We are ecstatic to announce the release of JTicketing 2.0 - the fantastic event management extension for Joomla. Besides a host of new features, this release brings in a fresh new look and the release of some great ‘Infrastructure Extensions’ which empower this release in a big way! This is a major release. Make sure you read the release notes before you upgrade ! The AppCarvers team has also released a new version of the Event Manager’s app which you will need to upgrade to.
To celebrate this release, we are are offering a 15% discount on JTicketing Purchases. This discount is valid till 28th July 2017.
Buy Now | See the Updated Demo
Read on for the full list of features.
One of the key aims of JTicketing 2.0 was to bring forth a fresh new design on the lines of the one done on JGive. This release is the first to bring some of those fresh design elements in. Here are a few glimpses.
A picture is worth a thousand words and a video much more. Make your event pages speak to your audience in the best way possible using Photos & Videos.
We have improved the organisation and display of Event filters which come from the core as well as TJ Fields in a compact new interface besides a lot of under the hood changes to improve the integration.
Let your users have an insight into the latest Event updates at a glance. Event edits, media uploads, tickets bought automatically show up in the activity stream with special highlighting for media making your Event page more dynamic and catchy ! We have you covered for any Events created before the update and older activities be migrated over.
This release brings forth a tight jLike integration. When you Signup for an event, a Jlike todo is added automatically bringing in Support for reminders. Native jTicketing reminders will still work in this release but are deprecated and will be dropped in upcoming releases.
This release marks the introduction of TJ Vendors which will eventually power all our multi vendor extensions. For JTicketing customers of the earlier versions, it brings in a host of improvements to the multivendor workflows like the ability to Manage Vendor Logos & Information, a new backend interface for payouts management, Vendor specific fees management, Vendor payout reports and more.
As more of our extensions start using TJ Vendor you will be able to see more data in the centralised reports & also do ‘Multi Extension payouts’ in the future.
Email management is centralised & offers backend content editing for site admins for all emails generated by JTicketing. No more editing language files ! The integration of TJ Notifications lets you do all this with ease. Plus users can also control what notifications to receive.
In the earlier versions only the Admin was able to manage venues in the backend. With JTicketing 2.0 it's possible to let Event owners create their own Venues and decide if they will be public or private. Public venues can be used by anyone on the website if they are available in the event time slot.
Adobe Connect integration is upgraded in this release to take advantage of some additional APIs for faster reporting and better integration.
Now the Event details page gets action buttons to let users add the Event to their Google or Outlook calendar. A Get Directions button lets you directly launch google maps to guide the user on how to get there.
In the earlier versions it was very hard for a user to know if they already have tickets for an event. We have improved the UX such that this is clear on the Event details page and also offer a way for the user to buy more tickets if they wish to.
You can now switch on moderation for new Events. With this feature Admins will need to review any new events on the site before they go live.
Earlier you could only specify the Booking start and end dates. Now you can also specify the exact time.
A snazzy new dashboard lets the event owner get a quick view of key statistics about his event and also post updates about the same.
Jticketing 2.0 is a major release and a lot of the code has been rewritten from scratch. It also removes a lot of legacy code. It will pave the way to introduce new APIs in the future and some of them are already available in this version. You can read the updated developer documentation here.
Note that this release only supports Bootstrap 3 (Bootstrap 2 templates are not supported anymore) and owing to the major HTML structure changes any overrides will need to be redone by site integrators. This is a major release and introduces a lot of backward compatibility breaks. Make sure you read the release notes for list of breaks that could affect you as well as upgrade instructions.
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