Ad Types Supported in SocialAds

Ad Types Supported in SocialAds

Following are the types of ads that the advertiser or administrator can create based on who they are shown to & when they expire.

Non Targeted / Guest Ads : These ads are Paid ads that are NOT targeted. If you uncheck the targeting option, then the Advertiser skips the targeting section.

Social Targeted Ads :  Advertiser or administrator can target the user by their social profile.

Geo Targeted Ads :  Advertiser or administrator can target the user by their location

Contextual Targeted Ads :  Advertiser or administrator can create ads as per the site menus,  article content.

Unlimited Ads : Only Administrator can create these ads. Unlimited ads can be targeted as well as non targeted ads and  they do not expire i.e. they have unlimited credits.

Alternative Ads : Only the administrator can create these ads. These ads are shown when no other ad is available for a particular user. We recommend you to create a few alternative ads on your site so that the module space is not left blank.

Affiliate Ads : Only the administrator can create these ads. Administrator have to copy ad script from Google Adsense or any other Affiliate Ads server and copy it in the SocialAds, create ad view.