Email Beautifier can only catch those emails that use Joomla's Native Email Class for sending emails. This is the case with most Joomla Extensions so most of your emails will be beautified. *Note: Email beautifier component just wraps the saved Email Beautifier template to the outgoing emails only. A component doesn't modify the outgoing mail content.
Joomailer uses a Plugin for giving the ability to use Amazon's STS Email service for transactional emails. If you are using this plugin & want to use the transactional mail service, a little coding is needed to be done in the STS plugin so that EB works. If you face this issue, let us know & we shall help you fix this. We shall be working with the Joomailer team so that this is resolved permanently soon.
Go to Components -> UddeIm PMS -> Click on "System" tab -> set "Mailsystem" to "mosMail"
Please follow the steps for this- Using these parameters, you can generate Advance URL while creating a template.
Email beautifier applies the template based on URL parameter like option, view, layout, task. Depending on your different URL parameters, you can create different Email Beautifier templates. While sending email, Email Beautifier compares current URL parameters and saved template's conditions, and the matched template will be used while sending the mail. *Note: Email beautifier component just wraps the saved Email Beautifier template to the outgoing emails only. The component doesn't modify the outgoing mail content.
Email beautifier applies the best template based on URL parameter like option, view, layout, task. Only these parameter will be considered while applying the template. To disable sending email from the system plugin And use Cron Jobs to send emails.
*Note: Email beautifier component just wraps the saved Email Beautifier template to the outgoing emails only. The component doesn't modify the outgoing mail content. Try on changing the Kunena forum settings as follows- Goto Kunena component -> Forum Configuration -> Users tab -> Subscriptions Set
For this, Go to Email Beautifier component-> Manage Templates-> new or edit template view, In the right hand, you can see all available replacement tags.
Yes, Email Beautifier can work that way. Create a new template but do not set it as default and set it only for one component. E.g. In the email template- - By default, advance condition checkbox is unchecked and condition field provides a multi-select list of components available on your site - Check advance option, if you want to enter a customized URLs. Enter each URL condition on a new line.
Template for - Forgot username mail URL Conditions => index.php?option=com_users&task=remind.remind Template for - Forgot password mail URL Conditions => index.php?option=com_users&task=reset.request Template for - New Account Details mail URL Conditions => index.php?option=com_users&view=registration index.php?option=com_users&view=featured Template for - Registration approval required mail - admin & Template for - Account activated mail - users URL Conditions => index.php?option=com_users&task=registration.activate NOTE: EB log file is located at your_site/components/com_emailbeautifier/eb.log.php You need to see log for related email to check what URL to use. Will Email Beautifier work with XXX Extension
Some extensions like Community Builder are known to use their own Library. So emails generated by such extensions cannot be beautified. I Use Joomailer MailChimp integration. Are my emails not getting Beautified?
How do make EB work with Uddeim PMS component?
That's it.
Now Uddeim PMS It will send emails via EmailBeautifier. How to identify URL parameters while sending the email ?
How does Email Beautifier work?
How to beautify the Jomsocial Emails?
So you have to use CronJob functionality for JOMSOCIAL instead of using the system plugin.
- GOTO-> Jomsocial-> configuration -> "site section" : Under this search for - "Cronjobs / Scheduled Task Process" subsection and Set "Send email on page load" to NO.For Kunena Component: When a notification is sent to more than one user from the same posting, the multiple templates is wrapped double around the eMail?
'Email to Multiple Recipients' to '5' or more
'Email Recipient Privacy' to 'BCC'Where can I find all available replacement "tags" like [SITELINK], [SITENAME] etc.?
I want to use Email Beautifier just for one component. When I only make one template and assign that one to the particular component, will the other mail templates for all the other components remain untouched?
Does Email Beautifier allows language constants to be changed in Email Beautifier template?
com_users conditions for different emails?