Review & Rating

  1. From JLike v3.0.0 onwards we have introduced brand new Review & Rating feature deprecating the old one.
  2. This feature comes with the flexibility of defining multiple rating types for various content types (e.g. Article, Event, Course, Lesson).
  3. Also there are configurations for turning ON or OFF for every UI element of rating form-field along the ability to keep any field Mandatory or not as well
  4. By default DEFAULT_RATING type will be available with JLike installation. Admin can create any number of rating types.

How to integrate

  1. Import JlikeRatings class as JLoader::import("/components/com_jlike/includes/ratings", JPATH_SITE);
  2. Create object $JlikeRatings = new JlikeRatings;
  3. Call this function $JlikeRatings->display($element_id, $element, $url, $title = '', $ratingTypeCode = '');
  4. Above display() function's parameters:
    • $element_id is jlike content id (jlike_content table)
    • $element is jlike content element (jlike_content table)
    • $url is jlike content URL (jlike_content table)
    • $title is jlike content Title (jlike_content table)
    • $ratingTypeCode is jLike rating type code (UNIQUE IDENTIFIER) (jlike_rating_types table). If left blank then, it will show DEFAULT_RATING rating type form

Sample code to integrate with DEFAULT_RATING rating type (For Joomla Article) 

JLoader::import("/components/com_jlike/includes/ratings", JPATH_SITE);

$JlikeRatings = new JlikeRatings;

$articleLink = ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($this->item->slug, $this->item->catid, $this->item->language);

$JlikeRatings->display($this->item->id, 'com_content.article', $articleLink, $this->item->title);

Sample code to integrate with other rating types (For Joomla Article)

JLoader::import("/components/com_jlike/includes/ratings", JPATH_SITE);

$JlikeRatings = new JlikeRatings;

$articleLink = ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($this->item->slug, $this->item->catid, $this->item->language);

$JlikeRatings->display($this->item->id, 'com_content.article', $articleLink, $this->item->title, 'ANY_OTHER_RATING_TYPE');