) - Enter the video file types(extensions) that campaign creator allowing to upload.
- Maximum video file size (in MB) - Set limit to maximum video file size (in MB).
- Maximum No. of videos allowed to be uploaded - Set limit to maximum videos allowed to upload for the campaign.
Media settings -> Video thumbnail settings
- Enter Path where FFmpeg is installed/located - Enter Path where FFmpeg is installed
- Thumbnail storage path - Set Thumbnail storage path here.
- Thumbnail width - Set limit of Thumbnail width
- Thumbnail height - Set limit of Thumbnail height
Payment Settings
- Select payment gateway(s) - Select Payment Gateway(s) to be used.
- Enter currency - Enter currency to be used for all transactions for e.g USD.
- Currency symbol - Enter currency symbol for e.g. $.
- Enter amount display format(currency symbol to display before or after amount) - You can set currency, currency symbol before or after amount for e.g. To display $ 100 use {CURRENCY_SYMBOL}{AMOUNT}.
- Amount separator (available for donation amount only) - Enter amount separator for e.g ',', '.'
- Send payments directly to campaign promoter without charging any commissions ( works only with Paypal payment gateway ) - Send payments directly to Campaign Promoter without charging any commissions ( Works only with Paypal Payment Gateway).
- Commission fee (in percent) - Enter commission fee to be charged per transaction(in %). Commission set will be charged if only Send payments directly to campaign promoter without charging any commissions ( works only with Paypal payment gateway ) is set 'Yes'.
- Fixed commission (flat) - Enter fixed commission to be charged per transaction. The fixed commission will be the charge if only Send payments directly to campaign promoter without charging any commissions ( works only with Paypal payment gateway ) is set 'Yes'.
- VAT registration number for donor - Set 'Yes' to include VAT registration number in donor donation details form.
- Enable guest donations - Allow guest users to donate without registering to your site
- Enable recurring donation/investment - Set 'Yes' to allow recurring donation for a campaign (only for Paypal)
- Enable quick donation - In full payment flow, donor/investor will need to fill full details. If you want to avoid this overhead then this option.
- Set commission for campaigns created by user group
These are optional settings. These settings let you charge different amount of commissions for the campaigns created by different Joomla-user-groups
- Select user group to set commission % - Select user group to set commission % for campaign types donate/invest.
- Commission % on donation campaigns - Commission % on donation campaigns for selected user group.
- Commission % on investment campaigns - Commission % on investment campaigns for the selected user group.
Order id settings
- Enter prefix for order id - Enter the prefix to be used for all orders (donations/investments). e.g. 'JGOID'.
- Enter separator to use in order id - Enter the separator to be used in order id generation e.g. '-'.
- Use random number as a part of order id - Set if you want to use a random string in order id.
- Enter number of zeroes to be padded in order id (if required) - Set the number of zeroes to be used in order id generation if needed. Final order id may look like this - JGOID-XYG5F-000123
Where 'JGOID' is order prefix, '-' is separator, 'XYG5F' is random string, '000' are zeroes padded in order id
Email settings
- The email address for notifications - Enter a comma-separated email-ids to which all 'campaign and donation' related notification emails will be sent
Campaign settings
- Now site admin will able to hide the Campaign Activities, Campaign Reports on campaign detail as well as on dashboard page by using this configuration.
Paypal mass payment settings
- Minimum amount -The amount above which Mass payment should be used. It means, if you set it to 100 USD then your payout amount should be more than 100 USD.
- API username - Enter the username for Mass payment.
- API password - Enter the password for Mass payment.
- API signature - Enter the signature for Mass payment.
- Enable sandbox mode - Enable sandbox mode for Mass payment.
- API version - API version for Mass Payment.
Refer this link https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_batch-payment-overview-outside for more details on Paypal mass payments
Social sharing settings